The category resources are related to a video. Enhanced annotation are based on label that are grouped in category. The base path for categories is http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/#{videoId}/categories
. But of course a category can be supported by multiple videos. To work on unique categories the following path can be used http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/categories
for "template" categories.
for copied categories from template.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
id* | Long |
The category id. | Generated at creation |
name* | String |
The category name. | EMPTY |
description | String |
The category description. | EMPTY |
scale_id | Scale id |
The scale that can be used for this category. | NULL |
settings | String |
Dictionnary of diverse metadata related to the category | NULL |
tags | String |
String of related tags. | NULL |
+ | logging attributes |
- Create a new category
- Add a category to a video
- Get a category
- Get all categories
- Get all categories supported by a video
- Update a category
- Delete a category
Create a new "template" category.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
POST | /categories | NONE | 201 Created : Resource created, 400 Bad request : Request not valid, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 409 conflict : Resource already exist, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
POST http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/123/categories
Location parameter in header give the URI from the new resource.
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
scale_id: 12,
access: 0,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421410,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
Add a given category to the video with id videoId. The category (with the id category_id) will be copied and attached to the video. The label and the scale from the template category will also be copied to the category copy.
The category will be copied from
. -
The labels will be copied from
. All the copy of the labels will then have new id. -
The scale will be copied from
. -
The scale values will be copied from
. All the copy of the scale vaules will then have new id.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
POST | /videos/#{videoId}/categories | category_id | 201 Created : Resource created, 400 Bad request : Request not valid, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 409 conflict : Resource already exist, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
POST http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/123/categories?category_id=23
Location parameter in header give the URI from the new resource.
id: 24,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
scale_id: 12,
access: 0,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421434,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421434,
Get a category with the id categoryId
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
GET | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId} or /categories/#{categoryId} | NONE | 200 Ok : Resource returned, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
GET http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/123/categories/23
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
scale_id: 12,
access: 0,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421434,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421434
Query categories from a video.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
GET | /videos/#{videoId}/categories or /categories | list queries parameters | 200 Ok : Resources returned, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
By default, the categories list should be sorted by name.
GET http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/123/categories?limit=2&offset=0
count: 2, // Result lenght
offset: 0, // Offset parameter to use in case of pagination needs
items: [
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
scale_id: 12,
access: 0,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421434,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421434
Update the category with the given categoryId or create a new one with this categoryId.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
PUT | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId} or /categories/#{categoryId} | NONE | 200 Ok : Resource modified, 201 created : Resource created, 304 Not Modified : Resource not modified, 400 Bad request : Request not valid, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
PUT http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/123/categories/23
Send the resource parameters as query parameters.
Return the status code corresponding the operation done and the Location in the header if resource created.
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
scale_id: 4,
access: 1,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32423412,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
DELETE | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId} or /categories/#{categoryId} | NONE | 204 No content : Resource deleted, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found. |
DELETE http://api.annotationstool.com/v1/videos/123/categories/23
< Rest API documentation [1]: rest-get-parameters