This lab/project shows:
- how to use KALE and KServe in a project.
- You should have Kubeflow Environment (Easiest Way: Using MiniKF)
Create a new notebook server pod and connect:
Run Terminal to download examples:
Clone Kale Examples:
git clone
Open the ipynb file (kale/examples/serving/sklearn/iris.ipynb)
Run the cell "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install requirements
Then, after installing required packages, restart the kernel.
Open the KALE section from left and enable KALE
After opening KALE feature, it is seen that each cells are tagged with steps (e.g. imports, pipeline-parameters, etc.)
Use "" as docker image if you encounter with another image.
Before compiling, add tagging to "serving_model", this enables to create model in Kubeflow.
Run "Compile and Run" to create Kubeflow pipeline from the notebook (this is KALE feature)
It creates pipeline:
When monitoring pods in K8s, it can be seen that pods are running and completed for each step.
For each task details can be viewed.
For each step logs and data are stored in ROK and Minio (if MiniKF is used).
After running pipeline, it can be seen the result parameters (accuracy)
KServe creates model:
From model section, detail information can be reachable:
From Experiment Section, models' results can be seen (e.g. accuracy, f1, etc.):
Open launcher:
Run Terminal:
Run following commands to create JSON file to send the model.
cat <<EOF > "./iris-input.json"
"instances": [
[6.8, 2.8, 4.8, 1.4],
[6.0, 3.4, 4.5, 1.6]
- Run curl command to send JSON file to the model.
- This "http://iris-pipeline-xchh4-3630146895-2r0st.kubeflow-user.svc.cluster.local/v1/models/iris-pipeline-xchh4-3630146895-2r0st:predict" is written in the model URL internal, please have a look in the model to get correct path.
curl -v http://iris-pipeline-xchh4-3630146895-2r0st.kubeflow-user.svc.cluster.local/v1/models/iris-pipeline-xchh4-3630146895-2r0st:predict -d @./iris-input.json