Releases: qaf-tm/qaf
QAF Release 3.0.0-beta-1
fix to Exclude phantomjsdriver in generated POM
QAF Release 2.1.15
Closed 2.1.15 milestone
#287 Updated license to MIT
Deprecated RestWSTestCase
use WSTestCase
New Features
- Support to add third party step finder service
- #276 Support to locate element using extJs
Provided additional locator strategies- extDom : to locate element by ExtJS dom query
- extComp : to locate element by ExtJS component query
- #301 Format meta-data with link
- #302 Enforce meta-data rules in dryrun
- Ensuring clear step mapping when populating steps mapping
- decreased report file name prefix max length from 50 to 45 char
- Moved meta data related method to MetaDataScanner
- Code improvement to process outline for data driven scenario without
- support to trigger element listener on find element command
- #23 Support JSON report for multiple XML suite in single run
- #123 Added comment for CDN.
- #275 - support of JQuery locator strategy to find child element
- #277 Support to have custom step provider class object factory
Bug fixes
- #241 Capabilities with driverName prefix should take effect with custom driver
- #242
set through default element data doesn't take effect - #243 Issue with Time Duration at Test Level
- #249 ResultUpdator not awaiting for completion When groups include/exclude used in xml configuration file
- #250 null pointer exception when test method from class in default package
- #256 Exception when feature file is empty or all statement commented
- #257 Scenario not parsed by Gherkin and BDD2 Factory when additional details provided after Feature Keyword
- #269 BDD2 - Examples - Blank/Empty data is not being executed
- #278 Runtime exception when test method has
annotation - #300 Scenario outline in bdd2 should work without Examples keyword
QAF Release 2.1.15-beta-3
#287 License switch from GPL to MIT
QAF Release 2.1.15-beta-2
2.1.15.beta.2 Closed #277 Support to have custom step provider class object factory
QAF Release 2.1.15-beta-1
updated pom template.
QAF Release 2.1.14
releasing #2.1.14 Closed milestone
QAF Release 2.1.14-RC3
- Updated JSON library version to latest
Bug Fixes
- #203 sendkeys command uses encrypted password instead of decrypted
version - Fixed issue with findElement and findElements with type argument methods
in component, moved it formQAFWebCompont
- #231 When https.accept.all.cert property set to false, then QAF
- #212 meta-data with parameters should get reflected with value in qaf report
- #38
New Features:
#185 support to provider xml file for xml data provider
#180 added intercepter support
- While generating Map data from different data provider considering blank values to null.
- Taking control over data-providers even if it is custom data-provider
- Data provider implementation enhancements
- For data driven test accepting method argument of type Map<String, Object>
- For data driven test in java, You can have one or more data bean or complex class object in method argument, QAF will convert data to required type. Few examples:
public void myDataDrivenTest(Map<String, Object> data){
@QAFDataProvider(dataFile="resources/testdata.txt", filter="testCaseId.equalsIgnoreCase('${method}'")
public void TC_12345(Map<String, Object> data){
@MetaData("{'testCaseId ':12345}")
@QAFDataProvider(dataFile="resources/testdata.txt", filter="testCaseId.==${testCaseId}")
public void myDataDrivenTest(Map<String, Object> data){
public void myDataDrivenTest(LoginBean user, Item item){
@MetaData("{'from':2, 'to':5}")
public void myDataDrivenTest(Integer a, Boolean b, String s){
@MetaData("{'from':2, 'to':5}")
public void myDataDrivenTest(Integer a, Boolean b, String s){
//assuming my-custom-dp returns Iterator<Map<String,Object>> having "age"
public void myDataDrivenTest(Integer a, String s, Boolean b){
- Added filter support
- Added unit test cases
- Updated
StringUtils.parseCSV(String, char[])
to return array of objects
Filter support:
- Can filter records returned by data provider with logical expression. To support filter with custom data-provider, data-provider must return List of Map.
- indices support
- start and end index support by providing to and from as meta-data
With any data provider that returns List of Maps, you can have meta-data with meta-data-key "filter" to apply filter on data set returned by the data-provider.
Filter must represent logical expression that returns true or false. You can use map key as context variable and test meta-data as parameter. For example you test data has "first-name", "last-name", "age" and "country", you can have expression that filters records for age above 18 as below:
filter="country.equalsIgnoreCase('India') && age>18"
You can use test case meta-data, method name as "method" and class name as "class" as parameters, Another example of using test case meta-data in filter assuming test case meta-data has meta-data "testCaseID" and test data has "ID".
Updated CSV, XML and Excel data provider to return objects instead of Strings
CSV (character separated values):
- returns array of Objects instead of array of Strings.
- support of quoted string values: both
are supported
to represent stringabc
. Quoted string will eliminate use of escape
char for separator char, for example with,
as separator char: instead
ofabc\, def
you can provide (and preferred) as"abc, def"
- support industry standard comma separated values with quoted string.
As per RFC 4180 CSV implementation leading or trailing spaces are
trimmed (ignored), fields with such spaces as meaningful data must be
quoted. Double quotes are not allowed in unquoted fields according to
RFC 4180. - Cleaned up old data-providers
QAF Release 2.1.14-RC2
QAF Release 2.1.14-RC1
QAF Release 2.1.13
New Features
- #171 Support to have encripted password
- #168 Support to specify default webelement implementation
- #160 Timeout support in BDD Scenario
- Default element listener for password field and element scroll behavior
- Support of @Inject annotation in step library class
- Added support for custom by
- Page identifier support in Test page
- #131 Ability to teardown driver by name
- Support to provide default element meta-data using property
- Support to allow all certificates and ignore host name verification for web-services using property
- Disabled Delimiter Parsing for xml configuration
- Web service request entity logging
- Added methods in DatabaseUtils to support multiple database
Bug Fixes
- #173 Gherkin data-driven with Examples
- #169 With long bdd scenario name, not able to open captured images on windows
- #159 Checkpoints and command log not available in report for test case with timeout
- #158
- #154 Not able to override step.provider.pkg property for data driven scenario
- #153 result file generation for scenario name with some special characters is not working
- #139 Optional parameter in step
- #108 exclude capture screen shot for web-service failure
- Fixed element not found exception from isPresent called by element from component