This scenario shows how to transfer content between host and container:
- Copying content from host PC to container
- Using image file (COPY command)
- Using bind mount/volume
- Using cp command into the running container
- Copying content from container to host PC
- Using cp command from the running container
- Copying content from existed Docker Volume object to host PC
- Copying content from existed Docker Volume object to remote PC
- Copying app content into the image using the image file (e.g.
FROM python:alpine3.7
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD python ./
- Binding mount and volume: e.g.
- Using '-v [volumeName]:[containerDirectoryPath]' or '-v [hostDirectory]:[containerDirectoryPath]'
docker volume create [volumeName]
docker volume create test
docker container run --name mywebserver3 -d -p 80:80 -v test:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
docker container run --name mywebserver -d -p 80:80 -v C:\Docker\Webpage:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
docker container run --name mywebserver -d -p 80:80 nginx
docker cp "C:\Docker\Webpage" mywebserver:/Webpage
docker cp [hostPath] [containerName]:[containerPath]
docker container run --name mywebserver -d -p 80:80 nginx
docker cp mywebserver:/usr/share/nginx/html "C:\Docker\Webpage2"
docker cp [containerName]:[containerPath] [hostPath]
- Create a temporary container that is connected to the volume
- Copy the content from container to host PC
docker volume create test
docker container run --name mywebserver -d -p 80:80 -v test:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
docker container create --name temp1 -v test:/temp busybox ('temp1': temporary busybox container which is binded to 'test' volume )
docker cp temp1:/temp "C:\Docker\Webpage3" (copying from temporary container to host PC)
docker cp [containerName]:[containerPath] [hostPath]
- Creatíng archive to standard output using smallest image 'busybox' (1.23MB)
- SSH to target host and extract files in destination container volume
(CONTAINER=myproject_db_1 REMOTE_HOST=newhost DIR=/var/lib/mysql; \
docker run --rm \
--volumes-from "$(docker inspect --format={{.Id}} $CONTAINER)" \
busybox tar -czv --to-stdout $DIR \
| ssh $REMOTE_HOST docker run --rm -i \
--volumes-from "\$(docker inspect --format={{.Id}} $CONTAINER)"\
busybox tar -xzv \