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Ian Roque laurentroque
Astrophysics graduate student at the University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Steven Gough-Kelly steventgk
Astrophysics researcher studying barred galaxy secular evolution through simulation and observations.

University of Central Lancashire Preston, UK

Tianao Li Lukeli0425
CS PhD student @ Northwestern Previously EE undergrad @ Tsinghua

Northwestern University Evanston, IL

René Parlange parlange
PhD student in Computer Science | Machine Learning for Astrophysics
Sindhu Satyavolu sindhusatyavolu
PhD student at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

TIFR Mumbai India

José.G.Fernández-Trincado Fernandez-Trincado
Associate Professor

Universidad de Atacama Chile

Mariana MarianaJBr
Postdoc at the Computational Cosmology Group of CFT PAS, focusing on Cosmology with emphasis on LSS, cosmic web, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity

Polish Academy of Sciences

Charles Bell CharlesBell
Programming since high school.

H47 Vicksburg Vicksburg

Matt Wiesner mpwiesner
I am an associate professor of physics at Benedictine University. I work on several astrophysics and cosmology projects.

Benedictine University Lisle, IL

Arash Bahramian bersavosh
I'm an astrophysicist, interested in accreting systems containing black holes and neutron stars.
Christopher Carroll MightyCristof
Astronomer. Dungeon Master. Nerd.

Washington State University Pullman, WA

Nicolás González Figueroa nagonzalezf
Electrical Engineering senior degree student, UCSC

Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Concepción, Chile

Amir E. Bazkiaei bazkiaei

Macquarie University Sydney, Australia

Megan Sosey sosey
Scientist, Developer, space enthusiast

Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, MD

Lilianne Nakazono marixko
Postdoc researcher @ IFUSP

IF-USP Brazil

Marcelo C. Lucas marcelolucas11
Astrophysics student UFRGS
Valerio Carruba valeriocarruba

UNESP Guaratingueta, SP, Brazil

Hui Kong DriftingPig

The Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Luis Eduardo Cantero Valadez LuisEduardoCantero

Universidad de Guanajuato Guanajuato

Melissa DeLucchi delucchi-cmu
Software Engineer with LINCC at CMU.


Cassandra Lejoly clejoly

Spacewatch The University of Arizona

Samuel Wyatt swyatt7
I am a Support Scientist at NASA-GSFC

Tucson Arizona