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Why do I need to deploy Gruntwork Pipelines (the ECS deploy runner) in multiple accounts? #669

Answered by brikis98
brikis98 asked this question in Help
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Gruntwork Pipelines is highly configurable and flexible and can be used for a variety of use cases where a CI / CD pipeline needs to do an action that requires sensitive (e.g., admin) permissions. How many copies of Gruntwork Pipelines—of the ECS Deploy Runner (EDR) component—you need depends on the use case.

The most common use cases are:

  1. Building Docker images and AMIs as part of a CI / CD pipeline. For this use case, it's enough to have a single copy of EDR in one AWS account, as we support configuring your AMIs and Docker images to be accessible from multiple accounts. For the AMIs, you do this by configuring your Packer build to share the AMIs with other accounts: e.g., our Packer b…

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Feb 22, 2023
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Answer selected by brikis98
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