diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4d4197f..a821ada 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Creates a new heatmap generator with the default configuration values and the sp
Render the heatmap to the given *context*, which may be either a [selection](https://github.com/d3/d3-selection) of containers (either HTML, SVG or G elements) or a corresponding [transition](https://github.com/d3/d3-transition). Reads the data for the heatmap from the datum property on the container. This data should be in the following format:
height: 0.99, // height of the cell
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Render the heatmap to the given *context*, which may be either a [selection](htt
-D3 soccer provides two layouts to convert data to this format: # grid() and # rectbin().
+D3 soccer provides two layouts to convert data to this format: d3.grid() and d3.rectbin() .
@@ -197,3 +197,41 @@ If _f_ is specified, dragging an action's marker will trigger execution of _f(da
# scoreline.score([score])
# scoreline.clock([clock])
+# d3.grid()
+Constructs a new default grid layout, which can be used to generate data for the heatmap.
+# grid(values)
+Evaluates the grid layout on the specified 2d array of *values*, returning a 1d array corresponding to the data format required by the heatmap.
+# d3.rectbin()
+Constructs a new default rectbin layout, which can be used to generate data for the heatmap.
+# rectbin(points)
+Evaluates the rectbin layout on the specified array of *points*, returning an array of rectangular *bins*. Each bin is an array containing the bin’s points, as well as some additional properties which are required by the heatmap.
+Bins that are empty are not omitted. The origin bin at ⟨0,0⟩ is in the top-left.
+# rectbin.x([accessor])
+If *accessor* is specified, sets the *x*-accessor function and returns the rectbin layout; if *accessor* is not specified, returns the current *x*-accessor function, which defaults to `function(d) { return d[0]; }`.
+# rectbin.y([accessor])
+If *accessor* is specified, sets the *y*-accessor function and returns the rectbin layout; if *accessor* is not specified, returns the current *y*-accessor function, which defaults to `function(d) { return d[1]; }`.
+# rectbin.dx([dx])
+If *dx* is specified, sets the horizontal bin size to the specified value. If *dx* is not specified, returns the current value, which defaults to 0.1.
+# rectbin.dy([dy])
+If *dy* is specified, sets the vertical bin size to the specified value. If *dy* is not specified, returns the current value, which defaults to 0.1.