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Konstantin W. kdev
Just a dev from Germany doing things while breaking stuff. Currently studying applied computer science.

@LEDBrain, sometimes @LSS-Manager Düsseldorf, Germany

Sebastian Lammering slammering

CDI AG | Part of Hyand Dortmund

Scartz Scartzz
Hi, if you are interested in what I am doing here, or if you have questions about some of the projects, just write to me.

@mt-ag Germany

Okan Celik ocelik94
Crafting robust software landscapes through innovation in DevOps

CGI Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG Germany

Fabian Latz fabianlatz
B. Sc. Computer Science (KoSI) @ Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da)

@mt-ag Frankfurt am Main

Moritz Sanden mosanden
Infrastructure and Automation‎‎ ⚙️ ‏‏‎Student in Business Informatics 👨‍🎓

@mt-ag Germany


@mt-ag Germany