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+# RFC: Dynamism 101
+Status: Under review
+Initial version: 7/4/2023
+Last updated: 7/4/2023
+Discussion thread: [openxla-discuss](https://groups.google.com/a/openxla.org/g/openxla-discuss/c/HJRvFBum65k/m/7QtJxgB9AQAJ).
+## Summary
+This RFC aims to leverage existing support for dynamism in the StableHLO
+dialect, discuss improvements to the existing design and then formalize the
+improved design in the StableHLO opset. To that end, this document proposes
+the following:
+* [(P1) Move TensorFlow-specific operations out of StableHLO](#p1).
+* [(P2) Ratify the existing convention for shape mismatches constituting undefined behavior](#p2).
+* [(P3) Ratify the existing convention for relaxed constraints already implemented in the StableHLO dialect](#p3).
+* [(P4) Enable shape-dependent dynamism for all size-related program elements but keep all axis-related program elements static](#p4).
+* [(P5) Represent shape computations as StableHLO operations on variadic 0-dimensional tensors and drop support for unranked dynamism](#p5).
+These proposals address a considerable chunk of community feedback on the
+existing design, but some feedback is deliberately left out of scope for this
+RFC to enable incremental progress while areas which require additional
+alignment are developed in parallel. See sections
+["Community feedback"](#community-feedback) and
+["Out of scope"](#out-of-scope) for details.
+## Existing design
+This is an RFC that affects the entirety of the StableHLO opset, and there are
+multiple groups of operations which are affected differently. Taking into
+account all these operations appropriately was quite laborious, but
+[the StableHLO Ops spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rvhxQMFUtCZ5DsY6X0_lJOCg9rVO2MdyeZlRorsc0UI/edit?resourcekey=0-5gMjnlkXDL6hCntv2yltaQ#gid=0)
+was a big help. Referring to this spreadsheet will likely help in reviewing this
+RFC as well.
+Before beginning, let's align on terminology. In discussions around MLIR, it is
+fairly conventional to use the word "dimension" ambiguously - to refer to either
+an actual dimension or the size of a dimension. Most of the time, the exact
+meaning of the word "dimension" is clear from the context, but sometimes it's
+ambiguous. For example, it is not obvious whether
+`mlir::ShapedTypeComponents::getDims` returns dimension numbers or dimension
+sizes (for what it's worth, it is the latter - it returns dimension sizes).
+To avoid ambiguity, this document will be using the following terminology:
+* **Dimension numbers** (or **axes**) to refer to actual dimensions,
+ e.g. "`tensor<16x?xf32>` has two axes".
+* **Dimension sizes** (or **sizes**) to refer to sizes of dimensions,
+ e.g. "`tensor<16x?xf32>` has the following dimension sizes: 16 and unknown".
+* Unqualified "dimension" will not be used at all.
+By the virtue of being bootstrapped from MHLO, the StableHLO dialect already
+has support for **dynamism within types**:
+* **Unbounded dynamism**: In a tensor type, some or all dimension sizes may be
+ unknown (aka "dynamic"). In MLIR syntax, these dimension sizes are expressed
+ via question marks.
+* **Bounded dynamism**: The same but some of dynamic dimensions sizes may have
+ known upper bounds. In MLIR syntax, these dimension sizes are expressed via
+ question marks, and bounds are expressed via `#stablehlo.bounds`.
+* **Unranked dynamism**: In a tensor type, rank may be unknown. In MLIR
+ syntax, this fact is expressed via asterisks.
+// Static shapes:
+// All dimension sizes are known.
+%0 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg1 : tensor<16x16xf32>
+// Unbounded dynamism:
+// First dimension size is unknown (?).
+// Second dimension size is known (16).
+%1 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg1 : tensor
+// Bounded dynamism:
+// First dimension size is unknown (?), but its bound is known (16).
+// Second dimension size is known (16), so its bound is N/A (?).
+%2 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg1 : tensor>
+// Unranked dynamism:
+// The rank is unknown (*).
+%3 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg1 : tensor<*xf32>
+Similarly, the StableHLO dialect already has support for **dynamism within
+operations**, with some ops such as PadOp having dynamic counterparts such as
+DynamicPadOp. For example:
+// "vanilla" PadOp:
+// low, high and interior paddings are implemented via MLIR attributes,
+// i.e. they are static.
+%0 = stablehlo.pad %arg0, %arg1, low = [1, 1], high = [1, 1], interior = [0, 0]
+ : (tensor<16x16xf32>, tensor) -> tensor<20x20xf32>
+// DynamicPadOp:
+// low, high and interior paddings are implemented via MLIR operands,
+// i.e. they are dynamic.
+%1 = stablehlo.dynamic_pad %arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4 :
+ : (tensor, tensor, tensor<2xindex>, tensor<2xindex>, tensor<2xindex>) -> tensor
+Finally, dynamism (both within types and within operations) creates new
+opportunities for errors. For example, the semantics of elementwise operations
+like `add` are only defined when inputs and outputs have the same shape.
+For the static shape case, this can be checked **at compile time** (i.e. before
+the execution of the StableHLO program). However, when dynamism is involved,
+this can only be checked **at run time**.
+If some operation doesn't make sense at run time because some unknown ranks
+and/or unknown dimension sizes turned out to be incompatible with the operation
+and/or with each other, an error condition called **"shape mismatch"** occurs.
+In order to guard against shape mismatches, StableHLO programs may employ
+**shape checks**.
+## Community feedback
+The current design of dynamism in MHLO and StableHLO has been practically
+useful. There are success stories of it connecting JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
+to a number of compilers, in a mix of research and production environments.
+However, this design can be improved. Over the years of using this design in
+practice, the community has provided the following feedback which is summarized
+below (see [#8](https://github.com/openxla/stablehlo/issues/8) for the full
+ **(F1)** Unranked dynamism introduces considerable complexity to
+StableHLO, but the only user of unranked dynamism in StableHLO/MHLO
+appears to be TensorFlow's KernelGen toolchain, and KernelGen can encapsulate
+handling unranked dynamism in a different layer. Unranked tensors shouldn't be
+needed in StableHLO.
+ **(F2)** Having different code paths for producing/consuming
+static and dynamic ops (e.g. PadOp vs DynamicPadOp in the example above) is a
+testing/maintenance/cognitive burden.
+ **(F3)** Dynamism within operations is modelled inconsistently.
+Some ops have two versions (e.g. PadOp and DynamicPadOp), some ops have three
+versions (e.g. SliceOp, DynamicSliceOp and RealDynamicSliceOp), and some ops
+don't have dynamic versions even though there are use cases for them (e.g.
+ **(F4)** Specifying dynamic sizes as 1-dimensional tensors
+introduces considerable complexity because many adjacent abstractions and
+typical shape computations operate in terms of scalars. The tensor
+representation is needed to support unranked dynamism, but since unranked
+tensors shouldn't be needed in StableHLO (see above), shape tensors shouldn't be
+needed either.
+ **(F5)** Shape computations are an essential part of dynamic
+programs, and there are currently multiple approaches to doing these
+computations in StableHLO programs. Some of these approaches involve only
+operations from the StableHLO dialect, some of these approaches use operations
+from other dialects including `arith` and `shape`. This inconsistency affects
+user experience (producers are uncertain which approach to use, consumers are
+uncertain which approaches to support) and presents compatibility issues
+(StableHLO project can only provide compatibility guarantees for the StableHLO
+ **(F6)** Dimension numbers and dimension sizes are modelled
+inconsistently. For example, PadOp represents paddings as arrays of `i64`.
+However, DynamicPadOp takes all sorts of paddings - tensors of `index`,
+tensors of `i32`, tensors of `i64`, etc.
+ **(F7)** There is alignment on shape mismatches being undefined
+behavior, but there are multiple schools of thought on how this undefined
+behavior should be guarded against (use `shape` dialect, use asserts, don't do
+ **(F8)**. Even though StableHLO dynamism is used fairly actively,
+it is not reflected in the StableHLO specification. As a result, dynamism
+semantics and especially constraints are underspecified.
+ **(F9)**. It is important for StableHLO programs to be hardware
+agnostic. As such the importance of having machinery which can refine dynamic
+programs into static programs for compilation for backends that require static
+shapes is of high important.
+## Out of scope
+This RFC aims to address a considerable part of community feedback on the
+existing design of dynamism in MHLO and StableHLO, but some feedback is
+deliberately out of scope because further discussion is needed to obtain
+alignment in the corresponding areas.
+ **(O1)** There is promising related work on alternative
+representations for dynamism, e.g. involving symbols and formulas in modeling
+dynamic sizes rather than representing dynamic sizes as question marks. These
+representations are more expressive than the design proposed in this RFC, and
+they have the potential to solve the problem of shape mismatches, to convey
+additional information to consumers improving overall performance, etc.
+However, this is a very new area for the OpenXLA stack, so a considerable
+amount of design exploration will be needed before these ideas can be turned
+into concrete proposals. Meanwhile, this RFC is focused on making design
+improvements which have been already socialized within the community.
+ **(O2)** Shape computations are considerably improved by this RFC,
+but not all of the feedback from [F5](#f5)/[F6](#f6) is addressed.
+More specifically, this RFC proposes to represent shape computations as
+StableHLO operations on 0-dimensional tensors, which is a practically important
+simplification for StableHLO programs and their producers/consumers.
+However, interoperability with other dialects, including `arith` and `shape`
+which are oftentimes used by the community for shape computations, is out of
+scope, and [P5](#p5) goes into details about the rationale.
+ **(O3)** Working out a common solution for shape checks would be
+nice. Per [F7](#f7), there are multiple incompatible approaches, so a common
+solution would result in a simplification of the overall stack.
+However, based on author's experience, alignment in this area requires
+non-trivial effort (different approaches have different benefits, plus they have
+limited interoperability), so this is left for future work.
+ **(O4)** Shape inference is an essential part of the StableHLO
+dialect, and dynamism non-trivially affects it by complicating the API (without
+dynamism, almost all ops can unambiguously infer their output types from their
+inputs; with dynamism, this is not the case) and complicating the implementation
+(checking constraints become more involved).
+Much of this is already implemented in the StableHLO dialect (e.g. verifiers and
+shape functions already support dynamism in a fairly robust manner, although
+some open questions still remain), but formalizing this area is left for future
+work, because that would require formalizing the general notion of shape
+inference which represents a significant amount of work.
+ **(O5)** [Value inference](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/cc71ba69fa9d25a21009b6e377f3dc3d1323aa6c/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/value_inference.h)
+is an algorithm implemented in the XLA compiler. It "analyzes values in XlaOp
+answers following questions: 1) What's the upper-bound of each value in a
+tensor, 2) What's the lower-bound of each value in a tensor, 3) What's the
+constant value of each tensor, 4) Whether or not each value in a tensor
+is dynamic". This algorithm is used in the TF/XLA bridge to automatically
+compute bounds for bounded types in HLO programs.
+Similarly to shape inference, this area is out of scope for this RFC.
+From the implementation standpoint, value inference is currently not available
+for the StableHLO dialect, but this may change in the future depending on
+community feedback.
+ **(O6)** Shape specialization is a practically important problem
+because not all consumers support dynamic shapes. In the StableHLO repository,
+there are `--stablehlo-refine-shapes` and `--stablehlo-canonicalize-dynamism`
+passes which address this problem. Furthermore, based on a semi-formal proof and
+the experience with JAX native serialization, the author believes that these
+passes are guaranteed to fully specialize dynamic StableHLO programs which only
+involve shape polymorphism and have static arguments to static StableHLO
+However, similarly to formalizing shape inference, formalizing shape
+specialization is a significant amount of work which is not on the critical
+path to [StableHLO v1.0](../docs/roadmap.md), so it is left for future work. In
+the meantime this refinement machinery and verification which ensures that
+programs are refinable will be made available to frameworks and hardware teams.
+Per the feedback in [F9](#f9), this RFC aims to only support shape dependent
+dynamism. Anything beyond shape dependent dynamism will be left to future RFCs.
+ **(O7)** Unifying dynamic and static op definitions was initially
+proposed in this RFC, but per reviewer feedback has been taken out of scope.
+There are several operations in the StableHLO dialect which provide dynamic
+versions of existing StableHLO operations. For example, `PadOp` defines
+`edge_padding_low`, `edge_padding_high` and `interior_padding` as static
+attributes, whereas `DynamicPadOp` has the same contract except that those
+arguments are dynamic values. Unifying these ops may be nice, but prior to that
+significant investigation to determine the usability of unified ops, as well as
+the impact of having unified ops on DRR users needs to be investigated. In this
+RFC [F2](#f2) remains unaddressed.
+## (P1) Move TensorFlow-specific operations out of StableHLO
+**Baseline:** The MHLO and CHLO dialects have been initially co-designed with
+the TensorFlow dialect, the MLIR-based TF/XLA bridge and TensorFlow's
+[KernelGen toolchain](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tools/kernel_gen).
+This has been inherited by the StableHLO repository when the StableHLO dialect
+was bootstrapped from MHLO and the CHLO dialect was moved to the StableHLO
+As a result, there are 2 StableHLO ops (`compute_reshape_shape` and
+`cstr_reshapable`) as well as 4 CHLO ops (`dynamic_reshape`,
+`minimum_broadcast_shapes`, `rank_specialization_cluster` and
+`rank_specialization_cluster_yield`) which appear specific to TensorFlow, i.e.
+it looks like they are only used in [legalize_tf.cc](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/cf2e180455065ce718b1c5328014dd953b1fddc9/tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tf2xla/transforms/legalize_tf.cc)
+and [rank_specialization.cc](https://github.com/tensorflow/mlir-hlo/blob/cb944f56130eab16b746e680772305b006743006/mhlo/transforms/rank_specialization/rank_specialization.cc)
+passes within the TensorFlow ecosystem. This specific nature of these ops does
+not meet the bar for inclusion in the StableHLO repository.
+**Proposal:** This RFC proposes to immediately remove these 6 operations from
+their current dialects and move them into a new dialect called `chlo_legacy`.
+StableHLO [doesn't guarantee](../docs/compatibility.md#out-of-scope)
+compatibility for these operations (see the "Unspecced features" clause).
+However, this RFC proposes to provide compatibility guarantees on exceptional
+basis given that they don't appear to involve a lot of work. More specifically,
+the proposal is to keep the `chlo_legacy` dialect in the StableHLO repository
+for 6 months from the date of its creation and only then remove it.
+## (P2) Ratify the existing convention for shape mismatches constituting undefined behavior
+**Baseline:** As mentioned in [F7](#f7), there is broad consensus that shape
+mismatches in StableHLO operations should constitute undefined behavior, i.e.
+that guarding against shape mismatches should be made a producer responsibility.
+This has been a subject of many informal conversations as well as one of the
+discussion items
+[at the StableHLO dynamism breakout session](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1fGqq8Tcebhcwq1KJqAZPDgXksRdqRvM2)
+during the OpenXLA Dev Summit in April 2023.
+**Proposal:** This RFC proposes to ratify this convention as a StableHLO design
+principle, so that the folklore consensus becomes codified in the StableHLO
+**Discussion:** A) The rationale for this proposal is that lower-level
+abstractions (e.g. HLO or Linalg) typically don't want to concern themselves
+with shape checks - they are focused on generating high-performance code, so
+they want shape checks to be handled at a higher level, i.e. at StableHLO
+or above.
+Furthermore, different producers have different requirements and different
+preferences for expressing shape checks (e.g. JAX's type system enables it to
+need fewer checks than TensorFlow's type system), so a specific way of
+performing shape checks don't look like something that should be standardized
+at the StableHLO level either.
+B\) From the implementation standpoint, this proposal would involve updating
+[the "Errors" section](../docs/spec.md#errors) of the specification, and
+changing the StableHLO dialect to implement the `ConditionallySpeculatable`
+interface, prohibiting speculation for StableHLO ops that involve dynamism
+## (P3) Ratify the existing convention for relaxed constraints already implemented in the StableHLO dialect
+**Baseline:** At the moment, the StableHLO dialect supports
+[relaxed constraints](https://github.com/openxla/stablehlo/blob/8993ad54839add6648b88801f1d223b7f9bc2e58/stablehlo/dialect/Base.cpp#L102-L120)
+that were inherited from the MHLO dialect. For example, the code below is valid
+in the StableHLO dialect:
+func.func @main(%arg0: tensor, %arg1: tensor<1xf32>) {
+ %0 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg0 : (tensor, tensor) -> tensor
+ %1 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg0 : (tensor, tensor) -> tensor<1xf32>
+ %2 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg1 : (tensor, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor
+ %3 = stablehlo.add %arg0, %arg1 : (tensor, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
+ %4 = stablehlo.add %arg1, %arg0 : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor) -> tensor
+ %5 = stablehlo.add %arg1, %arg0 : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor) -> tensor<1xf32>
+ %6 = stablehlo.add %arg1, %arg1 : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor
+ %7 = stablehlo.add %arg1, %arg1 : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
+ func.return
+More formally, these relaxed constraints generalize the constraints that are
+already documented in the StableHLO specification. If a constraint for a
+specific operation cannot be evaluated at compile time because it involves an
+unknown rank or an unknown dimension size, it gets deferred until the run time
+of the operation. If at that point the constraint fails, a shape mismatch
+occurs, and [P2](#p2) discusses what should happen in that case.
+// Static case - constraints I1-I5 and C1-C4 can be evaluated at compile time.
+%0 = stablehlo.pad %arg0, %arg1, low = [1, 1], high = [1, 1], interior = [0, 0]
+ : (tensor<16x16xf32>, tensor) -> tensor<20x20xf32>
+// Dynamic case - constraints C2 and C4 cannot be evaluated at compile time.
+// C2 depends on rank(operand) which is unknown.
+// C4 depends on shape(operand) and shape(result) which are both unknown.
+// These constraints are deferred until run time.
+%1 = stablehlo.pad %arg0, %arg1, low = [1, 1], high = [1, 1], interior = [0, 0]
+ : (tensor<*xf32>, tensor) -> tensor
+// Dynamic case - constraints C3 and C4 cannot be evaluated at compile time.
+// C3 depends on the value of interior_padding which is unknown.
+// C4 depends on a number of shapes and values which are all unknown.
+// Note that C2 can be evaluated at compile time - even though the values of
+// edge_padding_low, edge_padding_high, interior_padding and operand are
+// unknown, their size and rank are actually known.
+%2 = stablehlo.dynamic_pad %arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4 :
+ : (tensor, tensor, tensor<2xindex>, tensor<2xindex>, tensor<2xindex>) -> tensor
+**Proposal:** A) This RFC proposes to ratify this convention as a StableHLO
+design principle, given that: I) it allows the flexibility for producers to mix
+static and dynamic elements in StableHLO programs at their convenience (which
+has been proven to be practically useful, e.g. for JAX native serialization),
+II\) it has a concise formulation that is demonstrably sound (it only affects
+constraints, and no constraints are disregarded - they just move from compile
+time to run time).
+B\) From the implementation standpoint, this proposal would involve updating
+[the "Notation" section](../docs/spec.md#values) of the specification, and
+auditing the existing verifiers and shape functions in the StableHLO dialect to
+identify specification compliance issues, update [status.md](../docs/status.md)
+accordingly and file
+[Specification Compliance](https://github.com/orgs/openxla/projects/9) tickets.
+## (P4) Enable shape-dependent dynamism for all size-related program elements but keep all axis-related program elements static
+**Baseline:** The StableHLO dialect has inherited a considerable degree of
+support for dynamism from the MHLO dialect. All MLIR operands can have dynamic
+shapes, almost all MLIR results can have dynamic shapes and many
+size-related MLIR attributes have dynamic counterparts.
+1\) As far as MLIR results go, for 7 operations in the StableHLO dialect -
+`BroadcastInDimOp`, `ConstantOp`, `InfeedOp`, `IotaOp`, `RecvOp`, `ReshapeOp`
+and `RngBitGeneratorOp` - the static shape of the results is "load-bearing",
+i.e. allowing dynamic shapes there would not make sense as is. Operations that
+do not have "load-bearing" result shapes can infer result shapes with static
+operand shapes.
+// Static result type - makes sense.
+%0 = stablehlo.broadcast_in_dim %arg0, dims = [0] : (tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1x2xf32>
+// Dynamic result type - doesn't make sense as is.
+// How does the operation know what result to produce? 1x1xf32? 1x2xf32? etc.
+// Resolving this would need an additional argument - see below.
+%1 = stablehlo.broadcast_in_dim %arg0, dims = [0] : (tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1x?xf32>
+2\) As far as MLIR attributes go, there are 9 operations in the StableHLO
+dialect which have size-related attributes (operations are grouped together
+using the categories from
+[the StableHLO Ops spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rvhxQMFUtCZ5DsY6X0_lJOCg9rVO2MdyeZlRorsc0UI/edit?resourcekey=0-5gMjnlkXDL6hCntv2yltaQ#gid=0)
+, operations from the Dynamism category are analyzed below, operations from the
+Not in HLO category are not included because they are on their way out of the
+StableHLO dialect):
+* Data Movement: `DynamicSliceOp`, `GatherOp`, `PadOp`, `ScatterOp`,
+ `SliceOp`.
+* Miscellaneous: `FftOp`.
+* Reduction: `ConvolutionOp`, `ReduceWindowOp`, `SelectAndScatterOp`.
+Furthermore, there are 18 operations in the StableHLO dialect which have
+axis-related attributes (some of these operations overlap with the operations
+from the previous section):
+* Data Movement: `BroadcastInDimOp`, `ConcatenateOp`, `GatherOp`, `ReverseOp`,
+ `ScatterOp`, `SortOp`, `TransposeOp`.
+* Distribution: `AllGatherOp`, `AllToAllOp`, `ReduceScatterOp`.
+* Elementwise: `MapOp`.
+* Miscellaneous: `BatchNormGradOp`, `BatchNormInferenceOp`,
+ `BatchNormTrainingOp`, `IotaOp`.
+* Reduction: `ConvolutionOp`, `DotGeneralOp`, `ReduceOp`.
+3\) Finally, there are 7 operations in the StableHLO
+dialect which provide dynamic versions of existing StableHLO operations:
+`DynamicBroadcastInDimOp`, `DynamicConvOp`, `DynamicGatherOp`, `DynamicIotaOp`,
+`DynamicPadOp`, `DynamicReshapeOp` and `RealDynamicSliceOp`. Not all StableHLO
+operations have dynamic counterparts, e.g. there is no `DynamicReduceWindowOp`.
+Per the feedback in [F9](#f9), this RFC proposes to support shape-dependent uses
+of these operations, which are refinable to be used by the entire StableHLO
+ecosystem. In PyTorch and JAX, only shape-dependent uses of these operations
+exist. Meaning, the the dynamic operand value to specify the result shapes is a
+computation of the shape of on another operation. With this principle all
+StableHLO programs with dynamism are refinable to static programs by providing
+concrete input types. A refinement verification pass will be offered to ensure
+in frameworks that a generated program is shape-dependent / refinable.
+// The StableHLO dialect resolves the conundrum mentioned in the previous
+// example by providing a dynamic version of BroadcastInDimOp which takes
+// the shape of the result as an operand.
+%0 = stablehlo.dynamic_broadcast_in_dim %arg0, %arg1, dims = [0] :
+ (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<2xi64>) -> tensor<1x?xf32>
+Overall, as mentioned in [F3](#f3) and further elaborated above in this section,
+dynamism within operations is modelled inconsistently. Some ops have two
+versions (e.g. PadOp and DynamicPadOp), some ops have three versions (e.g.
+SliceOp, DynamicSliceOp and RealDynamicSliceOp), and some ops don't have dynamic
+versions even though there are use cases for them (e.g. ReduceWindowOp).
+**Proposal:** This RFC proposes to address the inconsistencies in the existing
+support for dynamism in StableHLO summarized in
+["Status of dynamic versions"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rvhxQMFUtCZ5DsY6X0_lJOCg9rVO2MdyeZlRorsc0UI/edit?resourcekey=0-5gMjnlkXDL6hCntv2yltaQ#gid=335520762&fvid=75321273)
+by establishing a concise design principle:
+1) If a program element is related to sizes, then it should be possible
+ to express it both statically and dynamically.
+2) If a program element is related to axes, then it should only be possible
+ to express it statically.
+**Discussion:** A) This proposal builds on a broad consensus to treat dimension
+sizes dynamically and axes statically, which has come up both in informal
+conversations and at the OpenXLA Dev Summit.
+For 1), there's already a significant precedent to provide both static and
+dynamic representations - which started in HLO and continued in MHLO
+(plus, we have several feature requests from JAX:
+[for ConvolutionOp](https://github.com/openxla/stablehlo/issues/1268),
+[for FftOp](https://github.com/openxla/stablehlo/issues/1366),
+[for ReduceWindowOp](https://github.com/openxla/stablehlo/issues/1258) and
+[for RngBitGeneratorOp](https://github.com/openxla/stablehlo/issues/1344)).
+This RFC proposes to extend this predecent to the entire opset, with the
+rationale that the burden of adding a few extensions that were not previously
+supported or requested (for ConstantOp, for InfeedOp and for RecvOp) is smaller
+than the burden of having to define and maintain carveouts in the specification.
+For 2), the proposal is to keep them static because: A) there doesn't seem
+to be precedent or feature requests to make them dynamic, B) when this topic
+came up with several StableHLO consumers, there was considerable pushback since
+that would considerably complicate code generation.
+B\) From the implementation standpoint, this proposal would involve updating
+[the "Types" section](../docs/spec.md#types) of the specification to extend
+the definition of `TensorType` to express **dynamism within types** and
+accommodate both unbounded and bounded dynamism (but not unranked dynamism -
+see [P5](#p5) for details).
+However, this section doesn't provide an opinion on what representations should
+be used to express **dynamism within operations**. As mentioned in [F2](#f2),
+the existing design where static ops like `PadOp` are accompanied with dynamic
+ops like `DynamicPadOp` has some drawbacks, which are denoted in [O7](#o7) as
+out of scope for this RFC.
+## (P5) Represent shape computations as StableHLO operations on variadic 0-dimensional tensors and drop support for unranked dynamism
+**Baseline:** The StableHLO dialect represents sizes as 1-dimensional tensors,
+with static sizes expressed as `DenseI64ArrayAttr` and dynamic sizes
+expressed as `1DTensorOf<[HLO_DimensionValue]>`.
+class PadOp ... {
+ // This is how static sizes are represented in TableGen:
+ // DenseI64ArrayAttr:$edge_padding_low
+ // DenseI64ArrayAttr:$edge_padding_high
+ // DenseI64ArrayAttr:$interior_padding
+ DenseI64ArrayAttr getEdgePaddingLow();
+ DenseI64ArrayAttr getEdgePaddingHigh();
+ DenseI64ArrayAttr getInteriorPadding();
+class DynamicPadOp ... {
+ // This is how dynamic sizes are represented in TableGen:
+ // HLO_DimensionTensor:$edge_padding_low
+ // HLO_DimensionTensor:$edge_padding_high
+ // HLO_DimensionTensor:$interior_padding
+ TypedValue getEdgePaddingLow();
+ TypedValue getEdgePaddingHigh();
+ TypedValue getInteriorPadding();
+As mentioned in [F5](#f5), shape computations in StableHLO programs produce
+these 1-dimensional tensors using one of several approaches, including ops from
+Arith, Shape, StableHLO as well as other dialects. E.g. addition of dimension
+sizes can be represented via `stablehlo::AddOp`, `arith::AddIOp`, `shape::AddOp`
+and in a few other ways.
+Furthermore, as mentioned in [F4](#f4), using 1-dimensional tensors introduces
+considerable complexity because typical shape computations operate in terms of
+scalars. As a result, in code that constructs dynamic StableHLO ops, it is not
+unusual to encounter computations on 0-dimensional tensors whose results are
+then reshaped to 1-dimensional tensors and then concatenated together
+**Proposal:** The RFC proposes to standardize on representing shape computations
+as StableHLO operations working 0-dimensional tensors, changing from using a
+single operand of `tensor` to using `N` operands of `tensor`. More
+specifically, the proposal is to:
+1) Affirm that only shape computations that use StableHLO operations are
+ supported in StableHLO portable artifacts (this can be changed in future
+ RFCs, but is out of scope for this one).
+2) Use `Variadic<0DTensorOf>` instead of
+ `HLO_DimensionTensor` in the StableHLO dialect.
+3) Drop support for unranked dynamism in StableHLO.
+def StableHLO_DynamicPadOp ... {
+ let arguments = (ins
+ HLO_Tensor:$operand,
+ HLO_Tensor:$padding_value,
+ Variadic<0DTensorOf>:$edge_padding_low,
+ Variadic<0DTensorOf>:$edge_padding_high,
+ Variadic<0DTensorOf>:$interior_padding
+ );
+In terms of a shape computation in a program, the following example roughly
+correlates to CHLO's broadcasting of unbounded dimensions. Currently there are
+additional `reshape` and `concatenate` operations that can be avoided by
+changing to use 0D tensor values in shape computations.
+CHLO `broadcast_add(tensor, tensor)`` with output shape
+specified using 1D tensors:
+func.func @same_rank_broadcast_1D(%arg0: tensor, %arg1: tensor) -> tensor {
+ %0 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg0, dim = 0 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %1 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg0, dim = 1 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %2 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg1, dim = 0 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %3 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg1, dim = 1 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %4 = stablehlo.reshape %0 : (tensor) -> tensor<1xi32>
+ %5 = stablehlo.reshape %1 : (tensor) -> tensor<1xi32>
+ %6 = stablehlo.reshape %2 : (tensor) -> tensor<1xi32>
+ %7 = stablehlo.reshape %3 : (tensor) -> tensor<1xi32>
+ %8 = stablehlo.concatenate %4, %5, dim = 0 : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32>
+ %9 = stablehlo.concatenate %6, %7, dim = 0 : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32>
+ %10 = stablehlo.maximum %8, %9 : tensor<2xi32>
+ %11 = stablehlo.dynamic_broadcast_in_dim %arg0, %10, dims = [0, 1] : (tensor, tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor
+ %12 = stablehlo.dynamic_broadcast_in_dim %arg1, %10, dims = [0, 1] : (tensor, tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor
+ %13 = stablehlo.add %11, %12 : tensor
+ return %13 : tensor
+The same computation with output shape specified using a variadic number of
+0D tensors:
+func.func @same_rank_broadcast_0D(%arg0: tensor, %arg1: tensor) -> tensor {
+ %0 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg0, dim = 0 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %1 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg0, dim = 1 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %2 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg1, dim = 0 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %3 = stablehlo.get_dimension_size %arg1, dim = 1 : (tensor) -> tensor
+ %4 = stablehlo.maximum %0, %2 : tensor
+ %5 = stablehlo.maximum %1, %3 : tensor
+ %6 = stablehlo.dynamic_broadcast_in_dim %arg0, shape = [%4, %5], dims = [0, 1] : (tensor, tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor
+ %7 = stablehlo.dynamic_broadcast_in_dim %arg1, shape = [%4, %5], dims = [0, 1] : (tensor, tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor
+ %8 = stablehlo.add %6, %7 : tensor
+ return %8 : tensor
+**Discussion:** A) This proposal reduces the expressiveness of shape
+computations in StableHLO, since it removes the capability to pass around
+shapes of dynamic size. Based on the conversations with StableHLO/MHLO users,
+support for unranked dynamism appears to be the only usage of this capability.
+As mentioned in [F1](#f1), the only user of unranked dynamism in StableHLO/MHLO
+appears to be TensorFlow, and TensorFlow can encapsulate handling unranked
+dynamism in a different layer, so overall this proposal looks like an
+improvement - it does require a non-trivial refactoring in one user, but in
+return it simplifies the StableHLO specification and implementation for
+everyone. The ops of concern in TF are `StridedSlice`, `Reshape`, and `Squeeze`,
+and it appears that interop between these ops and StableHLO is not required.
+B\) As discussed in [O2](#o2), the community is oftentimes using other dialects,
+including `arith` and `shape`, for shape computations. These dialects can be
+used with StableHLO programs, but there are interoperability issues which could
+be improved if: I) StableHLO used scalars instead of 0-dimensional tensors,
+II\) StableHLO used `index` instead of allowing integer and index types.
+However both of these changes need a significant amount of work, so they
+are not included in this RFC. I) requires extending the StableHLO opset with
+scalar operations, which involves defining semantics for these operations within
+StableHLO programs and getting buy-in from producers to support them. This is a
+fairly novel notion for the StableHLO ecosystem, so some further design
+exploration is needed here. II) is conceptually straightforward but will need
+updating a lot of code.