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Christian Vaughn ChristianVaughn
Backend Software Engineer Tinkering with local training rules for neural networks in my free time. Making a cool Halo Infinite customs browser at @Unggoy1


Universe Su sty945
Write the code,change the world!

Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China

Samidu Nimsara samidunimsara
Hacker | Bounty Hunter | Red Teamer


anijack anijackich
Python Developer & InfoSec Enthusiast, part-time Backend Developer


Aidar Zinnatullin aidar-zinnatullin
PostDoc at RPTU (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)

University of Kaiserslautern-Landau

Pwnzzz 💀 fckoo
⚠Just your ordinary wanna be sec person, CTFer 🚩 🐱‍👤


E.Z. Hart hartez

CodeWise LLC Broomfield, CO

Teddy enigmatwtj
( •̀ ω •́ )✧


Denys Nosov denysdesign
Designer, Front-End and Back-End Developer. CEO and Coordinator Community Joomla! Ukraine, member Joomla! Translation Team.

Joomla! Ukraine Kiev, Ukraine

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Senior Software Engineer

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Venus Vyper987
Just a girl interested in Web Development, Machine Learning, and Infosec.


Theocharis Triantafyllidis theocharistr
Solutions Engineer, Masters in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Autonomous Systems

Pfizer Greece

elek 0elek
no more
Mozafar kabaros Khartoum / Glasgow

Luca Lucatonello
Full-Stack web developer
August Miller AugustMiller

@oof-bar Portland, OR