diff --git a/docs/zh_cn/01-how-to-build/windows.md b/docs/zh_cn/01-how-to-build/windows.md
index 2c1c1bf3ad..6cce71998c 100644
--- a/docs/zh_cn/01-how-to-build/windows.md
+++ b/docs/zh_cn/01-how-to-build/windows.md
@@ -5,14 +5,8 @@
- [安装构建和编译工具链](#安装构建和编译工具链)
- [安装依赖包](#安装依赖包)
- [安装 MMDeploy Converter 依赖](#安装-mmdeploy-converter-依赖)
- - [安装 MMDeploy SDK 依赖](#安装-mmdeploy-sdk-依赖)
- - [安装推理引擎](#安装推理引擎)
+ - [安装推理引擎以及 MMDeploy SDK 依赖](#安装推理引擎以及-mmdeploy-sdk-依赖)
- [编译 MMDeploy](#编译-mmdeploy)
- - [编译选项说明](#编译选项说明)
- - [编译安装 Model Converter](#编译安装-model-converter)
- - [编译自定义算子](#编译自定义算子)
- - [安装 Model Converter](#安装-model-converter)
- - [编译 SDK 和 Demos](#编译-sdk-和-demos)
- [注意事项](#注意事项)
@@ -68,213 +62,43 @@ pip install mmcv-full==1.4.0 -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/$env:cu
-#### 安装 MMDeploy SDK 依赖
+#### 安装推理引擎以及 MMDeploy SDK 依赖
+可以通过安装脚本简化相关依赖的安装,首先根据需求修改`.\tools\scripts\mmdeploy_init.ps1` 中的`Model converter && SDK config` 部分。下面以编译TensorRT自定义算子以及SDK为例展示脚本的用法,详细配置说明可参考 [cmake 选项说明](./cmake_option.md).
- 名称 |
- 安装方法 |
- OpenCV |
- 1. 从这里下载 OpenCV 3+。
- 2. 您可以下载并安装 OpenCV 预编译包到指定的目录下。也可以选择源码编译安装的方式
- 3. 在安装目录中,找到 OpenCVConfig.cmake ,并把它的路径添加到环境变量 PATH 中。像这样:
-$env:path = "\the\path\where\OpenCVConfig.cmake\locates;" + "$env:path"
- |
- pplcv |
- pplcv 是 openPPL 开发的高性能图像处理库。 此依赖项为可选项,只有在 cuda 平台下,才需安装。
-git clone https://github.com/openppl-public/ppl.cv.git
-cd ppl.cv
-git checkout tags/v0.7.0 -b v0.7.0
-$env:PPLCV_DIR = "$pwd"
-mkdir pplcv-build
-cd pplcv-build
-cmake --build . --config Release -- /m
-cmake --install . --config Release
-cd ../..
- |
-#### 安装推理引擎
-MMDeploy 的 Model Converter 和 SDK 共享推理引擎。您可以参考下文,选择自己感兴趣的推理引擎安装。
-**目前,在 Windows 平台下,MMDeploy 支持 ONNXRuntime 和 TensorRT 两种推理引擎**。其他推理引擎尚未进行验证,或者验证未通过。后续将陆续予以支持
- 推理引擎 |
- 依赖包 |
- 安装方法 |
- ONNXRuntime |
- onnxruntime (>=1.8.1) |
- 1. 安装 onnxruntime 的 python 包
-pip install onnxruntime==1.8.1
- 2. 从这里下载 onnxruntime 的预编译二进制包,解压并配置环境变量
-Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases/download/v1.8.1/onnxruntime-win-x64-1.8.1.zip -OutFile onnxruntime-win-x64-1.8.1.zip
-Expand-Archive onnxruntime-win-x64-1.8.1.zip .
-$env:ONNXRUNTIME_DIR = "$pwd\onnxruntime-win-x64-1.8.1"
-$env:path = "$env:ONNXRUNTIME_DIR\lib;" + $env:path
- |
- TensorRT |
- TensorRT |
- 1. 登录 NVIDIA 官网,从这里选取并下载 TensorRT tar 包。要保证它和您机器的 CPU 架构以及 CUDA 版本是匹配的。您可以参考这份 指南 安装 TensorRT。
- 2. 这里也有一份 TensorRT 8.2 GA Update 2 在 Windows x86_64 和 CUDA 11.x 下的安装示例,供您参考。首先,点击此处下载 CUDA 11.x TensorRT。然后,根据如下命令,安装并配置 TensorRT 以及相关依赖。
-cd \the\path\of\tensorrt\zip\file
-Expand-Archive TensorRT- .
-pip install $env:TENSORRT_DIR\python\tensorrt-
-$env:TENSORRT_DIR = "$pwd\TensorRT-"
-$env:path = "$env:TENSORRT_DIR\lib;" + $env:path
-pip install pycuda
- |
- cudnn |
- 1. 从 cuDNN Archive 中选择和您环境中 CPU 架构、CUDA 版本以及 TensorRT 版本配套的 cuDNN。以前文 TensorRT 安装说明为例,它需要 cudnn8.2。因此,可以下载 CUDA 11.x cuDNN 8.2
- 2. 解压压缩包,并设置环境变量
-cd \the\path\of\cudnn\zip\file
-Expand-Archive cudnn-11.3-windows-x64-v8.2.1.32.zip .
-$env:path = "$env:CUDNN_DIR\bin;" + $env:path
- |
- PPL.NN |
- ppl.nn |
- TODO |
- OpenVINO |
- openvino |
- TODO |
- ncnn |
- ncnn |
- TODO |
+- a) 修改配置参数如下:
+ ```
+ $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = "Release"
+ $tensorrtVersion = "8.2.3"
+ $cudnnVersion = "8.2.1"
+ $cudaVersion = "11.x"
+ $opencvVersion = "4.5.5"
+ ```
+- b) 在 MMDeploy 根目录下执行
+ ```powershell
+ .\mmdeploy_init.ps1 -Action Download
+ ```
+ 该操作会根据配置信息自动下载相关依赖到`3rdparty`文件夹,并将相关变量写入`env.txt`文件。
### 编译 MMDeploy
-cd \the\root\path\of\MMDeploy
-#### 编译 Model Converter
+- a) 编译自定义算子以及SDK
-如果您选择了 ONNXRuntime,TensorRT 和 ncnn 任一种推理后端,您需要编译对应的自定义算子库。
-- **ONNXRuntime** 自定义算子
-mkdir build -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-cd build
-cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T v142 -DMMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS="ort" -DONNXRUNTIME_DIR="$env:ONNXRUNTIME_DIR"
-cmake --build . --config Release -- /m
-cmake --install . --config Release
-- **TensorRT** 自定义算子
-mkdir build -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-cd build
-cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T v142 -DMMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS="trt" -DTENSORRT_DIR="$env:TENSORRT_DIR" -DCUDNN_DIR="$env:CUDNN_DIR"
-cmake --build . --config Release -- /m
-cmake --install . --config Release
-- **ncnn** 自定义算子
-参考 [cmake 选项说明](cmake_option.md)
-#### 安装 Model Converter
-pip install -e .
-- 有些依赖项是可选的。运行 `pip install -e .` 将进行最小化依赖安装。 如果需安装其他可选依赖项,请执行`pip install -r requirements/optional.txt`,
- 或者 `pip install -e .[optional]`。其中,`[optional]`可以替换为:`all`、`tests`、`build` 或 `optional`。
-#### 编译 SDK 和 Demos
-下文展示2个构建SDK的样例,分别用 ONNXRuntime 和 TensorRT 作为推理引擎。您可以参考它们,并结合前文 SDK 的编译选项说明,激活其他的推理引擎。
-- cpu + ONNXRuntime
- ```PowerShell
- cd $env:MMDEPLOY_DIR
- mkdir build -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- cd build
- cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T v142 `
- cmake --build . --config Release -- /m
- cmake --install . --config Release
+ ```powershell
+ .\tools\scripts\mmdeploy_init.ps1 -Action Build
-- cuda + TensorRT
+ 该操作会先试图读取`env.txt`文件中的变量,如果不存在该文件,则会自动执行`Download`操作,请确保按需求修改了`Model converter && SDK config`。
+ 之后会编译自定义算子和SDK(如果打开了SDK编译选项)。模型转换需要的自定义算子库会安装在`\mmdeploy\lib`目录下,SDK相关文件会安装在`.\build\install`目录下
- ```PowerShell
- cd $env:MMDEPLOY_DIR
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T v142 `
- -Dpplcv_DIR="$env:PPLCV_DIR/pplcv-build/install/lib/cmake/ppl" `
+- b) 安装MMDeploy的python转换工具
- cmake --build . --config Release -- /m
- cmake --install . --config Release
+ ```
+ pip install -e .
### 注意事项
diff --git a/tools/scripts/mmdeploy_init.ps1 b/tools/scripts/mmdeploy_init.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d0b52ce4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/scripts/mmdeploy_init.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+A helper script to help set env and download mmdeploy deps on windows.
+This script have four usages:
+ 1) .\mmdeploy_init.ps1 -Action Download
+ 2) .\mmdeploy_init.ps1 -Action SetupEnv
+ 3) .\mmdeploy_init.ps1 -Action Build
+ 4) .\mmdeploy_init.ps1 -Action Install -Dir path\to\exe
+PS> .\mmdeploy_init.ps1
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+ [string] $Action,
+ [string] $Dir = "3rdparty"
+# BEGIN Model converter && SDK config
+##### [common] #####
+# build type
+# possible values:
+# - "Release": release build
+# - "Debug": debug build
+$CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = "Release"
+# target inference engines to support
+# possible values:
+# - "trt": tensorrt
+# - "ort": onnxruntime
+# multiple backends should be separated by ; like "trt;ort"
+# onnxruntime config, valid if "ort" in MMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS
+# onnxruntime package type
+# possible values:
+# - "cpu": build with onnxruntime
+# - "cuda": build with onnxruntime-gpu
+$onnxruntimeDevice = "cpu"
+# onnxruntime package version
+# possible values:
+# - ["1.8.1"]
+$onnxruntimeVersion = "1.8.1"
+# tensorrt config, valid if "trt" in MMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS
+# tensorrt version
+# possible values:
+# - ["8.2.3", "8.2.4", "8.2.5", "8.4.1", "8.4.2", "8.4.3", "8.5.1", "8.5.2"]
+$tensorrtVersion = "8.2.3"
+# cudnn version
+# possible values:
+# - ["8.2.1", "8.4.1", "8.6.0"]
+$cudnnVersion = "8.2.1"
+# cuda config
+# possible values:
+# - ["10.2", "11.x"]
+$cudaVersion = "11.x"
+##### [SDK] #####
+# whether build mmdeploy sdk
+# possible values:
+# - ["ON", "OFF"]
+# whether build sdk python api
+# possible values:
+# - ["ON", "OFF"]
+# whether build csharp api
+# possible values:
+# - ["ON", "OFF"]
+# whether build examples
+# possible values:
+# - ["ON", "OFF"]
+# target devices to support
+# possible values:
+# - "cpu": cpu
+# - "cuda": gpu
+# - "acl": atlas
+# multiple backends should be separated by ; like "cpu;cuda"
+# opencv config, will first consider $opencvCustomFolder, then $opencvVersion
+# prebuilt opencv version.
+# possible values:
+# - ["4.5.5"]
+$opencvVersion = "4.5.5"
+# use custom opencv, the folder should contain OpenCVConfig.cmake
+$opencvCustomFolder = ""
+# pplcv root dir, if specified, will use user defined pplcv
+# thr root dir should contains lib and include folder.
+$pplcvCustomFolder = ""
+# codebase config
+# possible values:
+# - ["mmcls", "mmdet", "mmseg", "mmpose", "mmocr", "mmedit", "mmrotate", "mmaction"]
+# multiple backends should be separated by ; like "mmcls;mmdet"
+# END Model converter && SDK config
+$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+$EnvVars = @{}
+$EnvPath = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
+$envFile = "env.txt"
+Import-Module BitsTransfer
+function Show-HelpMessage {
+ param ()
+ Write-Host "usage: .\mmdeploy_init.ps1 command ..."
+class DownloadItem {
+ [string]$Url
+ [string]$Md5
+ DownloadItem([string]$Url, [string]$Md5) {
+ $this.Url = $Url
+ $this.Md5 = $Md5
+ }
+function Start-DownloadWithRetry {
+ param (
+ [string] $Url,
+ [string] $Name,
+ [string] $Md5 = "",
+ [string] $SaveDir = "${env:Temp}",
+ [int] $Retries = 3
+ )
+ Write-Host "Download $Name ..."
+ $fileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($Url)
+ $filePath = Join-Path -Path $SaveDir -ChildPath $fileName
+ $downloadStartTime = Get-Date
+ while ($Retries -gt 0) {
+ if (Test-Path $filePath) {
+ $md5_val = (Get-FileHash $filePath -Algorithm MD5).Hash
+ if ($md5_val -eq $Md5) {
+ Write-Host "Using cached $filePath"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ $downloadAttemptStartTime = Get-Date
+ Write-Host "Downloading package from: $Url to path $filePath ."
+ Start-BitsTransfer $Url $filePath
+ # (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($Url, $filePath)
+ # Invoke-WebRequest $Url -OutFile $filePath
+ $downloadCompleteTime = [math]::Round(($(Get-Date) - $downloadStartTime).TotalSeconds, 2)
+ Write-Host "Package $Name downloaded successfully in $downloadCompleteTime seconds"
+ break
+ }
+ catch {
+ $attemptTime = [math]::Round(($(Get-Date) - $downloadAttemptStartTime).TotalSeconds, 2)
+ Write-Warning "There is an error encountered after $attemptTime seconds during package downloading:`n $_"
+ $Retries--
+ if ($Retries -eq 0) {
+ Write-Error "File can't be downloaded. Please try later or check that file exists by url: $Url"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ Write-Warning "Waiting 5 seconds before retrying. Retries left: $Retries"
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
+ }
+ }
+ return $filePath
+function Get-Opencv {
+ param (
+ $Version,
+ $CustomFolder = ""
+ )
+ if ($CustomFolder -ne "") {
+ Write-Host "Using custom opencv $CustomFolder"
+ $opencvBase = [IO.Path]::Combine($CustomFolder, "x64")
+ if ((Get-ChildItem $opencvBase -Filter "vc*").Length -gt 1) {
+ $vcx = (Get-ChildItem $opencvBase -Filter "vc*").Name[-1]
+ }
+ else {
+ $vcx = (Get-ChildItem $opencvBase -Filter "vc*").Name
+ }
+ # set variable
+ $EnvVars["OpenCV_DIR"] = [IO.Path]::Combine($opencvBase, $vcx, "lib")
+ [void]$EnvPath.Add([IO.Path]::Combine($opencvBase, $vcx, "bin"))
+ return;
+ }
+ $opencvUrls = @{
+ "4.5.5" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/opencv/opencv-win-amd64-4.5.5-vc16.zip",
+ "e1a744108105fb20e3c8371d58b38c1a"
+ );
+ }
+ $item = $opencvUrls.$Version
+ $fileSrc = Start-DownloadWithRetry -Url $item.Url -Name "opencv" -Md5 $item.Md5
+ $fileDst = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, $Dir, 'opencv')
+ # extract
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc to $fileDst"
+ Expand-Archive -Path $fileSrc -DestinationPath $fileDst -Force
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc done"
+ # set variable
+ $subFolder = (Get-ChildItem $fileDst).Name
+ $opencvBase = [IO.Path]::Combine($fileDst, $subFolder, "x64")
+ if ((Get-ChildItem $opencvBase -Filter "vc*").Length -gt 1) {
+ $vcx = (Get-ChildItem $opencvBase -Filter "vc*").Name[-1]
+ }
+ else {
+ $vcx = (Get-ChildItem $opencvBase -Filter "vc*").Name
+ }
+ $EnvVars["OpenCV_DIR"] = [IO.Path]::Combine($opencvBase, $vcx, "lib")
+ [void]$EnvPath.Add([IO.Path]::Combine($opencvBase, $vcx, "bin"))
+function Get-Onnxruntime {
+ param (
+ [string]$Device,
+ [string]$Version
+ )
+ $sys_onnxruntime = @("C:\Windows\System32\onnxruntime.dll", "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\onnxruntime.dll")
+ foreach ($path in $sys_onnxruntime) {
+ if (Test-Path $path) {
+ Write-Warning "`nFound onnxruntime.dll in $path, it will conflict with downloaded version of onnxruntime, please rename it"
+ }
+ }
+ $ortCpuUrls = @{
+ "1.8.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases/download/v1.8.1/onnxruntime-win-x64-1.8.1.zip",
+ "dabe12f86a4a37caa4feec16ef16ade6"
+ );
+ }
+ $ortCudaUrls = @{
+ "1.8.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases/download/v1.8.1/onnxruntime-win-gpu-x64-1.8.1.zip",
+ "495442f6f124597635af3cfa96213122"
+ )
+ }
+ $ortUrls = @{
+ "cpu" = $ortCpuUrls;
+ "cuda" = $ortCudaUrls
+ }
+ $item = $ortUrls.$Device.$Version
+ $fileSrc = Start-DownloadWithRetry -Url $item.Url -Name "ONNX Runtime" -Md5 $item.Md5
+ $fileDst = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, $Dir, 'onnxruntime')
+ # extract
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc to $fileDst"
+ Expand-Archive -Path $fileSrc -DestinationPath $fileDst -Force
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc done"
+ # set variable
+ $subFolder = (Get-ChildItem $fileDst).Name
+ $onnxruntimeDir = [IO.Path]::Combine($fileDst, $subFolder)
+ $EnvVars["ONNXRUNTIME_DIR"] = $onnxruntimeDir
+ [void]$EnvPath.Add([IO.Path]::Combine($onnxruntimeDir, "lib"))
+function Get-Tensorrt {
+ param(
+ [ValidateSet("10.2", "11.x")]
+ [string] $CudaVerion,
+ [ValidateSet("8.2.3", "8.2.4", "8.2.5", "8.4.1", "8.4.2", "8.4.3", "8.5.1", "8.5.2")]
+ [string] $Version
+ )
+ # download
+ $tensorrtCu102Urls = @{
+ "8.2.3" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "e6b5a412101f8dc823eaf11bfb968376");
+ "8.2.4" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "05d9d817ae77da394fd80ad2df729329");
+ "8.2.5" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "7274036d6a2320e0c1e39d5ea0886611");
+ "8.4.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "7059ce9ebcf17ee8d0fff29d3f2d9c00");
+ "8.4.2" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "8ade017b1075fcdb1a395622f1d3ce7d");
+ "8.4.3" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "55044d4f927f28bfd9b45073f7d15a84");
+ "8.5.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "e00d666292625781e8e5715c9687264c");
+ "8.5.2" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "d52692c8f615ec2142c968214185451f");
+ }
+ $tensorrtCu11xUrls = @{
+ "8.2.3" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "3364ad175781746a0e7359d2ed4b2287");
+ "8.2.4" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "ac7252b92cb76084f875554a5f8f759a");
+ "8.2.5" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "505e35eed6dc9ca4784199d0dc3b00e6");
+ "8.4.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "8b5afa6d9abea36d4cfe3df831faad14");
+ "8.4.2" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "0b2691dfdc5e40d97f3ca9249fc8f9b1");
+ "8.4.3" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "125b987f6571cf8b43528f0a26f46593");
+ "8.5.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "775667c49cd02f8fd14c305590978a97");
+ "8.5.2" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/tensorrt/TensorRT-",
+ "b67ba529ad54338fee6e9d282c5f272c");
+ }
+ $tensorrtUrls = @{
+ "10.2" = $tensorrtCu102Urls;
+ "11.x" = $tensorrtCu11xUrls
+ }
+ $item = $tensorrtUrls.$CudaVerion.$Version
+ $fileSrc = Start-DownloadWithRetry -Url $item.Url -Name "TensorRT" -Md5 $item.Md5
+ $fileDst = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, $Dir, 'tensorrt')
+ # extract
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc to $fileDst"
+ Expand-Archive -Path $fileSrc -DestinationPath $fileDst -Force
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc done"
+ # set variable
+ $subFolder = (Get-ChildItem $fileDst).Name
+ $tensorrtDir = [IO.Path]::Combine($fileDst, $subFolder)
+ $EnvVars["TENSORRT_DIR"] = $tensorrtDir
+ [void]$EnvPath.Add([IO.Path]::Combine($tensorrtDir, 'lib'))
+function Get-Cudnn {
+ param (
+ [ValidateSet("10.2", "11.x")]
+ [string] $CudaVerion,
+ [ValidateSet("8.2.1", "8.4.1", "8.6.0")]
+ [string] $Version
+ )
+ # download
+ $cudnnCu102Urls = @{
+ "8.2.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/cudnn/cudnn-10.2-windows10-x64-v8.2.1.32.zip",
+ "14ce30ae33b5e2a7d4f1e124a251219a");
+ "8.4.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/cudnn/cudnn-windows-x86_64-",
+ "5cccd75f8300b70e83800a4368ebce1f");
+ "8.6.0" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/cudnn/cudnn-windows-x86_64-",
+ "fb84f9f990373e239ddb9515c30c754e")
+ }
+ $cudnnCu11xUrls = @{
+ "8.2.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/cudnn/cudnn-11.3-windows-x64-v8.2.1.32.zip",
+ "1f6616595f397fe02a64f4d828e6eeb6");
+ "8.4.1" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/cudnn/cudnn-windows-x86_64-",
+ "d770cf6922dc76d82bdc08af3cd19603");
+ "8.6.0" = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/cudnn/cudnn-windows-x86_64-",
+ "55f0fc87255861ab10b0b796d271256c")
+ }
+ $cudnnUrls = @{
+ "10.2" = $cudnnCu102Urls;
+ "11.x" = $cudnnCu11xUrls
+ }
+ $item = $cudnnUrls.$CudaVerion.$Version
+ $fileSrc = Start-DownloadWithRetry -Url $item.Url -Name "cuDNN" -Md5 $item.Md5
+ $fileDst = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, $Dir, "cudnn")
+ # extract
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc to $fileDst"
+ Expand-Archive -Path $fileSrc -DestinationPath $fileDst -Force
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc done"
+ # set variable
+ $EnvVars["CUDNN_DIR"] = $fileDst
+ [void]$EnvPath.Add([IO.Path]::Combine($fileDst, "cuda", 'bin'))
+function Get-Pplcv {
+ param (
+ [ValidateSet("10.2", "11.x")]
+ [string] $CudaVerion,
+ [string] $CustomFolder = ""
+ )
+ if ($CustomFolder -ne "") {
+ Write-Host "Using custom pplcv $CustomFolder"
+ # set variable
+ $pplcvDir = [IO.Path]::Combine($CustomFolder, "lib", "cmake", "ppl")
+ $EnvVars["pplcv_DIR"] = $pplcvDir
+ return;
+ }
+ # download
+ $pplcvCu102url = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/pplcv/pplcv-0.6.2.windows10.x86_64.cuda-10.2.zip",
+ "800386f8ffbfeb5d0bf6e056bdd2a98a");
+ $pplcvCu11xurl = [DownloadItem]::new(
+ "https://github.com/irexyc/mmdeploy-ci-resource/releases/download/pplcv/pplcv-0.6.2.windows10.x86_64.cuda-11.x.zip",
+ "26d028c4f19a86d6feb28614caa461ef");
+ $pplcvUrls = @{
+ "10.2" = $pplcvCu102url;
+ "11.x" = $pplcvCu11xurl
+ }
+ $item = [DownloadItem]($pplcvUrls.$CudaVerion)
+ $fileSrc = Start-DownloadWithRetry -Url $item.Url -Name "ppl.cv" -Md5 $item.Md5
+ $fileDst = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, $Dir, 'pplcv')
+ # extract
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc to $fileDst"
+ Expand-Archive -Path $fileSrc -DestinationPath $fileDst -Force
+ Write-Host "Extract file $fileSrc done"
+ # set varialbe
+ $pplcvDir = [IO.Path]::Combine($fileDst, "lib", "cmake", "ppl")
+ $EnvVars["pplcv_DIR"] = $pplcvDir
+function Write-EnvFile {
+ param ()
+ "[environment variables]" | Out-File -FilePath $envFile -Append
+ foreach ($key in $EnvVars.Keys) {
+ "$key $($EnvVars.$key)" | Out-File -FilePath $envFile -Append
+ }
+ "[environment path]" | Out-File -FilePath $envFile -Append
+ foreach ($val in $EnvPath) {
+ "$val" | Out-File -FilePath $envFile -Append
+ }
+function Get-Dependences {
+ param ()
+ if (Test-Path $envFile) {
+ remove-item $envFile
+ }
+ # backend
+ if ($MMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS.Contains("trt")) {
+ Write-Host "Using tensorrt and cudnn for cuda $cudaVersion"
+ Get-Tensorrt -CudaVerion $cudaVersion -Version $tensorrtVersion
+ Get-Cudnn -CudaVerion $cudaVersion -Version $cudnnVersion
+ }
+ if ($MMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS.Contains("ort")) {
+ Get-Onnxruntime -Device $onnxruntimeDevice -Version $onnxruntimeVersion
+ }
+ # sdk
+ if ($MMDEPLOY_BUILD_SDK -ne "ON") {
+ Write-Host "Skip build mmdeploy sdk"
+ return
+ }
+ # pplcv if use cuda device
+ if ($MMDEPLOY_TARGET_DEVICES.Contains("cuda")) {
+ Get-Pplcv -CudaVerion $cudaVersion -CustomFolder $pplcvCustomFolder
+ }
+ # opencv
+ Get-Opencv -Version $opencvVersion -CustomFolder $opencvCustomFolder
+function Set-Environment {
+ # [environment variables]
+ # [environment path]
+ param ()
+ if (-Not (Test-Path $envFile)) {
+ Write-Error "Can't find env.txt in $pwd, Please first download dependencies"
+ }
+ $env_content = Get-Content $envFile
+ Write-Host "Setup up environment variables ..."
+ $i = 1
+ for (; $i -lt $env_content.Length; $i++) {
+ if ($env_content[$i][0] -eq '[') {
+ $i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ $kv = $env_content[$i].Split(' ')
+ [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($kv[0], $kv[1]);
+ $EnvVars[$kv[0]] = $kv[1]
+ }
+ Get-ChildItem Env:
+ # print environment variable
+ Write-Host "`nSetup up environment path ..."
+ $path_val = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")
+ $path_list = $path_val.Split( [IO.Path]::PathSeparator)
+ for (; $i -lt $env_content.Length; $i++) {
+ if ($env_content[$i][0] -eq '[') {
+ $i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ $p = $env_content[$i]
+ $found = 0
+ foreach ($v in $path_list) {
+ if ($v -eq $p) {
+ $found = 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if ($found -eq 0) {
+ $path_val = $p + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $path_val
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $path_val);
+ # print path environment
+ Write-Host $env:PATH
+function Build-MMDeploy {
+ if (-Not (Test-Path $envFile)) {
+ Write-Warning "Can't find env.txt in $pwd, try to download dependencies"
+ Write-Warning "please make sure you have edited the configure setting."
+ Get-Dependences
+ Write-EnvFile
+ }
+ Set-Environment
+ $configureCommand = "cmake .. -A x64 -T v142"
+ if ($MMDEPLOY_TARGET_BACKENDS.Contains("trt") -or $MMDEPLOY_TARGET_DEVICES.Contains("cuda")) {
+ $configureCommand += ',cuda="' + $env:CUDA_PATH + '"'
+ }
+ $configureCommand += " -DMMDEPLOY_BUILD_SDK=${MMDEPLOY_BUILD_SDK}"
+ foreach ($key in $EnvVars.Keys) {
+ $configureCommand += " -D${key}=$($EnvVars.$key)"
+ }
+ $buildDir = [IO.Path]::Combine($pwd, "build")
+ if (Test-Path $buildDir -PathType Container) {
+ Remove-Item $buildDir -Recurse
+ }
+ New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $buildDir
+ $oldWorkingDir = $pwd
+ Set-Location -Path $buildDir
+ Write-Host $configureCommand
+ Invoke-Expression $configureCommand
+ Invoke-Expression "cmake --build . --config $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -j"
+ Invoke-Expression "cmake --install . --config $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"
+ Set-Location -Path $oldWorkingDir
+function Install-Dependences {
+ # [environment path]
+ # [other path]
+ param ()
+ if (-Not (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)) {
+ Write-Error "Folder $Dir doesn't exits"
+ }
+ if (-Not (Test-Path $envFile)) {
+ Write-Error "Can't find env.txt in $pwd, Please first download dependencies"
+ }
+ $env_content = Get-Content $envFile
+ Write-Host "Install Dependences to executable folder"
+ $i = 1
+ for (; $i -lt $env_content.Length; $i++) {
+ if ($env_content[$i].StartsWith("[")) {
+ $i++
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # environment path
+ for (; $i -lt $env_content.Length; $i++) {
+ if ($env_content[$i].StartsWith("[")) {
+ $i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ $visit = $env_content[$i]
+ Write-Host "checking folder: $visit"
+ $dlls = (Get-ChildItem $env_content[$i] -Filter "*.dll").FullName
+ foreach ($dll in $dlls) {
+ Write-Host "Copy $dll to $Dir"
+ Copy-Item -Path $dll -Destination $Dir
+ }
+ }
+if ($Action -eq "Build") {
+ Build-MMDeploy
+elseif ($Action -eq "Download") {
+ Get-Dependences
+ Write-EnvFile
+elseif ($Action -eq "Install") {
+ Install-Dependences
+elseif ($Action -eq "SetupEnv") {
+ Set-Environment
+else {
+ Show-HelpMessage