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Hariom Dixit H-Dixit
Currently learning python.


Jean-François Roy jfroy
@NVIDIA working on GFN. Previously @google and @apple. New dad, training for Half-IRONMAN and gaming in my spare time. My opinions are my own.

@NVIDIA San Francisco, CA

Jon Bradley rabbitear
Linux geek since 1997 - basic hacker.

Anchorage, AK

Cedric douyixuan
A slow walker. Dream to make a big difference one day.


Ellen Teapot asmallteapot
418 i’m a teapot

@apple Vancouver, BC

Jento JentoP
Graphic designer, developer, pc-technician and logistic assistant


Andrew Bennett AndrewBennettDev
Software engineer with a passion for building things. I love robotics and electronics, home lab, and learning new things

EasyVote Solutions

Jack Stirzaker jackstirzaker

@TwentyEightFortyFour United Kingdom


United States

Alberto Fontana AlbertoFontana25
Truth can only be found in one place: the code

@jforma-org Verona, Italy

Fabio Molliet fmolliet
Coding in: Javascript πŸš€ Java β˜• Typescript πŸ›°οΈ Docker 🐳 Rust πŸ¦€

will bank Brazil

Trevor Rose GalacticPrez
I'm just this guy ... you know?

Open Empire Foundation Australia



Two branches diverged in a repo. And sorry I could not commit to both And be one contributor, long I stood And looked at one as long as I could To where ...


Eduardo Miranda borisdvlpr
cloud developer



Portland, OR

Alessandro Venditti rrredbeard
Professional procrastinator.

@sourcesense Rome, Italy

JGB JaaGaaBar
male [ 110100 111001 110110 ]


Open Source Construction OpnSrcConstruction
I am a free-software advocate, learning to build cool stuff with Comunity maintained tools. I use Ubuntu, Python, BASH-byobu, git, ssh, & many more community to


Eric Lounsberry lounsberry
Support Administrator, coding noob.

Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Sunset Mikoto SunsetMkt
Lead Programmer of @Sunset-Edu-Tech-Group. English & Chinese.

@Sunset-Edu-Tech-Group Japan

Gerard Braad gbraad
Manager, Software Engineering - Principal Software Engineer @RedHatOfficial | #FOSS & IT Consultant @gbraadnl

@RedHatOfficial, @redhat-developer, @crc-org, @containers, @jkubeio, @gbraadnl, @minishift, @gbraad-redhat Remote (global)

Adam McNight McNight
iOS/macOS @ ProtonVPN

Paris, France

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.