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LightHouse Keeper hflynn
Keep a light on for me in the Birdhouse of your Soul. Teo Torriatte. She/her

Aunty_Effies_Pearls_of_Wisdom Planet Earth

Jon Poulton jonapoul
Android Software Engineer
Laura Beaufort lbeaufort
Tech Lead and campaign finance expert at the Federal Election Commission.


Hameez Iqbal Hameez10
Hello there. I am Hameez Iqbal. I am a Computer Science student at Toronto Metropolitan University.
PhD. candidate in Economics at University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain. Interests in political economy, media and NLP.

Barcelona, Spain

Doug Parry dougaparry

Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch, South Africa

Michelle Bennett michellejanay
Full Stack Developer | Data Engineering Enthusiast

Birmingham, UK

Len Metson lenmetson
PhD Political Science student @ LSE Government

LSE - London School of Economics London