Note: this was divided into 2 files because it was getting too long.
Hexagonal Architecture (aka ports and adapters), DCI, BCE are all architecture structures that have this common set of characteristics (they vary a little in their details):
- Independent of frameworks
- Testable: business rules are testable without the UI, the DB, the web server, and any other external element.
- Independent of the UI: The UI can change easily with no impact to the business rules. The UI can easily be replaced.
- Independent of the database
- Independent of external agents: The business rules don't know anything about interfaces to the outside world.
The clean architecture is an attempt at integrating all these architectures in to a single actionable idea:
Next we will explore different aspects of this idea.
Source code dependencies must point only inward, toward higher-level policies.
- Nothing in an inner circle can know anything about something on an outer circle.
- Data formats declared in an outer circle should NOT be used by an inner circle (especially if those formats are generated by a framework in an outer circle).
Entities encapsulate enterprise-wide application-independent Critical Business Rules. An entity can be an object with methods, or it can be a set of data structures and functions.
The are at the highest level. No operational changes to an application (e.g. visual or security changes) should affect this layer.
- If you work in an enterprise with different applications, entities can be used by many different applications.
- If you are only working with a single app, entities are the business objects of the app.
They are application-specific business rules. We do expect certain changes to the operation of the software (particularly on how it is used) to cause changes in this layer.
They control the dance of the Entities
and also use the Data Access Interfaces
to fetch the data used by those Entities into memory from
the Database
. See the
Use Cases (Application-specific Business Rules)
for more details.
They are responsible for converting data from the format most convenient for the use cases and entities, to the format most convenient for some external agency such as the database or the web.
This layer fully contains the UI-MVC: presenters, views-models and controllers.
Interaction with the use cases:
- On the way into the use cases: controllers pass data into the use cases wrapped into some data structures whose interface is determined by the use case layer and implemented by the interface adapter layer.
- On the way out of the use cases: presenters wrap data returned by the use case and adapts it to the view.
Converts data from the form most convenient for entities and use cases, to the form most convenient to whatever persistence mechanism is being used (e.g. the database).
- Nothing inwards from this layer know about the database.
- If the database is relational, the SQL code is restricted to this layer.
- E.g. repositories go in this layer implementing an interface determined at the use case level.
Similar than from the DB, this layer converts the data from the form that is convenient to the external service, to the form that is convenient to the use cases and entities.
- Contains things like the actual database or the web framework.
- We dont generally write much code in this layer since most of the components are libraries.
- Perhaps the only code we need to write is some glue code to communicate to the circles inwards.
Yes, you may find you need more layers for you software. The Clean Architecture Layers are meant to be schematic. However, the dependency rule still applies: higher-level things go on the inside and dependencies should only point inwards.
The diagram above shows an example on how to cross the boundaries. Note the usage of Dependency Inversion to ensure that source code dependencies always point to higher-level layers. Also note that the source code dependency direction is independent from the flow of control (aka flow of execution) direction.
Data crosses boundaries in simple data structures. All of these forms are acceptable:
- Structs.
- Simple data transfer objects (e.g. value objects).
- The data can simple be the arguments in function calls.
- Data packed into hashmaps (aka Ruby hashes).
The data should always be in the form that is most convenient for the inner circle (higher-level layer).
Common violations of these are:
- Passing Entity objects (TODO: Clarify with some examples).
- Having the DB framework pass some sort of automated "row structure" created as a result of a query into the use case (e.g. pass in active record objects into the use cases).
Note: This section is not en the book. However, Mr. Martin makes reference to this in different parts of the book.
There is an inherent tradeoff between how easy a project is to change and maintain and it's simplicity. This in turn translates into a tradeoff between the Cost of Implementing VS Ignoring Boundaries.
Chapter 25 - The Cost of Implementing VS Ignoring Boundaries gives some high-level guidance on how to use a cost-driven approach to determine which boundaries need to be there, which can be partially implemented and which can be ignored. However, we offer some practical guidelines on the types of projects that tend to benefit from implementing The Clean Architecture VS the types of projects for which it is over-engineered and ends up hurting them.
- Long running multi-year projects that should be able to keep up with technology changes (e.g. changes databases or frameworks).
- Projects that need to support multiple I/O devices (e.g. web, console and desktop).
- The project needs to be worked on by multiple teams of developers (e.g. 4+ teams).
- When you think you might need to evolve your decoupling mode into
Service Level / Service / Microservice decoupling
but you want to deffer that decision as much as possible.
- This service level decoupling desire should be driven by data of which use cases are used more or are expensive that warrant independent deployment and scalability.
- You are dealing with a domain that has a high inherent complexity to it.
- Your project will be subject to a lot of change and you are unsure what that changes will be.
- The stakes of getting it wrong are high.
Note that we can apply the Clean Architecture idea to parts of the system to protect business rules from things that are likely to change. What is likely to change depends on your business. For example, we could protect the business rules from the UI with a strict boundary but accept that the changing the backing database is unlikely and therefore we can tolerate a less strict partial boundary.
- Simple CRUD web-based systems.
- On domains with little inherent business complexity.
- The project will ever be worked on by a single small team.
- The system will not require much change after it is created and released.
- The team is not skilled enough or convinced enough. You may want to run workshops to upskill them but ultimately, if there is no team buy in, this can cause frustration.
The diagram below shows how the clean architecture could be used in the context of a request response cycle of a database backed web application.
Uncle Bob explains how this works clearly in the book:
The Controller packages that data into a plain old Java object and passes this object through the InputBoundary to the UseCaseInteractor. The UseCaseInteractor interprets that data and uses it to control the dance of the Entities. It also uses the DataAccessInterface to bring the data used by those Entities into memory from the Database. Upon completion, the UseCaseInteractor gathers data from the Entities and constructs the OutputData as another plain old Java object. The OutputData is then passed through the OutputBoundary interface to the Presenter.
The job of the Presenter is to repackage the OutputData into viewable form as the ViewModel, which is yet another plain old Java object. The ViewModel contains mostly Strings and flags that the View uses to display the data. Whereas the OutputData may contain Date objects, the Presenter will load the ViewModel with corresponding Strings already formatted properly for the user. The same is true of Currency objects or any other business-related data. Button and MenuItem names are placed in the ViewModel, as are flags that tell the View whether those Buttons and MenuItems should be gray.
This leaves the View with almost nothing to do other than to move the data from the ViewModel into the HTML page.
Note that this example assumes that we want to maintain strict architectural boundaries between the layers and therefore represents an ideal case. In Chapter 24 - Partial Boundaries, Uncle Bob discusses the cost of maintaining strict boundaries and offers some ways of introducing less strict boundaries that could become strict if needed.
The code below contains a possible pseudo-code implementation of the architecture above.Only the parts that can cause confusion are shown, the others I think are fairly obvious.
Note that this code is only schematic. These are a couple of things to consider when reading this code:
- The classes could be decoupled further by using dependency injection
Abstract Factories
among other patterns. As with everything with software, whether you want to use these other techniques or not... it depends on your situation. - The code below assumes that the
is the entrypoint to all view-related logic and that it is capable of rendering the html templates. There are benefits to this approach. However, most web frameworks like Rails make the controller actions determine which html template needs to be rendered.- In this case, the controller code changes slightly. See the discussion about option#1 and option#2 on this Stack Overflow post for more information about these approaches.
- The names of the classes were selected to match the diagram. In a real application, this names will match concepts from the domain.
public void controllerAction(Params params) {
// Typically pre-configured and injected into the controller
// Shown here for clarity
Presenter presenter = new Presenter();
Repository repository = new Repository();
UseCase useCase = new UseCase(presenter, repository);
InputData inputData = new InputData(name:, email:;
// This assumes that the injected presenter takes care of rendering the view.
useCase.doSomething(inputData); // Usage of the input port
interface UseCaseInputPort {
public void doSomething(InputData inputData);
interface UseCaseOutputPort {
public void present(OutputData outputData);
class UseCase implements UseCaseInputPort {
private Repository repository;
private Presenter presenter;
public UseCase(Repository repository, UseCaseOutputPort presenter) {
this.repository = repository; // Implements Data Access Interface
this.presenter = presenter;
// Use Case Input Port
public void doSomething() {
Data data = this.repository.getData();
Entity entity = new Entity(data);
Integer someResult = entity.someBusinessRule();
OutputData outputData = new OutputDAta(someResult);
// #present is the Use Case Output Port
class Presenter implements UseCaseOutputPort {
public void present(OutputData outputData) {
String formattedDate = formatDate(;
// ... other formatting
ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel(date: formattedDate);
render 'some/template', viewModel
private String formatDate(Date date) {
// ... formatting
class ViewModel {
public ViewModel(OutputData outputData) {
// basically holds strings and booleans flags
This pattern helps us identify and protect architectural boundaries. The Clean architecture extensively uses the Humble object pattern to do just this.
Starting with code that is very hard to test (like a GUI), the pattern makes the thing that is hard to test as dumb as possible (i.e. humble) by pulling out things that are easy to test into a separate class.
For example, a GUI can be split into a presenter and a view (a form of Humble object) that is very dumb. This makes it very easy to test all the GUI content via the presenter without actually having to render the GUI. The view is so dumb that it is not even tested automatically.
format everything and dump the result of that formatting
into a View Model
data structure that contains Strings, boolean flags
and enums.
These are some things that the Presenter
places into the View Model
stringified dates, stringified currencies, currency color, labels for
buttons, if buttons should be disabled or not, menu items, names for
every radio button, check box and text fields, tables, etc...
The View
only loads data from the view model.
Note: in practice, this seems very hard and impractical to implement
without library assistance. It would require some Presenter-View Model-View
library to help reduce the amount of boilerplate code that
this will create.
They go in the Database Gateway layer and are in service of
implementing the Data Access Interface
required by the Use Case.
Only a dumb data structure whose format is defined by the use case layer
crosses the boundary. Needles to say, this data structure object does
not carry any further connection to the database.
They follow a similar structure to Database Gateways.
Fully-fledged strict architectural boundaries result the creation of a
lot of interfaces
and data structure
classes to maintain. Sometimes,
this can be judged as too complex or too expensive to build in light of
the specifics of the project. See
the next chapter
for more information of when to use these.
For those cases, we might want to introduce a Partial Boundary. A partial boundary allows us to reduce the complexity (in terms of number of files) but ideally still leaves room to upgrade to a strict boundary if needed.
Note that all partial boundaries are open to degradation if developers are not disciplined. Therefore, there might be some work required to upgrade it to a strict boundary.
Note that as a general rule of thumb, code from outer layers should be compromised with partial boundaries first.
Uncle Bob offers 3 examples of how to introduce partial boundaries. There are many more ways.
Of the 3 techniques offered, this is the one that compromises the least in terms of boundary strictness.
It is basically doing all the coding work to achieve true Source Level Decoupling but not taking the step into Deployment Level Decoupling.
Source Level decoupling is significantly cheaper than deployment level because there is no multi-package version tracking or release / build management burden.
However, since the code is still in the same project, it is easy for developers to weaken the boundary by making source code imports that cross the boundaries in the wrong direction.
This is better explained through an example. Imagine we are implementing
a ListAllUsers
use case.
In a strict implementation that separates both vertical and horizontal
layers, we would declare a ListAllUsersDataAccessInterface
requires the implementation of #listUsers
. In turn, we would create a
that implements ListAllUsersDataAccessInterface
actually makes the query to the DB. So far we have 3 files.
Now imagine we also want to create the ListAllAdminUsers
use case. In
a strict implementation, this will result in another interface and
another repository files to be created.
We now have 6 files in total (not counting tests). This is perfect vertical separation, but a lot of code to maintain.
We could reduce the number of files by for example keeping the interface
declaration separate but declaring a single UsersRepository
implements all interfaces.
Vertical separation is lost and moving into deployment level decoupling is no longer immediately possible. However, it shouldn't be too hard to refactor out back into vertical slices if needed.
We can reduce the file number even more by avoiding the interfaces altogether. However, the compromises here are larger and the risk of losing control of the boundary is also higher.
See Chapter 33 - Case Study: Video Sales for a practical example of this partial boundary.
In Part III, we saw how Facades can be used to reduce the cognitive load of having to deal with many small classes.
The next diagram shows that that pattern can be used to introduce a partial boundary. It also comes with the compromise of boundaries being crossed in the wrong direction and risk of losing control of the boundary.
This chapter shows an example of how Clean Architecture thinking can be applied to a simple game that has increasingly complex requirements and how that leads to discovery of potential boundaries that didn't look apparent.
The points being made here are:
- Even for simple programs, we can come up with many architectural boundaries everywhere if we try hard enough.
- Software architecture has an unfortunate inherent trade-off between the cost of implementing boundaries VS the cost of ignoring them.
- Implementing a strict boundary when the software is simple and the boundary could be ignored is costly and leads to over-engineering.
- Implementing a boundary after we have ignored one is costly and risky. Also, permanently ignoring one where it is needed makes the project costly to maintain and change.
- So what do we do? We weigh the costs and risks of implementing vs ignoring to determine where architectural boundaries lie, which should be strict, which can be partial and which can be ignored.
- Note that this is not one time decision. As the project evolves, we
watch what things are causing friction in the development and
maintainability and could use a boundary.
- Our goal is to implement the boundary at the point where the cost of implementation is less than the cost of ignoring.
In every system, there is at least one component that creates, coordinates, and oversees the others. I call this component
Under the Clean Architecture, Main
is the outer-most layer and is
the lowest-level plugin to the application. This layer is not depicted
in the diagram shown in
Chapter 22 - The Clean Architecture.
The job of Main
- Create all Factories, Strategies and other global facilities, then hand over control to the high-level portions of the system.
- The dependency injection framework should inject dependencies into
. ThenMain
should distribute those dependencies just using code (without a framework).
Since main is a plugin, it is possible to have many Main
one for each configuration of your app. For example:
another forTest
and another forProduction
.- One
for every deployment region of your business.
This chapter expands on the ideas exposed in
Chapter 16 - Vertical and Horizontal Layers and Independence
but purely focused on services (i.e. a service-level decoupling mode). I
recommend you read that chapter first.
Service-oriented "architectures" and microservices have become popular recently due to 2 reasons:
- Services seem to be strongly decoupled from each other. As we shall see, this is only partially true.
- Services appear to support independence of development and deployment. Again, as we shall see, this is only partially true.
Services are really a Decoupling Mode, not an architecture in itself.
- Sometimes services are architecturally significant. This happens when a well defined architectural component has been decoupled as a service.
- Applications can have ill-conceived services, where they do not have architectural relevance. In these cases, the system is polluted with expensive network calls between undefined boundaries (e.g. distributed monoliths).
- Services *don't have to be architecturally relevant. There are legitimate reasons to have code running in independent services. This chapter only focuses on services that are architecturally significant.
The point is, the services do not define the architecture.
One of the supposed benefits of breaking a system into service is its strict decoupling which enforces no shared memory and well defined interfaces between services.
This is only partially true:
- Separate services can still be coupled by the structure of the data they pass to each other. If a field is added to a record in one place, all other services get that data passed in need to change. Also, the meaning of each data field in each service needs to be the same (conceptual coupling).
- Services that share a database are coupled by both the schema and the "shared memory" that the data represents.
- The benefits of strictness of network interfaces are true, but this is also true for function calls that have been given the correct visibility attributes.
The points above also mean that the idea of independent development and deployment are also only partially true. For example, if services A and B share the database or the data format that is passed, when Service A changes the database schema, then Service B needs to change and the deployment needs to be coordinated.
A naive strategy for deciding how to divide a system into independent services is divide them by function (aka functional decomposition). For example, in a ride-sharing application like Uber, the engineers could create the following microservices:
- Ride Finder Service: keeps the inventory of all possible rides.
- Ride Selector Service: Selects the best ride for the user given its constraints on location, cost, time, luxury, etc.
- Ride Dispatcher Service: Once selected, orders the ride.
This type of decomposition is that it is a "purely horizontal"
division and completely ignores
the vertical layers
that are based on use cases.
The problem with this division is that it is very hard to change in light of cross-cutting feature changes (changes that require to touch everything from the UI to the DB). For example, if the Uber marketing team now wanted the business to offer delivery of small parcels (something conceptually very similar to delivering people), the engineering team would be forced to modify every single microservice. Even worse, they face the risk of breaking the people delivery part of the business while working on the parcel delivery part.
A solution to the problem before is to divide services by vertical layers (Use Cases or groups of Use Cases) and have each service contain contain all functional concern it needs (all the horizontal layers).
The horizontal layers within each service are separated by architectural boundaries and follow the dependency rule.
Note that doing this requires the code to be divided vertically very early on. If you are in a situation where you already have microservices divided by functional decomposition, transforming the system to microservices by vertical decomposition might be impossibly expensive to do. However, not all hope is lost.
If you already are in a situation where your system has microservices divided by functional decomposition, there are still things you can do to make it easier to change in the light of cross-cutting changes. The next diagram summarises the idea.
Tests are part of the architecture of a system. The good news is that from the point of view of the architecture, unit tests, integration tests, behaviour tests...etc... all look the same. They all are detailed, low-level components that always depend inward to the code being tested. In a way, tests are the outermost circle of the clean architecture.
Testing should be part of the considerations when designing a system. Not considering tests as part of the design is a mistake that leads to fragile tests that are expensive to maintain and often end up getting discarded.
Fragile test problems occur when tests depend on volatile things (like the GUI) to test stable things. For example, writing GUI driven tests to test business rules can cause many use case tests to break when unrelated changes in the GUI happen.
To avoid these problems, design the system and the tests so that business rules can be tested without using the GUI (or other volatile things). The way Uncle Bob recommends to do this is to create a testing API that has "superpowers". These super powers include avoiding security constraints, bypassing expensive resources such as databases and allow developers to force the system into particular testable states.
Uncle Bob claims that having the test suite structurally map the production code (e.g. one test file for every class and tests for every public method) is problematic.
Structural coupling of tests makes the production code hard to change because the tests must change to follow the structure.
Over time, structural coupling limits the necessary independent evolution that tests and production code should undergo: Tests suites should naturally become more concrete and specific over time, whereas production code should naturally become more abstract and general.
It is not uncommon for embedded software to be denied a potentially long life due to being infected with dependencies on hardware.
Firmware is software that is tightly coupled to the hardware it runs on. This coupling results in the need to re-write when the hardware changes.
Hardware changes at a very fast pace. To shield businesses from this, firmware engineers should be writing more software (code that has been isolated from the hardware it runs on) and less firmware.
A general software good practice is:
- “First make it work.” You are out of business if it doesn't work.
- “Then make it right.” Refactor the code so that you and others can understand it and evolve it as needs change or are better understood.
- “Then make it fast.” Refactor the code for “needed” performance.
Many engineers stop at "making it work" (aka the app-titude test) and never go beyond that.In embedded software in particular, often 1 and 3 are done together and 2 is never considered.
There are many special concerns that embedded developers have to deal with that non-embedded developers do not—for example, limited memory space, real-time constraints and deadlines, limited IO, unconventional user interfaces, and sensors and connections to the real world.
Yes, embedded software has to run in special constrained hardware. However, embedded software development is not SO special; the principles of clean architecture still apply.
In embedded systems, you know you have problems when you can only test your code on the target hardware (as opposed to being able to test the business rules of your code independent of the hardware). This is known as the target hardware bottleneck problem. A clean embedded architecture is a testable embedded architecture.
The rest of this chapter explains some rules for creating clean embedded architectures that follow the general ideas of the book (no new content is introduced).
I recommend you read the chapter if you are interested in how the clean architecture ideas look in the embedded software world.