From 6f044dd93a7ba1ea217439950da43fac69d797c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dilza Campos Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 14:07:32 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Added 400 translations --- babelon/hp-pt.babelon.tsv | 1626 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 1013 insertions(+), 613 deletions(-) diff --git a/babelon/hp-pt.babelon.tsv b/babelon/hp-pt.babelon.tsv index 0873af8..83b319e 100644 --- a/babelon/hp-pt.babelon.tsv +++ b/babelon/hp-pt.babelon.tsv @@ -1,613 +1,1013 @@ -source_language translation_language subject_id predicate_id source_value translation_value translation_status translator -en pt HP:0000001 rdfs:label All Todos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000002 rdfs:label Abnormality of body height Anomalia da altura corporal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000003 rdfs:label Multicystic kidney dysplasia Displasia renal multicística OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000005 rdfs:label Mode of inheritance Modo de herança OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000006 rdfs:label Autosomal dominant inheritance Herança autossômica dominante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000007 rdfs:label Autosomal recessive inheritance Herança autossômica recessiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000008 rdfs:label Abnormal morphology of female internal genitalia Morfologia anormal da genitália feminina interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000009 rdfs:label Functional abnormality of the bladder Anomalia funcional da bexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000010 rdfs:label Recurrent urinary tract infections Infecções recorrentes do trato urinário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000011 rdfs:label Neurogenic bladder Bexiga neurogênica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000012 rdfs:label Urinary urgency Urgência miccional OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000013 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the uterus Hipoplasia uterina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000014 rdfs:label Abnormality of the bladder Anomalia da bexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000015 rdfs:label Bladder diverticulum Divertículo vesical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000016 rdfs:label Urinary retention Retenção urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000017 rdfs:label Nocturia Noctúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000019 rdfs:label Urinary hesitancy Hesitação urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000020 rdfs:label Urinary incontinence Incontinência urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000021 rdfs:label Megacystis Megabexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000022 rdfs:label Abnormal male internal genitalia morphology Morfologia anormal da genitália masculina interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000023 rdfs:label Inguinal hernia Hérnia inguinal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000024 rdfs:label Prostatitis Prostatite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000025 rdfs:label Functional abnormality of male internal genitalia Anomalia funcional da genitália masculina interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000026 rdfs:label Male hypogonadism Hipogonadismo masculino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000027 rdfs:label Azoospermia Azoospermia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000028 rdfs:label Cryptorchidism Criptorquidia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000029 rdfs:label Testicular atrophy Atrofia testicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000030 rdfs:label Testicular gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma testicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000031 rdfs:label Epididymitis Epididimite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000032 rdfs:label Abnormal male external genitalia morphology Morfologia anormal da genitália masculina externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000033 rdfs:label Ambiguous genitalia, male Genitália ambígua, no sexo masculino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000034 rdfs:label Hydrocele testis Hidrocele testicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000035 rdfs:label Abnormal testis morphology Morfologia anormal dos testículos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000036 rdfs:label Abnormal penis morphology Morfologia anormal do pênis OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000037 rdfs:label Male pseudohermaphroditism Pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000039 rdfs:label Epispadias Epispádia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000040 rdfs:label Long penis Pênis longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000041 rdfs:label Chordee Curvatura peniana congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000042 rdfs:label Absent external genitalia Ausência da genitália externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000044 rdfs:label Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Hipogonadismo hipogonadotrófico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000045 rdfs:label Abnormal scrotum morphology Morfologia anormal do escroto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000046 rdfs:label Small scrotum Escroto pequeno OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000047 rdfs:label Hypospadias Hipospádia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000048 rdfs:label Bifid scrotum Escroto bífido OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000049 rdfs:label Shawl scrotum Escroto em xale OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000050 rdfs:label Hypoplastic male external genitalia Genitália externa masculina hipoplásica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000051 rdfs:label Perineal hypospadias Hipospádia perineal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000052 rdfs:label Urethral atresia, male Atresia uretral, em homens OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000053 rdfs:label Macroorchidism Macro-orquidismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000054 rdfs:label Micropenis Micropênis OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000055 rdfs:label Abnormal female external genitalia morphology Morfologia anormal da genitália feminina externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000056 rdfs:label Abnormal clitoris morphology Morfologia anormal do clitóris OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000058 rdfs:label Abnormal labia morphology Morfologia anormal dos lábios vulvares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000059 rdfs:label Hypoplastic labia majora Grandes lábios hipoplásicos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000060 rdfs:label Clitoral hypoplasia Hipoplasia clitoriana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000061 rdfs:label Ambiguous genitalia, female Genitália ambígua, no sexo feminino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000062 rdfs:label Ambiguous genitalia Genitália ambígua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000063 rdfs:label Fused labia minora Lábios menores fundidos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000064 rdfs:label Hypoplastic labia minora Lábios menores hipoplásicos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000065 rdfs:label Labial hypertrophy Hipertrofia dos lábios vulvares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000066 rdfs:label Labial hypoplasia Hipoplasia dos lábios vulvares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000067 rdfs:label Urethral atresia, female Atresia uretral feminina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000068 rdfs:label Urethral atresia Atresia uretral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000069 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ureter Anomalia do ureter OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000070 rdfs:label Ureterocele Ureterocele OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000071 rdfs:label Ureteral stenosis Estenose do ureter OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000072 rdfs:label Hydroureter Hidroureter OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000073 rdfs:label Ureteral duplication Duplicação ureteral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000074 rdfs:label Ureteropelvic junction obstruction Obstrução da junção ureteropélvica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000075 rdfs:label Renal duplication Duplicação renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000076 rdfs:label Vesicoureteral reflux Refluxo vesicoureteral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000077 rdfs:label Abnormality of the kidney Anomalia do rim OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000078 rdfs:label Abnormality of the genital system Anomalia do sistema genital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000079 rdfs:label Abnormality of the urinary system Anomalia do sistema urinário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000080 rdfs:label Abnormality of reproductive system physiology Anomalia da fisiologia do sistema reprodutivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000081 rdfs:label Duplicated collecting system Duplicação do sistema colector OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000083 rdfs:label Renal insufficiency Insuficiência renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000085 rdfs:label Horseshoe kidney Rim em ferradura OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000086 rdfs:label Ectopic kidney Rim ectópico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000089 rdfs:label Renal hypoplasia Hipoplasia renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000090 rdfs:label Nephronophthisis Nefroftise OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000091 rdfs:label Abnormal renal tubule morphology Morfologia anormal dos túbulos renais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000092 rdfs:label Renal tubular atrophy Atrofia tubular renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000093 rdfs:label Proteinuria Proteinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000095 rdfs:label Abnormal renal glomerulus morphology Morfologia anormal do glomérulo renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000096 rdfs:label Glomerular sclerosis Glomerulosclerose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000097 rdfs:label Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Glomerulosclerose focal e segmentar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000098 rdfs:label Tall stature Estatura alta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000099 rdfs:label Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonefrite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000100 rdfs:label Nephrotic syndrome Síndrome nefrótica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000103 rdfs:label Polyuria Poliúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000104 rdfs:label Renal agenesis Agenesia renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000105 rdfs:label Enlarged kidney Rim aumentado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000107 rdfs:label Renal cyst Cisto renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000108 rdfs:label Renal corticomedullary cysts Cistos renais corticomedulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000110 rdfs:label Renal dysplasia Displasia renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000111 rdfs:label Renal juxtaglomerular cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia Hipertrofia/hiperplasia de células renais justaglomerulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000112 rdfs:label Nephropathy Nefropatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000113 rdfs:label Polycystic kidney dysplasia Displasia renal policística OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000114 rdfs:label Proximal tubulopathy Tubulopatia proximal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000118 rdfs:label Phenotypic abnormality Anomalia fenotípica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000119 rdfs:label Abnormality of the genitourinary system Anomalia do sistema genitourinário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000121 rdfs:label Nephrocalcinosis Nefrocalcinose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000122 rdfs:label Unilateral renal agenesis Agenesia renal unilateral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000123 rdfs:label Nephritis Nefrite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000124 rdfs:label Renal tubular dysfunction Disfunção tubular renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000125 rdfs:label Pelvic kidney Rim pélvico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000126 rdfs:label Hydronephrosis Hidronefrose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000127 rdfs:label Renal salt wasting Perda renal de eletrólitos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000128 rdfs:label Renal potassium wasting Perda renal de potássio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000130 rdfs:label Abnormality of the uterus Anomalia uterina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000131 rdfs:label Uterine leiomyoma Leiomioma uterino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000132 rdfs:label Menorrhagia Menstruação excessiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000133 rdfs:label Gonadal dysgenesis Disgenesia gonadal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000134 rdfs:label Female hypogonadism Hipogonadismo feminino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000135 rdfs:label Hypogonadism Hipogonadismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000136 rdfs:label Bifid uterus Útero bicórneo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000137 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ovary Anomalia do ovário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000138 rdfs:label Ovarian cyst Cisto ovariano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000139 rdfs:label Uterine prolapse Prolapso uterino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000140 rdfs:label Abnormality of the menstrual cycle Anomalia do ciclo menstrual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000141 rdfs:label Amenorrhea Amenorreia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000142 rdfs:label Abnormal vagina morphology Morfologia anormal da vagina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000143 rdfs:label Rectovaginal fistula Fístula retovaginal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000144 rdfs:label Decreased fertility Diminuição da fertilidade OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000145 rdfs:label Transverse vaginal septum Septo vaginal transverso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000147 rdfs:label Polycystic ovaries Ovário policístico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000148 rdfs:label Vaginal atresia Atresia vaginal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000149 rdfs:label Ovarian gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma ovariano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000150 rdfs:label Gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000151 rdfs:label Aplasia of the uterus Aplasia uterina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000152 rdfs:label Abnormality of head or neck Anomalia da cabeça ou do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000153 rdfs:label Abnormality of the mouth Anomalia da boca OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000154 rdfs:label Wide mouth Boca larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000155 rdfs:label Oral ulcer Úlcera oral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000157 rdfs:label Abnormality of the tongue Anomalia da língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000158 rdfs:label Macroglossia Macroglossia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000159 rdfs:label Abnormal lip morphology Morfologia anormal do lábio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000160 rdfs:label Narrow mouth Boca estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000161 rdfs:label Median cleft upper lip Fenda labial mediana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000162 rdfs:label Glossoptosis Glossoptose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000163 rdfs:label Abnormal oral cavity morphology Morfologia anormal da cavidade oral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000164 rdfs:label Abnormality of the dentition Anomalia da dentição OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000166 rdfs:label Severe periodontitis Periodontite grave OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000168 rdfs:label Abnormality of the gingiva Anomalia da gengiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000169 rdfs:label Gingival fibromatosis Fibromatose gengival OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000171 rdfs:label Microglossia Microglossia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000172 rdfs:label Abnormal uvula morphology Morfologia anormal da úvula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000174 rdfs:label Abnormal palate morphology Morfologia anormal do palato OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000175 rdfs:label Cleft palate Fenda palatina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000176 rdfs:label Submucous cleft hard palate Fenda submucosa do palato duro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000177 rdfs:label Abnormal upper lip morphology Morfologia anormal do lábio superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000178 rdfs:label Abnormal lower lip morphology Morfologia anormal do lábio inferior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000179 rdfs:label Thick lower lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio inferior espesso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000180 rdfs:label Lobulated tongue Língua lobulada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000182 rdfs:label Movement abnormality of the tongue Anomalia do movimento da língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000183 rdfs:label Difficulty in tongue movements Dificuldade nos movimentos da língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000185 rdfs:label Cleft soft palate Fenda do palato mole OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000187 rdfs:label Broad alveolar ridges Processos alveolares largos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000188 rdfs:label Short upper lip Lábio superior curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000189 rdfs:label Narrow palate Palato estreito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000190 rdfs:label Abnormal oral frenulum morphology Morfologia anormal do frênulo lingual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000191 rdfs:label Accessory oral frenulum Frênulo lingual acessório OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000193 rdfs:label Bifid uvula Úvula bífida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000194 rdfs:label Open mouth Boca aberta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000196 rdfs:label Lower lip pit Fosseta labial inferior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000197 rdfs:label Abnormal parotid gland morphology Morfologia anormal da glândula parótida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000198 rdfs:label Absence of Stensen duct Ausência de ducto de Stensen OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000199 rdfs:label Tongue nodules Nódulos na língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000200 rdfs:label Short lingual frenulum Frênulo lingual curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000201 rdfs:label Pierre-Robin sequence Sequência de Pierre-Robin OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000202 rdfs:label Orofacial cleft Fenda orofacial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000204 rdfs:label Cleft upper lip Fissura labial superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000205 rdfs:label Pursed lips Lábios franzidos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000206 rdfs:label Glossitis Glossite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000207 rdfs:label Triangular mouth Boca triangular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000211 rdfs:label Trismus Trismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000212 rdfs:label Gingival overgrowth Crescimento excessivo da gengiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000214 rdfs:label Lip telangiectasia Telangiectasia labial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000215 rdfs:label Thick upper lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio superior espesso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000217 rdfs:label Xerostomia Xerostomia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000218 rdfs:label High palate Palato alto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000219 rdfs:label Thin upper lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio superior fino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000220 rdfs:label Velopharyngeal insufficiency Insuficiência velofaríngea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000221 rdfs:label Furrowed tongue Língua fissurada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000222 rdfs:label Gingival hyperkeratosis Hiperceratose gengival OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000223 rdfs:label Abnormality of taste sensation Anomalia da sensação gustativa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000224 rdfs:label Hypogeusia Hipogeusia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000225 rdfs:label Gingival bleeding Sangramento da gengiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000227 rdfs:label Tongue telangiectasia Telangiectasia de língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000228 rdfs:label Oral cavity telangiectasia Telangiectasia da cavidade oral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000230 rdfs:label Gingivitis Gengivite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000232 rdfs:label Everted lower lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio inferior evertido OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000233 rdfs:label Thin vermilion border Borda fina do vermelhão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000234 rdfs:label Abnormality of the head Anomalia da cabeça OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000235 rdfs:label Abnormality of the fontanelles or cranial sutures Anomalia das fontanelas ou suturas cranianas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000236 rdfs:label Abnormality of the anterior fontanelle Anomalia da fontanela anterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000237 rdfs:label Small anterior fontanelle Fontanela anterior pequena OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000238 rdfs:label Hydrocephalus Hidrocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000239 rdfs:label Large fontanelles Fontanelas grandes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000240 rdfs:label Abnormality of skull size Anomalia do tamanho do crânio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000242 rdfs:label Parietal bossing Proeminência parietal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000243 rdfs:label Trigonocephaly Trigonocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000244 rdfs:label Brachyturricephaly Braquiturricefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000246 rdfs:label Sinusitis Sinusite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000248 rdfs:label Brachycephaly Braquicefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000250 rdfs:label Dense calvaria Calvária densa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000252 rdfs:label Microcephaly Microcefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000253 rdfs:label Progressive microcephaly Microcefalia progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000255 rdfs:label Acute sinusitis Sinusite aguda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000256 rdfs:label Macrocephaly Macrocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000260 rdfs:label Wide anterior fontanel Fontanela anterior larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000262 rdfs:label Turricephaly Turricefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000263 rdfs:label Oxycephaly Oxicefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000264 rdfs:label Abnormal mastoid morphology Morfologia anormal do processo mastoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000265 rdfs:label Mastoiditis Mastoidite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000267 rdfs:label Cranial asymmetry Assimetria craniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000268 rdfs:label Dolichocephaly Dolicocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000269 rdfs:label Prominent occiput Proeminência occipital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000270 rdfs:label Delayed cranial suture closure Fechamento tardio da sutura craniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000271 rdfs:label Abnormality of the face Anomalia da face OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000272 rdfs:label Malar flattening Achatamento malar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000273 rdfs:label Facial grimacing Careta facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000274 rdfs:label Small face Face pequena OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000275 rdfs:label Narrow face Face estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000276 rdfs:label Long face Face longa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000277 rdfs:label Abnormal mandible morphology Morfologia anormal da mandíbula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000278 rdfs:label Retrognathia Retrognatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000280 rdfs:label Coarse facial features Características faciais grosseiras OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000282 rdfs:label Facial edema Edema facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000283 rdfs:label Broad face Face larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000286 rdfs:label Epicanthus Epicanto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000287 rdfs:label Increased facial adipose tissue Aumento do tecido adiposo facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000288 rdfs:label Abnormality of the philtrum Anomalia do filtro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000289 rdfs:label Broad philtrum Filtro largo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000290 rdfs:label Abnormality of the forehead Anomalia da testa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000291 rdfs:label Abnormality of facial adipose tissue Anomalia do tecido adiposo facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000292 rdfs:label Loss of facial adipose tissue Perda de tecido adiposo facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000293 rdfs:label Full cheeks Bochechas cheias OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000294 rdfs:label Low anterior hairline Linha anterior do cabelo baixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000295 rdfs:label Doll-like facies Facies de boneca OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000297 rdfs:label Facial hypotonia Hipotonia facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000298 rdfs:label Mask-like facies Facies em máscara OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000300 rdfs:label Oval face Face oval OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000301 rdfs:label Abnormality of facial musculature Anomalia da musculatura facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000303 rdfs:label Mandibular prognathia Prognatismo mandibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000306 rdfs:label Abnormality of the chin Anomalia do queixo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000307 rdfs:label Pointed chin Queixo pontiagudo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000308 rdfs:label Microretrognathia Microretrognatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000311 rdfs:label Round face Face redonda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000315 rdfs:label Abnormality of the orbital region Anomalia da região orbital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000316 rdfs:label Hypertelorism Hipertelorismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000317 rdfs:label Facial myokymia Mioquimia Facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000319 rdfs:label Smooth philtrum Filtro liso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000320 rdfs:label Bird-like facies Facies de passarinho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000321 rdfs:label Square face Face quadrada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000322 rdfs:label Short philtrum Filtro curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000324 rdfs:label Facial asymmetry Assimetria Facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000325 rdfs:label Triangular face Rosto triangular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000326 rdfs:label Abnormal maxilla morphology Morfologia anormal da maxila OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000327 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the maxilla Hipoplasia maxilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000329 rdfs:label Facial hemangioma Hemangioma facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000331 rdfs:label Short chin Queixo curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000336 rdfs:label Prominent supraorbital ridges Cristas supraorbitais proeminentes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000337 rdfs:label Broad forehead Testa larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000338 rdfs:label Hypomimic face Hipomimia facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000339 rdfs:label Pugilistic facies Facies de pugilista OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000340 rdfs:label Sloping forehead Testa inclinada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000341 rdfs:label Narrow forehead Testa estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000343 rdfs:label Long philtrum Filtro longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000346 rdfs:label Whistling appearance Face em assobio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000347 rdfs:label Micrognathia Micrognatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000348 rdfs:label High forehead Testa alta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000349 rdfs:label Widow's peak Bico de viúva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000350 rdfs:label Small forehead Testa pequena OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000356 rdfs:label Abnormality of the outer ear Anomalia da orelha externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000357 rdfs:label Abnormal location of ears Localização anormal das orelhas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000358 rdfs:label Posteriorly rotated ears Orelhas rodadas posteriormente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000359 rdfs:label Abnormality of the inner ear Anomalia da orelha interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000360 rdfs:label Tinnitus Tinito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000362 rdfs:label Otosclerosis Otosclerose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000363 rdfs:label Abnormal earlobe morphology Morfologia anormal do lóbulo da orelha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000364 rdfs:label Hearing abnormality Anomalia auditiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000366 rdfs:label Abnormality of the nose Anomalia do nariz OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000368 rdfs:label Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears Orelhas de implantação baixa, posteriormente giradas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000369 rdfs:label Low-set ears Orelhas de inserção baixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000370 rdfs:label Abnormality of the middle ear Anomalia da orelha média OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000371 rdfs:label Acute otitis media Otite média aguda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000372 rdfs:label Abnormal auditory canal morphology Morfologia anormal do canal auditivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000375 rdfs:label Abnormal cochlea morphology Morfologia anormal da cóclea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000376 rdfs:label Incomplete partition of the cochlea type II Partição coclear incompleta tipo II OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000377 rdfs:label Abnormal pinna morphology Morfologia anormal do pavilhão auricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000378 rdfs:label Cupped ear Orelha em concha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000381 rdfs:label Stapes ankylosis Anquilose do estribo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000383 rdfs:label Abnormal periauricular region morphology Morfologia anormal da região periauricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000384 rdfs:label Preauricular skin tag Acrocórdon preauricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000385 rdfs:label Small earlobe Lóbulo da orelha pequeno OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000387 rdfs:label Absent earlobe Lóbulo da orelha ausente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000388 rdfs:label Otitis media Otite média OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000389 rdfs:label Chronic otitis media Otite média crónica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000391 rdfs:label Thickened helices Hélices espessas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000394 rdfs:label Lop ear Orelha constrita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000395 rdfs:label Prominent antihelix Anti-hélice proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000396 rdfs:label Overfolded helix Hélice sobredobrada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000399 rdfs:label Prelingual sensorineural hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva neurossensorial pré-lingual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000400 rdfs:label Macrotia Macrotia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000402 rdfs:label Stenosis of the external auditory canal Estenose do canal auditivo externo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000403 rdfs:label Recurrent otitis media Otite média recorrente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000405 rdfs:label Conductive hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva condutiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000407 rdfs:label Sensorineural hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva neurossensorial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000408 rdfs:label Progressive sensorineural hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva neurossensorial progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000410 rdfs:label Mixed hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva mista OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000411 rdfs:label Protruding ear Orelha saliente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000413 rdfs:label Atresia of the external auditory canal Atresia do canal auditivo externo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000414 rdfs:label Bulbous nose Nariz bulboso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000415 rdfs:label Abnormal choanae morphology Morfologia anormal das coanas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000417 rdfs:label Slender nose Nariz fino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000418 rdfs:label Narrow nasal ridge Crista nasal estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000419 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal septum morphology Morfologia anormal do septo nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000420 rdfs:label Short nasal septum Septo nasal curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000421 rdfs:label Epistaxis Epistaxe OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000422 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal bridge morphology Morfologia anormal da ponte nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000426 rdfs:label Prominent nasal bridge Ponte nasal proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000429 rdfs:label Abnormal morphology of the nasal alae Morfologia anormal das asas nasais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000430 rdfs:label Underdeveloped nasal alae Asas nasais subdesenvolvidas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000431 rdfs:label Wide nasal bridge Ponte nasal larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000433 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal mucosa morphology Morfologia anormal da mucosa nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000434 rdfs:label Nasal mucosa telangiectasia Telangiectasia da mucosa nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000436 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal tip morphology Morfologia anormal da ponta nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000437 rdfs:label Depressed nasal tip Ponta nasal deprimida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000444 rdfs:label Convex nasal ridge Crista nasal convexa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000445 rdfs:label Wide nose Nariz largo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000446 rdfs:label Narrow nasal bridge Ponte nasal estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000447 rdfs:label Pear-shaped nose Nariz em formato de pera OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000448 rdfs:label Prominent nose Nariz proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000451 rdfs:label Triangular nasal tip Ponta nasal triangular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000452 rdfs:label Choanal stenosis Estenose das coanas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000453 rdfs:label Choanal atresia Atresia das coanas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000454 rdfs:label Flared nostrils Narinas alargadas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000455 rdfs:label Broad nasal tip Ponta nasal larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000456 rdfs:label Bifid nasal tip Ponta nasal bífida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000457 rdfs:label Depressed nasal ridge Crista nasal deprimida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000458 rdfs:label Anosmia Anosmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000460 rdfs:label Narrow nose Nariz estreito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000463 rdfs:label Anteverted nares Narinas antevertidas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000464 rdfs:label Abnormality of the neck Anomalia do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000465 rdfs:label Webbed neck Pescoço alado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000466 rdfs:label Limited neck range of motion Amplitude limitada do movimento do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000467 rdfs:label Neck muscle weakness Fraqueza muscular cervical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000468 rdfs:label Increased adipose tissue around the neck Aumento do tecido adiposo ao redor do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000470 rdfs:label Short neck Pescoço curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000471 rdfs:label Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia Angiodisplasia gastrointestinal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000472 rdfs:label Long neck Pescoço longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000473 rdfs:label Torticollis Torcicolo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000474 rdfs:label Thickened nuchal skin fold Prega nucal espessada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000475 rdfs:label Broad neck Pescoço largo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000476 rdfs:label Cystic hygroma Higroma cístico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000478 rdfs:label Abnormality of the eye Anomalia do olho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000479 rdfs:label Abnormal retinal morphology Morfologia anormal da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000480 rdfs:label Retinal coloboma Coloboma da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000481 rdfs:label Abnormal cornea morphology Morfologia anormal da córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000482 rdfs:label Microcornea Microcórnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000483 rdfs:label Astigmatism Astigmatismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000484 rdfs:label Hyperopic astigmatism Astigmatismo hipermetrópico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000485 rdfs:label Megalocornea Megalocórnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000486 rdfs:label Strabismus Estrabismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000488 rdfs:label Retinopathy Retinopatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000490 rdfs:label Deeply set eye Olho profundamente inserido OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000491 rdfs:label Keratitis Ceratite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000492 rdfs:label Abnormal eyelid morphology Morfologia anormal das pálpebras OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000493 rdfs:label Abnormal foveal morphology Morfologia anormal da fóvea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000494 rdfs:label Downslanted palpebral fissures Fissuras palpebrais inclinadas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000495 rdfs:label Recurrent corneal erosions Erosão recorrente da córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000496 rdfs:label Abnormality of eye movement Anomalia do movimento ocular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000497 rdfs:label Globe retraction and deviation on abduction Retração e desvio do globo na abdução OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000498 rdfs:label Blepharitis Blefarite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000499 rdfs:label Abnormal eyelash morphology Morfologia anormal dos cílios OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000501 rdfs:label Glaucoma Glaucoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000502 rdfs:label Abnormal conjunctiva morphology Morfologia anormal da conjuntiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000503 rdfs:label Tortuosity of conjunctival vessels Tortuosidade dos vasos conjuntivais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000504 rdfs:label Abnormality of vision Anomalia da visão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000505 rdfs:label Visual impairment Deficiência visual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000506 rdfs:label Telecanthus Telecanto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000508 rdfs:label Ptosis Ptose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000509 rdfs:label Conjunctivitis Conjuntivite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000510 rdfs:label Rod-cone dystrophy Distrofia de cones e bastonetes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000511 rdfs:label Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy Paralisia supranuclear vertical do olhar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000512 rdfs:label Abnormal electroretinogram Electrorretinograma anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000514 rdfs:label Slow saccadic eye movements Movimentos oculares sacádicos lentos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000517 rdfs:label Abnormal lens morphology Morfologia anormal do cristalino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000518 rdfs:label Cataract Catarata OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000519 rdfs:label Developmental cataract Catarata congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000520 rdfs:label Proptosis Proptose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000522 rdfs:label Alacrima Alacrimia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000523 rdfs:label Subcapsular cataract Catarata subcapsular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000524 rdfs:label Conjunctival telangiectasia Telangiectasia conjuntival OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000525 rdfs:label Abnormality iris morphology Anomalia morfológica da íris OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000526 rdfs:label Aniridia Aniridia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000527 rdfs:label Long eyelashes Cílios longos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000528 rdfs:label Anophthalmia Anoftalmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000529 rdfs:label Progressive visual loss Perda visual progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000531 rdfs:label Corneal crystals Cristais na córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000532 rdfs:label Abnormal chorioretinal morphology Morfologia coriorretiniana anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000533 rdfs:label Chorioretinal atrophy Atrofia coriorretiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000534 rdfs:label Abnormal eyebrow morphology Morfologia anormal das sobrancelhas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000537 rdfs:label Epicanthus inversus Epicanto inverso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000538 rdfs:label Pseudopapilledema Pseudo-papiledema OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000539 rdfs:label Abnormality of refraction Anomalia da refração OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000540 rdfs:label Hypermetropia Hipermetropia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000541 rdfs:label Retinal detachment Descolamento de retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000542 rdfs:label Impaired ocular adduction Adução ocular prejudicada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000543 rdfs:label Optic disc pallor Palidez do disco óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000544 rdfs:label External ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000545 rdfs:label Myopia Miopia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000546 rdfs:label Retinal degeneration Degeneração retiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000548 rdfs:label Cone/cone-rod dystrophy Distrofia de cones ou de cones e bastonetes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000549 rdfs:label Abnormal conjugate eye movement Movimento ocular conjugado anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000550 rdfs:label Undetectable electroretinogram Eletrorretinograma indetectável OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000551 rdfs:label Color vision defect Defeito da visão cromática OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000552 rdfs:label Tritanomaly Tritanomalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000553 rdfs:label Abnormal uvea morphology Morfologia anormal da úvea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000554 rdfs:label Uveitis Uveíte OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000555 rdfs:label Leukocoria Leucocoria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000556 rdfs:label Retinal dystrophy Distrofia da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000557 rdfs:label Buphthalmos Buftalmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000558 rdfs:label Rieger anomaly Anomalia de Rieger OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000559 rdfs:label Corneal scarring Cicatriz corneana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000561 rdfs:label Absent eyelashes Cílios ausentes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000563 rdfs:label Keratoconus Queratocone OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000564 rdfs:label Lacrimal duct atresia Atresia do ducto lacrimal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000565 rdfs:label Esotropia Esotropia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000567 rdfs:label Chorioretinal coloboma Coloboma de coriorretina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000568 rdfs:label Microphthalmia Microftalmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000570 rdfs:label Abnormal saccadic eye movements Movimentos oculares sacádicos anormais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000571 rdfs:label Hypometric saccades Sacádicos hipométricos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000572 rdfs:label Visual loss Perda visual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000573 rdfs:label Retinal hemorrhage Hemorragia retiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000574 rdfs:label Thick eyebrow Sobrancelhas grossas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000575 rdfs:label Scotoma Escotoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000576 rdfs:label Centrocecal scotoma Escotoma centrocecal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000577 rdfs:label Exotropia Exotropia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000579 rdfs:label Nasolacrimal duct obstruction Obstrução do canal lacrimal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000580 rdfs:label Pigmentary retinopathy Retinopatia pigmentar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000581 rdfs:label Blepharophimosis Blefarofimose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000582 rdfs:label Upslanted palpebral fissure Fissura palpebral inclinada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000584 rdfs:label Punctate corneal epithelial erosions Erosões epiteliais puntiformes da córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000585 rdfs:label Band keratopathy Ceratopatia em faixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000586 rdfs:label Shallow orbits Órbitas rasas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000587 rdfs:label Abnormal optic nerve morphology Morfologia anormal do nervo óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000588 rdfs:label Optic disc coloboma Coloboma do nervo óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000590 rdfs:label Progressive external ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia externa progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000591 rdfs:label Abnormal sclera morphology Morfologia anormal da esclera OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000592 rdfs:label Blue sclerae Escleras azuis OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000593 rdfs:label Abnormal anterior chamber morphology Morfologia anormal da câmara anterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000594 rdfs:label Shallow anterior chamber Câmara anterior rasa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000597 rdfs:label Ophthalmoparesis Oftalmoparesia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000598 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ear Anomalia da orelha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000599 rdfs:label Abnormality of the frontal hairline Anomalia da linha frontal capilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000600 rdfs:label Abnormality of the pharynx Anomalia da faringe OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000601 rdfs:label Hypotelorism Hipotelorismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000602 rdfs:label Ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000603 rdfs:label Central scotoma Escotoma central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000605 rdfs:label Supranuclear gaze palsy Paralisia supranuclear do olhar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000606 rdfs:label Abnormality of the periorbital region Anomalia da região periorbital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000607 rdfs:label Periorbital wrinkles Rugas periorbitais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000608 rdfs:label Macular degeneration Degeneração macular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000609 rdfs:label Optic nerve hypoplasia Hipoplasia do nervo óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000610 rdfs:label Abnormal choroid morphology Morfologia anormal da coroide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000612 rdfs:label Iris coloboma Coloboma da íris OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000613 rdfs:label Photophobia Fotofobia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000614 rdfs:label Abnormal nasolacrimal system morphology Morfologia anormal do canal lacrimal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000615 rdfs:label Abnormal pupil morphology Morfologia anormal da pupila OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000616 rdfs:label Miosis Miose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000618 rdfs:label Blindness Cegueira OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000619 rdfs:label Impaired convergence Insuficiência de convergência OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000620 rdfs:label Dacryocystitis Dacriocistite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000621 rdfs:label Entropion Entrópio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000622 rdfs:label Blurred vision Visão turva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000623 rdfs:label Supranuclear ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia supranuclear OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000625 rdfs:label Eyelid coloboma Coloboma palpebral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000627 rdfs:label Posterior embryotoxon Embriotóxon posterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000631 rdfs:label Retinal arterial tortuosity Tortuosidade arterial retiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000632 rdfs:label Lacrimation abnormality Anomalia do lacrimejamento OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000633 rdfs:label Decreased lacrimation Lacrimejamento diminuído OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000634 rdfs:label Impaired ocular abduction Abdução ocular prejudicada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000635 rdfs:label Blue irides Íris azul OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000636 rdfs:label Upper eyelid coloboma Coloboma palpebral superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000637 rdfs:label Long palpebral fissure Fissura palpebral longa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000639 rdfs:label Nystagmus Nistagmo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000640 rdfs:label Gaze-evoked nystagmus Nistagmo evocado pelo olhar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000803 rdfs:label Renal cortical cysts Cistos renais corticais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000820 rdfs:label Abnormality of the thyroid gland Anomalia da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000821 rdfs:label Hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000822 rdfs:label Hypertension Hipertensão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000852 rdfs:label Pseudohypoparathyroidism Pseudo-hipoparatireoidismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000860 rdfs:label Parathyroid hypoplasia Hipoplasia da paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0000933 rdfs:label Posterior fossa cyst at the fourth ventricle Cisto de fossa posterior do quarto ventrículo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0001407 rdfs:label Hepatic cysts Cistos hepáticos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0002350 rdfs:label Cerebellar cyst Cisto cerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0002416 rdfs:label Subependymal cysts Cistos subependimários OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0002925 rdfs:label Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration Concentração elevada de hormônio estimulante da tireoide circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0002926 rdfs:label Abnormality of thyroid physiology Anomalia da fisiologia da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0002930 rdfs:label Impaired sensitivity to thyroid hormone Sensibilidade diminuída ao hormônio tireoidiano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0004734 rdfs:label Renal cortical microcysts Microcistos renais corticais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0004823 rdfs:label Anisopoikilocytosis Anisopoiquilocitose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0005206 rdfs:label Pancreatic pseudocyst Pseudocisto pancreático OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0005209 rdfs:label Intrahepatic bile duct cysts Cistos biliares intra-hepáticos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0005562 rdfs:label Multiple renal cysts Múltiplos cistos renais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0005948 rdfs:label Multiple pulmonary cysts Múltiplos cistos pulmonares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0005990 rdfs:label Thyroid hypoplasia Hipoplasia da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0006781 rdfs:label Hurthle cell thyroid adenoma Adenoma tireoidiano de células de Hurthle OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0006799 rdfs:label Basal ganglia cysts Cistos nos gânglios basais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0006951 rdfs:label Retrocerebellar cyst Cisto retrocerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0007109 rdfs:label Periventricular cysts Cistos periventriculares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0007291 rdfs:label Posterior fossa cyst Cisto de fossa posterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0007667 rdfs:label Peripheral cystoid retinal degeneration Degeneração cistoide periférica da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008188 rdfs:label Thyroid dysgenesis Disgenesia tireoidiana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008191 rdfs:label Thyroid agenesis Agenesia tireoidiana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008200 rdfs:label Primary hyperparathyroidism Hiperparatireoidismo primário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008223 rdfs:label Compensated hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo compensado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008225 rdfs:label Thyroid follicular hyperplasia Hiperplasia folicular da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008227 rdfs:label Pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone Resistência hipofisária ao hormônio tireoidiano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008229 rdfs:label Thyroid lymphangiectasia Linfangiectasia da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008237 rdfs:label Hypothalamic hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo hipotalâmico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008247 rdfs:label Euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia Hipertiroxinemia eutireoidea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008263 rdfs:label Thyroid defect in oxidation and organification of iodide Defeito tireoidiano na oxidação e organificação do iodo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0008659 rdfs:label Multiple small medullary renal cysts Múltiplos pequenos cistos renais medulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0009745 rdfs:label Spinal arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide espinhal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0010518 rdfs:label Thyroglossal cyst Cisto tireoglosso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0010603 rdfs:label Odontogenic keratocysts of the jaw Ceratocistos odontogênicos na mandíbula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0010769 rdfs:label Pilonidal sinus Cisto pilonidal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0010770 rdfs:label Pilonidal fistula Fístula pilonidal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011426 rdfs:label Fetal choroid plexus cysts Cistos de plexo coróide fetal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011505 rdfs:label Cystoid macular edema Edema macular cistoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011766 rdfs:label Abnormal parathyroid morphology Morfologia anormal da paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011767 rdfs:label Abnormality of the parathyroid physiology Anomalia da fisiologia da glândula paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011771 rdfs:label Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism Hipoparatireoidismo autoimune OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011775 rdfs:label Thyroid macrofollicular adenoma Adenoma tireoidiano macrofolicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011776 rdfs:label Thyroid microfollicular adenoma Adenoma tireoidiano microfolicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011777 rdfs:label Thyroid papillary adenoma Adenoma papilar da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011778 rdfs:label Thyroid atypical adenoma Adenoma atípico da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011782 rdfs:label Thyroid crisis Crise tireotóxica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011787 rdfs:label Central hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011789 rdfs:label Impaired sensitivity to thyroid stimulating hormone Sensibilidade diminuída ao hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011790 rdfs:label Activating thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor defect Defeito ativador do receptor do hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0011791 rdfs:label Inactivating thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor defect Defeito inativador do receptor do hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012035 rdfs:label Steatocystoma multiplex Esteatocistoma múltiplo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012063 rdfs:label Aneurysmal bone cyst Cisto ósseo aneurismático OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012096 rdfs:label Intracranial epidermoid cyst Cisto epidermoide intracraniano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012097 rdfs:label Intracranial dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide intracraniano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012487 rdfs:label Cerebellopontine angle arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide no ângulo pontocerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012488 rdfs:label Intraventricular arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide intraventricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012489 rdfs:label Suprasellar arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide suprasselar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012540 rdfs:label Axillary epidermoid cyst Cisto epidermoide axilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0012618 rdfs:label Urachal cyst Cisto de úraco OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0020143 rdfs:label Tracheal duplication cyst Cisto de duplicação traqueal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0020157 rdfs:label Thin zona pellucida Zona pelúcida fina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025246 rdfs:label Trichilemmal cyst Cisto triquilemal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025247 rdfs:label Dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025248 rdfs:label Eruptive vellus hair cyst Cisto veloso eruptivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025379 rdfs:label Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpo antiperoxidase tireoidiana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025388 rdfs:label Thyroid nodule Nódulo da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025422 rdfs:label Pleural cyst Cisto pleural OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025483 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating thyroglobulin concentration Concentração anormal de tireoglobulina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025643 rdfs:label Tarlov cyst Cisto de Tarlov OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025674 rdfs:label Meconium pseudocyst Pseudocisto de mecônio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0025728 rdfs:label Periventricular pseudocyst Pseudocisto periventricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030424 rdfs:label Epididymal cyst Cisto no epidídimo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030425 rdfs:label Calcified ovarian cyst Cisto ovariano calcificado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030451 rdfs:label Mesenteric cyst Cisto mesentérico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030452 rdfs:label Chylolymphatic mesenteric cyst Cisto mesentérico quilolinfático OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030668 rdfs:label Periorbital dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide periorbital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030720 rdfs:label Subchorionic septal cyst Cisto septal subcoriônico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030724 rdfs:label Central nervous system cyst Cisto no sistema nervoso central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030725 rdfs:label Neurenteric cyst Cisto neurentérico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030726 rdfs:label Spinal neurenteric cyst Cisto neurentérico espinhal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030727 rdfs:label Intracranial neurenteric cyst Cisto neurentérico intracraniano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0030754 rdfs:label Allantoic cyst Cisto alantoico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0031508 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating thyroid hormone concentration Concentração anormal do hormônio tireoidiano circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0032327 rdfs:label Interhemispheric cyst Cisto inter-hemisférico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0032578 rdfs:label Third ventricle colloid cyst Cisto coloide do terceiro ventrículo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0032608 rdfs:label Thyroidization-type tubular atrophy Atrofia tubular com tireoidização OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0032963 rdfs:label Complex renal cyst Cisto renal complexo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0033075 rdfs:label Inappropriately normal thyroid-stimulating hormone level Nível inadequadamente normal de hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0033079 rdfs:label Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland Aplasia/Hipoplasia da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0033808 rdfs:label Spermatocele Espermatocele OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0034189 rdfs:label Anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpo anti-receptor do hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0034286 rdfs:label Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0034485 rdfs:label Neuroepithelial cyst Cisto neuroepitelial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0034778 rdfs:label Maternal hyperthyroidism Hipertireoidismo materno OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0034946 rdfs:label Multiple eyelid margin cysts Múltiplos cistos na margem da pálpebra OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0034966 rdfs:label Thymic cyst Cisto tímico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100029 rdfs:label Lingual thyroid Tireoide lingual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100030 rdfs:label Accessory ectopic thyroid tissue Tecido tireoidiano ectópico acessório OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100611 rdfs:label Multiple glomerular cysts Múltiplos cistos glomerulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100681 rdfs:label Esophageal duplication Duplicação de esôfago OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100702 rdfs:label Arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100730 rdfs:label Bronchogenic cyst Cisto Bboncogênico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100733 rdfs:label Neoplasm of the parathyroid gland Neoplasia da glândula paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0100890 rdfs:label Cyst of the ductus choledochus Cisto de colédoco OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0200040 rdfs:label Epidermoid cyst Cisto epidermoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0430050 rdfs:label Anti-thyroid antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpos antitireoidianos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:0430145 rdfs:label Nasal dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide do nariz OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:3000059 rdfs:label Abnormal inferior thyroid vein morphology Morfologia anormal das veias tireoidianas inferiores OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:4000139 rdfs:label Fetal abdominal cyst Cisto abdominal fetal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000206 rdfs:label Reduced CSF pyridoxal-5'-phosphate concentration Concentração reduzida de piridoxal-5-fosfato no LCR OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000256 rdfs:label Pneumocystis cysts in respiratory secretions Cistos de Pneumocystis nas secreções respiratórias OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000364 rdfs:label Synovial cyst Cisto sinovial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000461 rdfs:label Cerebral subcortical cyst Cisto cerebral subcortical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000594 rdfs:label Maxillary cyst Cisto maxilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000595 rdfs:label Mandibular cyst Cisto mandibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 -en pt HP:6000631 rdfs:label Unilocular ovarian cyst Cisto ovariano unilocular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +source_language translation_language subject_id predicate_id source_value translation_value translation_status translator +en pt HP:0000001 rdfs:label All Todos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000002 rdfs:label Abnormality of body height Anomalia da altura corporal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000003 rdfs:label Multicystic kidney dysplasia Displasia renal multicística OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000005 rdfs:label Mode of inheritance Modo de herança OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000006 rdfs:label Autosomal dominant inheritance Herança autossômica dominante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000007 rdfs:label Autosomal recessive inheritance Herança autossômica recessiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000008 rdfs:label Abnormal morphology of female internal genitalia Morfologia anormal da genitália feminina interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000009 rdfs:label Functional abnormality of the bladder Anomalia funcional da bexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000010 rdfs:label Recurrent urinary tract infections Infecções recorrentes do trato urinário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000011 rdfs:label Neurogenic bladder Bexiga neurogênica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000012 rdfs:label Urinary urgency Urgência miccional OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000013 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the uterus Hipoplasia uterina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000014 rdfs:label Abnormality of the bladder Anomalia da bexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000015 rdfs:label Bladder diverticulum Divertículo vesical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000016 rdfs:label Urinary retention Retenção urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000017 rdfs:label Nocturia Noctúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000019 rdfs:label Urinary hesitancy Hesitação urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000020 rdfs:label Urinary incontinence Incontinência urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000021 rdfs:label Megacystis Megabexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000022 rdfs:label Abnormal male internal genitalia morphology Morfologia anormal da genitália masculina interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000023 rdfs:label Inguinal hernia Hérnia inguinal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000024 rdfs:label Prostatitis Prostatite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000025 rdfs:label Functional abnormality of male internal genitalia Anomalia funcional da genitália masculina interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000026 rdfs:label Male hypogonadism Hipogonadismo masculino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000027 rdfs:label Azoospermia Azoospermia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000028 rdfs:label Cryptorchidism Criptorquidia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000029 rdfs:label Testicular atrophy Atrofia testicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000030 rdfs:label Testicular gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma testicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000031 rdfs:label Epididymitis Epididimite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000032 rdfs:label Abnormal male external genitalia morphology Morfologia anormal da genitália masculina externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000033 rdfs:label Ambiguous genitalia, male Genitália ambígua, no sexo masculino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000034 rdfs:label Hydrocele testis Hidrocele testicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000035 rdfs:label Abnormal testis morphology Morfologia anormal dos testículos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000036 rdfs:label Abnormal penis morphology Morfologia anormal do pênis OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000037 rdfs:label Male pseudohermaphroditism Pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000039 rdfs:label Epispadias Epispádia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000040 rdfs:label Long penis Pênis longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000041 rdfs:label Chordee Curvatura peniana congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000042 rdfs:label Absent external genitalia Ausência da genitália externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000044 rdfs:label Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Hipogonadismo hipogonadotrófico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000045 rdfs:label Abnormal scrotum morphology Morfologia anormal do escroto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000046 rdfs:label Small scrotum Escroto pequeno OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000047 rdfs:label Hypospadias Hipospádia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000048 rdfs:label Bifid scrotum Escroto bífido OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000049 rdfs:label Shawl scrotum Escroto em xale OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000050 rdfs:label Hypoplastic male external genitalia Genitália externa masculina hipoplásica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000051 rdfs:label Perineal hypospadias Hipospádia perineal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000052 rdfs:label Urethral atresia, male Atresia uretral, em homens OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000053 rdfs:label Macroorchidism Macro-orquidismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000054 rdfs:label Micropenis Micropênis OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000055 rdfs:label Abnormal female external genitalia morphology Morfologia anormal da genitália feminina externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000056 rdfs:label Abnormal clitoris morphology Morfologia anormal do clitóris OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000058 rdfs:label Abnormal labia morphology Morfologia anormal dos lábios vulvares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000059 rdfs:label Hypoplastic labia majora Grandes lábios hipoplásicos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000060 rdfs:label Clitoral hypoplasia Hipoplasia clitoriana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000061 rdfs:label Ambiguous genitalia, female Genitália ambígua, no sexo feminino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000062 rdfs:label Ambiguous genitalia Genitália ambígua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000063 rdfs:label Fused labia minora Lábios menores fundidos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000064 rdfs:label Hypoplastic labia minora Lábios menores hipoplásicos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000065 rdfs:label Labial hypertrophy Hipertrofia dos lábios vulvares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000066 rdfs:label Labial hypoplasia Hipoplasia dos lábios vulvares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000067 rdfs:label Urethral atresia, female Atresia uretral feminina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000068 rdfs:label Urethral atresia Atresia uretral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000069 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ureter Anomalia do ureter OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000070 rdfs:label Ureterocele Ureterocele OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000071 rdfs:label Ureteral stenosis Estenose do ureter OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000072 rdfs:label Hydroureter Hidroureter OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000073 rdfs:label Ureteral duplication Duplicação ureteral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000074 rdfs:label Ureteropelvic junction obstruction Obstrução da junção ureteropélvica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000075 rdfs:label Renal duplication Duplicação renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000076 rdfs:label Vesicoureteral reflux Refluxo vesicoureteral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000077 rdfs:label Abnormality of the kidney Anomalia do rim OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000078 rdfs:label Abnormality of the genital system Anomalia do sistema genital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000079 rdfs:label Abnormality of the urinary system Anomalia do sistema urinário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000080 rdfs:label Abnormality of reproductive system physiology Anomalia da fisiologia do sistema reprodutivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000081 rdfs:label Duplicated collecting system Duplicação do sistema colector OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000083 rdfs:label Renal insufficiency Insuficiência renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000085 rdfs:label Horseshoe kidney Rim em ferradura OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000086 rdfs:label Ectopic kidney Rim ectópico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000089 rdfs:label Renal hypoplasia Hipoplasia renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000090 rdfs:label Nephronophthisis Nefroftise OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000091 rdfs:label Abnormal renal tubule morphology Morfologia anormal dos túbulos renais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000092 rdfs:label Renal tubular atrophy Atrofia tubular renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000093 rdfs:label Proteinuria Proteinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000095 rdfs:label Abnormal renal glomerulus morphology Morfologia anormal do glomérulo renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000096 rdfs:label Glomerular sclerosis Glomerulosclerose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000097 rdfs:label Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Glomerulosclerose focal e segmentar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000098 rdfs:label Tall stature Estatura alta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000099 rdfs:label Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonefrite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000100 rdfs:label Nephrotic syndrome Síndrome nefrótica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000103 rdfs:label Polyuria Poliúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000104 rdfs:label Renal agenesis Agenesia renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000105 rdfs:label Enlarged kidney Rim aumentado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000107 rdfs:label Renal cyst Cisto renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000108 rdfs:label Renal corticomedullary cysts Cistos renais corticomedulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000110 rdfs:label Renal dysplasia Displasia renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000111 rdfs:label Renal juxtaglomerular cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia Hipertrofia/hiperplasia de células renais justaglomerulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000112 rdfs:label Nephropathy Nefropatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000113 rdfs:label Polycystic kidney dysplasia Displasia renal policística OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000114 rdfs:label Proximal tubulopathy Tubulopatia proximal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000118 rdfs:label Phenotypic abnormality Anomalia fenotípica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000119 rdfs:label Abnormality of the genitourinary system Anomalia do sistema genitourinário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000121 rdfs:label Nephrocalcinosis Nefrocalcinose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000122 rdfs:label Unilateral renal agenesis Agenesia renal unilateral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000123 rdfs:label Nephritis Nefrite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000124 rdfs:label Renal tubular dysfunction Disfunção tubular renal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000125 rdfs:label Pelvic kidney Rim pélvico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000126 rdfs:label Hydronephrosis Hidronefrose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000127 rdfs:label Renal salt wasting Perda renal de eletrólitos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000128 rdfs:label Renal potassium wasting Perda renal de potássio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000130 rdfs:label Abnormality of the uterus Anomalia uterina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000131 rdfs:label Uterine leiomyoma Leiomioma uterino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000132 rdfs:label Menorrhagia Menstruação excessiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000133 rdfs:label Gonadal dysgenesis Disgenesia gonadal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000134 rdfs:label Female hypogonadism Hipogonadismo feminino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000135 rdfs:label Hypogonadism Hipogonadismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000136 rdfs:label Bifid uterus Útero bicórneo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000137 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ovary Anomalia do ovário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000138 rdfs:label Ovarian cyst Cisto ovariano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000139 rdfs:label Uterine prolapse Prolapso uterino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000140 rdfs:label Abnormality of the menstrual cycle Anomalia do ciclo menstrual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000141 rdfs:label Amenorrhea Amenorreia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000142 rdfs:label Abnormal vagina morphology Morfologia anormal da vagina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000143 rdfs:label Rectovaginal fistula Fístula retovaginal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000144 rdfs:label Decreased fertility Diminuição da fertilidade OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000145 rdfs:label Transverse vaginal septum Septo vaginal transverso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000147 rdfs:label Polycystic ovaries Ovário policístico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000148 rdfs:label Vaginal atresia Atresia vaginal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000149 rdfs:label Ovarian gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma ovariano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000150 rdfs:label Gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000151 rdfs:label Aplasia of the uterus Aplasia uterina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000152 rdfs:label Abnormality of head or neck Anomalia da cabeça ou do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000153 rdfs:label Abnormality of the mouth Anomalia da boca OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000154 rdfs:label Wide mouth Boca larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000155 rdfs:label Oral ulcer Úlcera oral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000157 rdfs:label Abnormality of the tongue Anomalia da língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000158 rdfs:label Macroglossia Macroglossia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000159 rdfs:label Abnormal lip morphology Morfologia anormal do lábio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000160 rdfs:label Narrow mouth Boca estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000161 rdfs:label Median cleft upper lip Fenda labial mediana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000162 rdfs:label Glossoptosis Glossoptose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000163 rdfs:label Abnormal oral cavity morphology Morfologia anormal da cavidade oral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000164 rdfs:label Abnormality of the dentition Anomalia da dentição OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000166 rdfs:label Severe periodontitis Periodontite grave OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000168 rdfs:label Abnormality of the gingiva Anomalia da gengiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000169 rdfs:label Gingival fibromatosis Fibromatose gengival OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000171 rdfs:label Microglossia Microglossia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000172 rdfs:label Abnormal uvula morphology Morfologia anormal da úvula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000174 rdfs:label Abnormal palate morphology Morfologia anormal do palato OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000175 rdfs:label Cleft palate Fenda palatina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000176 rdfs:label Submucous cleft hard palate Fenda submucosa do palato duro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000177 rdfs:label Abnormal upper lip morphology Morfologia anormal do lábio superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000178 rdfs:label Abnormal lower lip morphology Morfologia anormal do lábio inferior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000179 rdfs:label Thick lower lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio inferior espesso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000180 rdfs:label Lobulated tongue Língua lobulada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000182 rdfs:label Movement abnormality of the tongue Anomalia do movimento da língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000183 rdfs:label Difficulty in tongue movements Dificuldade nos movimentos da língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000185 rdfs:label Cleft soft palate Fenda do palato mole OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000187 rdfs:label Broad alveolar ridges Processos alveolares largos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000188 rdfs:label Short upper lip Lábio superior curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000189 rdfs:label Narrow palate Palato estreito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000190 rdfs:label Abnormal oral frenulum morphology Morfologia anormal do frênulo lingual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000191 rdfs:label Accessory oral frenulum Frênulo lingual acessório OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000193 rdfs:label Bifid uvula Úvula bífida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000194 rdfs:label Open mouth Boca aberta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000196 rdfs:label Lower lip pit Fosseta labial inferior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000197 rdfs:label Abnormal parotid gland morphology Morfologia anormal da glândula parótida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000198 rdfs:label Absence of Stensen duct Ausência de ducto de Stensen OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000199 rdfs:label Tongue nodules Nódulos na língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000200 rdfs:label Short lingual frenulum Frênulo lingual curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000201 rdfs:label Pierre-Robin sequence Sequência de Pierre-Robin OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000202 rdfs:label Orofacial cleft Fenda orofacial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000204 rdfs:label Cleft upper lip Fissura labial superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000205 rdfs:label Pursed lips Lábios franzidos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000206 rdfs:label Glossitis Glossite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000207 rdfs:label Triangular mouth Boca triangular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000211 rdfs:label Trismus Trismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000212 rdfs:label Gingival overgrowth Crescimento excessivo da gengiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000214 rdfs:label Lip telangiectasia Telangiectasia labial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000215 rdfs:label Thick upper lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio superior espesso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000217 rdfs:label Xerostomia Xerostomia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000218 rdfs:label High palate Palato alto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000219 rdfs:label Thin upper lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio superior fino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000220 rdfs:label Velopharyngeal insufficiency Insuficiência velofaríngea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000221 rdfs:label Furrowed tongue Língua fissurada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000222 rdfs:label Gingival hyperkeratosis Hiperceratose gengival OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000223 rdfs:label Abnormality of taste sensation Anomalia da sensação gustativa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000224 rdfs:label Hypogeusia Hipogeusia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000225 rdfs:label Gingival bleeding Sangramento da gengiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000227 rdfs:label Tongue telangiectasia Telangiectasia de língua OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000228 rdfs:label Oral cavity telangiectasia Telangiectasia da cavidade oral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000230 rdfs:label Gingivitis Gengivite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000232 rdfs:label Everted lower lip vermilion Vermelhão do lábio inferior evertido OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000233 rdfs:label Thin vermilion border Borda fina do vermelhão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000234 rdfs:label Abnormality of the head Anomalia da cabeça OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000235 rdfs:label Abnormality of the fontanelles or cranial sutures Anomalia das fontanelas ou suturas cranianas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000236 rdfs:label Abnormality of the anterior fontanelle Anomalia da fontanela anterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000237 rdfs:label Small anterior fontanelle Fontanela anterior pequena OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000238 rdfs:label Hydrocephalus Hidrocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000239 rdfs:label Large fontanelles Fontanelas grandes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000240 rdfs:label Abnormality of skull size Anomalia do tamanho do crânio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000242 rdfs:label Parietal bossing Proeminência parietal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000243 rdfs:label Trigonocephaly Trigonocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000244 rdfs:label Brachyturricephaly Braquiturricefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000246 rdfs:label Sinusitis Sinusite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000248 rdfs:label Brachycephaly Braquicefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000250 rdfs:label Dense calvaria Calvária densa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000252 rdfs:label Microcephaly Microcefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000253 rdfs:label Progressive microcephaly Microcefalia progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000255 rdfs:label Acute sinusitis Sinusite aguda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000256 rdfs:label Macrocephaly Macrocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000260 rdfs:label Wide anterior fontanel Fontanela anterior larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000262 rdfs:label Turricephaly Turricefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000263 rdfs:label Oxycephaly Oxicefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000264 rdfs:label Abnormal mastoid morphology Morfologia anormal do processo mastoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000265 rdfs:label Mastoiditis Mastoidite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000267 rdfs:label Cranial asymmetry Assimetria craniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000268 rdfs:label Dolichocephaly Dolicocefalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000269 rdfs:label Prominent occiput Proeminência occipital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000270 rdfs:label Delayed cranial suture closure Fechamento tardio da sutura craniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000271 rdfs:label Abnormality of the face Anomalia da face OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000272 rdfs:label Malar flattening Achatamento malar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000273 rdfs:label Facial grimacing Careta facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000274 rdfs:label Small face Face pequena OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000275 rdfs:label Narrow face Face estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000276 rdfs:label Long face Face longa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000277 rdfs:label Abnormal mandible morphology Morfologia anormal da mandíbula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000278 rdfs:label Retrognathia Retrognatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000280 rdfs:label Coarse facial features Características faciais grosseiras OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000282 rdfs:label Facial edema Edema facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000283 rdfs:label Broad face Face larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000286 rdfs:label Epicanthus Epicanto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000287 rdfs:label Increased facial adipose tissue Aumento do tecido adiposo facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000288 rdfs:label Abnormality of the philtrum Anomalia do filtro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000289 rdfs:label Broad philtrum Filtro largo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000290 rdfs:label Abnormality of the forehead Anomalia da testa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000291 rdfs:label Abnormality of facial adipose tissue Anomalia do tecido adiposo facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000292 rdfs:label Loss of facial adipose tissue Perda de tecido adiposo facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000293 rdfs:label Full cheeks Bochechas cheias OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000294 rdfs:label Low anterior hairline Linha anterior do cabelo baixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000295 rdfs:label Doll-like facies Facies de boneca OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000297 rdfs:label Facial hypotonia Hipotonia facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000298 rdfs:label Mask-like facies Facies em máscara OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000300 rdfs:label Oval face Face oval OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000301 rdfs:label Abnormality of facial musculature Anomalia da musculatura facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000303 rdfs:label Mandibular prognathia Prognatismo mandibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000306 rdfs:label Abnormality of the chin Anomalia do queixo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000307 rdfs:label Pointed chin Queixo pontiagudo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000308 rdfs:label Microretrognathia Microretrognatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000311 rdfs:label Round face Face redonda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000315 rdfs:label Abnormality of the orbital region Anomalia da região orbital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000316 rdfs:label Hypertelorism Hipertelorismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000317 rdfs:label Facial myokymia Mioquimia Facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000319 rdfs:label Smooth philtrum Filtro liso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000320 rdfs:label Bird-like facies Facies de passarinho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000321 rdfs:label Square face Face quadrada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000322 rdfs:label Short philtrum Filtro curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000324 rdfs:label Facial asymmetry Assimetria Facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000325 rdfs:label Triangular face Rosto triangular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000326 rdfs:label Abnormal maxilla morphology Morfologia anormal da maxila OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000327 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the maxilla Hipoplasia maxilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000329 rdfs:label Facial hemangioma Hemangioma facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000331 rdfs:label Short chin Queixo curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000336 rdfs:label Prominent supraorbital ridges Cristas supraorbitais proeminentes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000337 rdfs:label Broad forehead Testa larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000338 rdfs:label Hypomimic face Hipomimia facial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000339 rdfs:label Pugilistic facies Facies de pugilista OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000340 rdfs:label Sloping forehead Testa inclinada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000341 rdfs:label Narrow forehead Testa estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000343 rdfs:label Long philtrum Filtro longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000346 rdfs:label Whistling appearance Face em assobio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000347 rdfs:label Micrognathia Micrognatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000348 rdfs:label High forehead Testa alta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000349 rdfs:label Widow's peak Bico de viúva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000350 rdfs:label Small forehead Testa pequena OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000356 rdfs:label Abnormality of the outer ear Anomalia da orelha externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000357 rdfs:label Abnormal location of ears Localização anormal das orelhas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000358 rdfs:label Posteriorly rotated ears Orelhas rodadas posteriormente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000359 rdfs:label Abnormality of the inner ear Anomalia da orelha interna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000360 rdfs:label Tinnitus Tinito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000362 rdfs:label Otosclerosis Otosclerose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000363 rdfs:label Abnormal earlobe morphology Morfologia anormal do lóbulo da orelha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000364 rdfs:label Hearing abnormality Anomalia auditiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000366 rdfs:label Abnormality of the nose Anomalia do nariz OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000368 rdfs:label Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears Orelhas de implantação baixa, posteriormente giradas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000369 rdfs:label Low-set ears Orelhas de inserção baixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000370 rdfs:label Abnormality of the middle ear Anomalia da orelha média OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000371 rdfs:label Acute otitis media Otite média aguda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000372 rdfs:label Abnormal auditory canal morphology Morfologia anormal do canal auditivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000375 rdfs:label Abnormal cochlea morphology Morfologia anormal da cóclea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000376 rdfs:label Incomplete partition of the cochlea type II Partição coclear incompleta tipo II OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000377 rdfs:label Abnormal pinna morphology Morfologia anormal do pavilhão auricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000378 rdfs:label Cupped ear Orelha em concha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000381 rdfs:label Stapes ankylosis Anquilose do estribo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000383 rdfs:label Abnormal periauricular region morphology Morfologia anormal da região periauricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000384 rdfs:label Preauricular skin tag Acrocórdon preauricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000385 rdfs:label Small earlobe Lóbulo da orelha pequeno OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000387 rdfs:label Absent earlobe Lóbulo da orelha ausente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000388 rdfs:label Otitis media Otite média OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000389 rdfs:label Chronic otitis media Otite média crónica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000391 rdfs:label Thickened helices Hélices espessas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000394 rdfs:label Lop ear Orelha constrita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000395 rdfs:label Prominent antihelix Anti-hélice proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000396 rdfs:label Overfolded helix Hélice sobredobrada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000399 rdfs:label Prelingual sensorineural hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva neurossensorial pré-lingual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000400 rdfs:label Macrotia Macrotia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000402 rdfs:label Stenosis of the external auditory canal Estenose do canal auditivo externo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000403 rdfs:label Recurrent otitis media Otite média recorrente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000405 rdfs:label Conductive hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva condutiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000407 rdfs:label Sensorineural hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva neurossensorial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000408 rdfs:label Progressive sensorineural hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva neurossensorial progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000410 rdfs:label Mixed hearing impairment Deficiência auditiva mista OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000411 rdfs:label Protruding ear Orelha saliente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000413 rdfs:label Atresia of the external auditory canal Atresia do canal auditivo externo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000414 rdfs:label Bulbous nose Nariz bulboso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000415 rdfs:label Abnormal choanae morphology Morfologia anormal das coanas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000417 rdfs:label Slender nose Nariz fino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000418 rdfs:label Narrow nasal ridge Crista nasal estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000419 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal septum morphology Morfologia anormal do septo nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000420 rdfs:label Short nasal septum Septo nasal curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000421 rdfs:label Epistaxis Epistaxe OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000422 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal bridge morphology Morfologia anormal da ponte nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000426 rdfs:label Prominent nasal bridge Ponte nasal proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000429 rdfs:label Abnormal morphology of the nasal alae Morfologia anormal das asas nasais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000430 rdfs:label Underdeveloped nasal alae Asas nasais subdesenvolvidas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000431 rdfs:label Wide nasal bridge Ponte nasal larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000433 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal mucosa morphology Morfologia anormal da mucosa nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000434 rdfs:label Nasal mucosa telangiectasia Telangiectasia da mucosa nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000436 rdfs:label Abnormal nasal tip morphology Morfologia anormal da ponta nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000437 rdfs:label Depressed nasal tip Ponta nasal deprimida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000444 rdfs:label Convex nasal ridge Crista nasal convexa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000445 rdfs:label Wide nose Nariz largo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000446 rdfs:label Narrow nasal bridge Ponte nasal estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000447 rdfs:label Pear-shaped nose Nariz em formato de pera OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000448 rdfs:label Prominent nose Nariz proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000451 rdfs:label Triangular nasal tip Ponta nasal triangular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000452 rdfs:label Choanal stenosis Estenose das coanas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000453 rdfs:label Choanal atresia Atresia das coanas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000454 rdfs:label Flared nostrils Narinas alargadas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000455 rdfs:label Broad nasal tip Ponta nasal larga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000456 rdfs:label Bifid nasal tip Ponta nasal bífida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000457 rdfs:label Depressed nasal ridge Crista nasal deprimida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000458 rdfs:label Anosmia Anosmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000460 rdfs:label Narrow nose Nariz estreito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000463 rdfs:label Anteverted nares Narinas antevertidas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000464 rdfs:label Abnormality of the neck Anomalia do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000465 rdfs:label Webbed neck Pescoço alado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000466 rdfs:label Limited neck range of motion Amplitude limitada do movimento do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000467 rdfs:label Neck muscle weakness Fraqueza muscular cervical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000468 rdfs:label Increased adipose tissue around the neck Aumento do tecido adiposo ao redor do pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000470 rdfs:label Short neck Pescoço curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000471 rdfs:label Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia Angiodisplasia gastrointestinal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000472 rdfs:label Long neck Pescoço longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000473 rdfs:label Torticollis Torcicolo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000474 rdfs:label Thickened nuchal skin fold Prega nucal espessada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000475 rdfs:label Broad neck Pescoço largo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000476 rdfs:label Cystic hygroma Higroma cístico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000478 rdfs:label Abnormality of the eye Anomalia do olho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000479 rdfs:label Abnormal retinal morphology Morfologia anormal da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000480 rdfs:label Retinal coloboma Coloboma da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000481 rdfs:label Abnormal cornea morphology Morfologia anormal da córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000482 rdfs:label Microcornea Microcórnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000483 rdfs:label Astigmatism Astigmatismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000484 rdfs:label Hyperopic astigmatism Astigmatismo hipermetrópico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000485 rdfs:label Megalocornea Megalocórnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000486 rdfs:label Strabismus Estrabismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000488 rdfs:label Retinopathy Retinopatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000490 rdfs:label Deeply set eye Olho profundamente inserido OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000491 rdfs:label Keratitis Ceratite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000492 rdfs:label Abnormal eyelid morphology Morfologia anormal das pálpebras OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000493 rdfs:label Abnormal foveal morphology Morfologia anormal da fóvea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000494 rdfs:label Downslanted palpebral fissures Fissuras palpebrais inclinadas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000495 rdfs:label Recurrent corneal erosions Erosão recorrente da córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000496 rdfs:label Abnormality of eye movement Anomalia do movimento ocular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000497 rdfs:label Globe retraction and deviation on abduction Retração e desvio do globo na abdução OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000498 rdfs:label Blepharitis Blefarite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000499 rdfs:label Abnormal eyelash morphology Morfologia anormal dos cílios OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000501 rdfs:label Glaucoma Glaucoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000502 rdfs:label Abnormal conjunctiva morphology Morfologia anormal da conjuntiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000503 rdfs:label Tortuosity of conjunctival vessels Tortuosidade dos vasos conjuntivais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000504 rdfs:label Abnormality of vision Anomalia da visão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000505 rdfs:label Visual impairment Deficiência visual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000506 rdfs:label Telecanthus Telecanto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000508 rdfs:label Ptosis Ptose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000509 rdfs:label Conjunctivitis Conjuntivite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000510 rdfs:label Rod-cone dystrophy Distrofia de cones e bastonetes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000511 rdfs:label Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy Paralisia supranuclear vertical do olhar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000512 rdfs:label Abnormal electroretinogram Electrorretinograma anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000514 rdfs:label Slow saccadic eye movements Movimentos oculares sacádicos lentos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000517 rdfs:label Abnormal lens morphology Morfologia anormal do cristalino OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000518 rdfs:label Cataract Catarata OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000519 rdfs:label Developmental cataract Catarata congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000520 rdfs:label Proptosis Proptose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000522 rdfs:label Alacrima Alacrimia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000523 rdfs:label Subcapsular cataract Catarata subcapsular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000524 rdfs:label Conjunctival telangiectasia Telangiectasia conjuntival OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000525 rdfs:label Abnormality iris morphology Anomalia morfológica da íris OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000526 rdfs:label Aniridia Aniridia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000527 rdfs:label Long eyelashes Cílios longos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000528 rdfs:label Anophthalmia Anoftalmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000529 rdfs:label Progressive visual loss Perda visual progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000531 rdfs:label Corneal crystals Cristais na córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000532 rdfs:label Abnormal chorioretinal morphology Morfologia coriorretiniana anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000533 rdfs:label Chorioretinal atrophy Atrofia coriorretiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000534 rdfs:label Abnormal eyebrow morphology Morfologia anormal das sobrancelhas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000537 rdfs:label Epicanthus inversus Epicanto inverso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000538 rdfs:label Pseudopapilledema Pseudo-papiledema OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000539 rdfs:label Abnormality of refraction Anomalia da refração OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000540 rdfs:label Hypermetropia Hipermetropia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000541 rdfs:label Retinal detachment Descolamento de retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000542 rdfs:label Impaired ocular adduction Adução ocular prejudicada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000543 rdfs:label Optic disc pallor Palidez do disco óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000544 rdfs:label External ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000545 rdfs:label Myopia Miopia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000546 rdfs:label Retinal degeneration Degeneração retiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000548 rdfs:label Cone/cone-rod dystrophy Distrofia de cones ou de cones e bastonetes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000549 rdfs:label Abnormal conjugate eye movement Movimento ocular conjugado anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000550 rdfs:label Undetectable electroretinogram Eletrorretinograma indetectável OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000551 rdfs:label Color vision defect Defeito da visão cromática OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000552 rdfs:label Tritanomaly Tritanomalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000553 rdfs:label Abnormal uvea morphology Morfologia anormal da úvea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000554 rdfs:label Uveitis Uveíte OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000555 rdfs:label Leukocoria Leucocoria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000556 rdfs:label Retinal dystrophy Distrofia da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000557 rdfs:label Buphthalmos Buftalmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000558 rdfs:label Rieger anomaly Anomalia de Rieger OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000559 rdfs:label Corneal scarring Cicatriz corneana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000561 rdfs:label Absent eyelashes Cílios ausentes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000563 rdfs:label Keratoconus Queratocone OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000564 rdfs:label Lacrimal duct atresia Atresia do ducto lacrimal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000565 rdfs:label Esotropia Esotropia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000567 rdfs:label Chorioretinal coloboma Coloboma de coriorretina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000568 rdfs:label Microphthalmia Microftalmia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000570 rdfs:label Abnormal saccadic eye movements Movimentos oculares sacádicos anormais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000571 rdfs:label Hypometric saccades Sacádicos hipométricos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000572 rdfs:label Visual loss Perda visual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000573 rdfs:label Retinal hemorrhage Hemorragia retiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000574 rdfs:label Thick eyebrow Sobrancelhas grossas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000575 rdfs:label Scotoma Escotoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000576 rdfs:label Centrocecal scotoma Escotoma centrocecal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000577 rdfs:label Exotropia Exotropia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000579 rdfs:label Nasolacrimal duct obstruction Obstrução do canal lacrimal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000580 rdfs:label Pigmentary retinopathy Retinopatia pigmentar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000581 rdfs:label Blepharophimosis Blefarofimose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000582 rdfs:label Upslanted palpebral fissure Fissura palpebral inclinada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000584 rdfs:label Punctate corneal epithelial erosions Erosões epiteliais puntiformes da córnea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000585 rdfs:label Band keratopathy Ceratopatia em faixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000586 rdfs:label Shallow orbits Órbitas rasas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000587 rdfs:label Abnormal optic nerve morphology Morfologia anormal do nervo óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000588 rdfs:label Optic disc coloboma Coloboma do nervo óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000590 rdfs:label Progressive external ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia externa progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000591 rdfs:label Abnormal sclera morphology Morfologia anormal da esclera OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000592 rdfs:label Blue sclerae Escleras azuis OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000593 rdfs:label Abnormal anterior chamber morphology Morfologia anormal da câmara anterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000594 rdfs:label Shallow anterior chamber Câmara anterior rasa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000597 rdfs:label Ophthalmoparesis Oftalmoparesia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000598 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ear Anomalia da orelha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000599 rdfs:label Abnormality of the frontal hairline Anomalia da linha frontal capilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000600 rdfs:label Abnormality of the pharynx Anomalia da faringe OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000601 rdfs:label Hypotelorism Hipotelorismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000602 rdfs:label Ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000603 rdfs:label Central scotoma Escotoma central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000605 rdfs:label Supranuclear gaze palsy Paralisia supranuclear do olhar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000606 rdfs:label Abnormality of the periorbital region Anomalia da região periorbital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000607 rdfs:label Periorbital wrinkles Rugas periorbitais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000608 rdfs:label Macular degeneration Degeneração macular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000609 rdfs:label Optic nerve hypoplasia Hipoplasia do nervo óptico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000610 rdfs:label Abnormal choroid morphology Morfologia anormal da coroide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000612 rdfs:label Iris coloboma Coloboma da íris OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000613 rdfs:label Photophobia Fotofobia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000614 rdfs:label Abnormal nasolacrimal system morphology Morfologia anormal do canal lacrimal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000615 rdfs:label Abnormal pupil morphology Morfologia anormal da pupila OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000616 rdfs:label Miosis Miose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000618 rdfs:label Blindness Cegueira OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000619 rdfs:label Impaired convergence Insuficiência de convergência OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000620 rdfs:label Dacryocystitis Dacriocistite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000621 rdfs:label Entropion Entrópio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000622 rdfs:label Blurred vision Visão turva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000623 rdfs:label Supranuclear ophthalmoplegia Oftalmoplegia supranuclear OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000625 rdfs:label Eyelid coloboma Coloboma palpebral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000627 rdfs:label Posterior embryotoxon Embriotóxon posterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000631 rdfs:label Retinal arterial tortuosity Tortuosidade arterial retiniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000632 rdfs:label Lacrimation abnormality Anomalia do lacrimejamento OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000633 rdfs:label Decreased lacrimation Lacrimejamento diminuído OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000634 rdfs:label Impaired ocular abduction Abdução ocular prejudicada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000635 rdfs:label Blue irides Íris azul OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000636 rdfs:label Upper eyelid coloboma Coloboma palpebral superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000637 rdfs:label Long palpebral fissure Fissura palpebral longa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000639 rdfs:label Nystagmus Nistagmo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000640 rdfs:label Gaze-evoked nystagmus Nistagmo evocado pelo olhar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000803 rdfs:label Renal cortical cysts Cistos renais corticais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000820 rdfs:label Abnormality of the thyroid gland Anomalia da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000821 rdfs:label Hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000822 rdfs:label Hypertension Hipertensão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000852 rdfs:label Pseudohypoparathyroidism Pseudo-hipoparatireoidismo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000860 rdfs:label Parathyroid hypoplasia Hipoplasia da paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0000933 rdfs:label Posterior fossa cyst at the fourth ventricle Cisto de fossa posterior do quarto ventrículo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0001407 rdfs:label Hepatic cysts Cistos hepáticos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002350 rdfs:label Cerebellar cyst Cisto cerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002416 rdfs:label Subependymal cysts Cistos subependimários OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002925 rdfs:label Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration Concentração elevada de hormônio estimulante da tireoide circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002926 rdfs:label Abnormality of thyroid physiology Anomalia da fisiologia da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002930 rdfs:label Impaired sensitivity to thyroid hormone Sensibilidade diminuída ao hormônio tireoidiano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0004734 rdfs:label Renal cortical microcysts Microcistos renais corticais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0004823 rdfs:label Anisopoikilocytosis Anisopoiquilocitose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0005206 rdfs:label Pancreatic pseudocyst Pseudocisto pancreático OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0005209 rdfs:label Intrahepatic bile duct cysts Cistos biliares intra-hepáticos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0005562 rdfs:label Multiple renal cysts Múltiplos cistos renais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0005948 rdfs:label Multiple pulmonary cysts Múltiplos cistos pulmonares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0005990 rdfs:label Thyroid hypoplasia Hipoplasia da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0006781 rdfs:label Hurthle cell thyroid adenoma Adenoma tireoidiano de células de Hurthle OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0006799 rdfs:label Basal ganglia cysts Cistos nos gânglios basais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0006951 rdfs:label Retrocerebellar cyst Cisto retrocerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0007109 rdfs:label Periventricular cysts Cistos periventriculares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0007291 rdfs:label Posterior fossa cyst Cisto de fossa posterior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0007667 rdfs:label Peripheral cystoid retinal degeneration Degeneração cistoide periférica da retina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008188 rdfs:label Thyroid dysgenesis Disgenesia tireoidiana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008191 rdfs:label Thyroid agenesis Agenesia tireoidiana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008200 rdfs:label Primary hyperparathyroidism Hiperparatireoidismo primário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008223 rdfs:label Compensated hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo compensado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008225 rdfs:label Thyroid follicular hyperplasia Hiperplasia folicular da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008227 rdfs:label Pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone Resistência hipofisária ao hormônio tireoidiano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008229 rdfs:label Thyroid lymphangiectasia Linfangiectasia da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008237 rdfs:label Hypothalamic hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo hipotalâmico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008247 rdfs:label Euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia Hipertiroxinemia eutireoidea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008263 rdfs:label Thyroid defect in oxidation and organification of iodide Defeito tireoidiano na oxidação e organificação do iodo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0008659 rdfs:label Multiple small medullary renal cysts Múltiplos pequenos cistos renais medulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0009745 rdfs:label Spinal arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide espinhal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0010518 rdfs:label Thyroglossal cyst Cisto tireoglosso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0010603 rdfs:label Odontogenic keratocysts of the jaw Ceratocistos odontogênicos na mandíbula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0010769 rdfs:label Pilonidal sinus Cisto pilonidal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0010770 rdfs:label Pilonidal fistula Fístula pilonidal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011426 rdfs:label Fetal choroid plexus cysts Cistos de plexo coróide fetal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011505 rdfs:label Cystoid macular edema Edema macular cistoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011766 rdfs:label Abnormal parathyroid morphology Morfologia anormal da paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011767 rdfs:label Abnormality of the parathyroid physiology Anomalia da fisiologia da glândula paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011771 rdfs:label Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism Hipoparatireoidismo autoimune OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011775 rdfs:label Thyroid macrofollicular adenoma Adenoma tireoidiano macrofolicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011776 rdfs:label Thyroid microfollicular adenoma Adenoma tireoidiano microfolicular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011777 rdfs:label Thyroid papillary adenoma Adenoma papilar da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011778 rdfs:label Thyroid atypical adenoma Adenoma atípico da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011782 rdfs:label Thyroid crisis Crise tireotóxica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011787 rdfs:label Central hypothyroidism Hipotireoidismo central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011789 rdfs:label Impaired sensitivity to thyroid stimulating hormone Sensibilidade diminuída ao hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011790 rdfs:label Activating thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor defect Defeito ativador do receptor do hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0011791 rdfs:label Inactivating thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor defect Defeito inativador do receptor do hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012035 rdfs:label Steatocystoma multiplex Esteatocistoma múltiplo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012063 rdfs:label Aneurysmal bone cyst Cisto ósseo aneurismático OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012096 rdfs:label Intracranial epidermoid cyst Cisto epidermoide intracraniano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012097 rdfs:label Intracranial dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide intracraniano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012487 rdfs:label Cerebellopontine angle arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide no ângulo pontocerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012488 rdfs:label Intraventricular arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide intraventricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012489 rdfs:label Suprasellar arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide suprasselar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012540 rdfs:label Axillary epidermoid cyst Cisto epidermoide axilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0012618 rdfs:label Urachal cyst Cisto de úraco OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0020143 rdfs:label Tracheal duplication cyst Cisto de duplicação traqueal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0020157 rdfs:label Thin zona pellucida Zona pelúcida fina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025246 rdfs:label Trichilemmal cyst Cisto triquilemal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025247 rdfs:label Dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025248 rdfs:label Eruptive vellus hair cyst Cisto veloso eruptivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025379 rdfs:label Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpo antiperoxidase tireoidiana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025388 rdfs:label Thyroid nodule Nódulo da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025422 rdfs:label Pleural cyst Cisto pleural OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025483 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating thyroglobulin concentration Concentração anormal de tireoglobulina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025643 rdfs:label Tarlov cyst Cisto de Tarlov OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025674 rdfs:label Meconium pseudocyst Pseudocisto de mecônio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0025728 rdfs:label Periventricular pseudocyst Pseudocisto periventricular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030424 rdfs:label Epididymal cyst Cisto no epidídimo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030425 rdfs:label Calcified ovarian cyst Cisto ovariano calcificado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030451 rdfs:label Mesenteric cyst Cisto mesentérico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030452 rdfs:label Chylolymphatic mesenteric cyst Cisto mesentérico quilolinfático OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030668 rdfs:label Periorbital dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide periorbital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030720 rdfs:label Subchorionic septal cyst Cisto septal subcoriônico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030724 rdfs:label Central nervous system cyst Cisto no sistema nervoso central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030725 rdfs:label Neurenteric cyst Cisto neurentérico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030726 rdfs:label Spinal neurenteric cyst Cisto neurentérico espinhal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030727 rdfs:label Intracranial neurenteric cyst Cisto neurentérico intracraniano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0030754 rdfs:label Allantoic cyst Cisto alantoico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0031508 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating thyroid hormone concentration Concentração anormal do hormônio tireoidiano circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0032327 rdfs:label Interhemispheric cyst Cisto inter-hemisférico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0032578 rdfs:label Third ventricle colloid cyst Cisto coloide do terceiro ventrículo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0032608 rdfs:label Thyroidization-type tubular atrophy Atrofia tubular com tireoidização OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0032963 rdfs:label Complex renal cyst Cisto renal complexo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0033075 rdfs:label Inappropriately normal thyroid-stimulating hormone level Nível inadequadamente normal de hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0033079 rdfs:label Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland Aplasia/Hipoplasia da glândula tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0033808 rdfs:label Spermatocele Espermatocele OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0034189 rdfs:label Anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpo anti-receptor do hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0034286 rdfs:label Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0034485 rdfs:label Neuroepithelial cyst Cisto neuroepitelial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0034778 rdfs:label Maternal hyperthyroidism Hipertireoidismo materno OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0034946 rdfs:label Multiple eyelid margin cysts Múltiplos cistos na margem da pálpebra OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0034966 rdfs:label Thymic cyst Cisto tímico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100029 rdfs:label Lingual thyroid Tireoide lingual OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100030 rdfs:label Accessory ectopic thyroid tissue Tecido tireoidiano ectópico acessório OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100611 rdfs:label Multiple glomerular cysts Múltiplos cistos glomerulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100681 rdfs:label Esophageal duplication Duplicação de esôfago OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100702 rdfs:label Arachnoid cyst Cisto aracnoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100730 rdfs:label Bronchogenic cyst Cisto Bboncogênico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100733 rdfs:label Neoplasm of the parathyroid gland Neoplasia da glândula paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0100890 rdfs:label Cyst of the ductus choledochus Cisto de colédoco OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0200040 rdfs:label Epidermoid cyst Cisto epidermoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0430050 rdfs:label Anti-thyroid antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpos antitireoidianos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0430145 rdfs:label Nasal dermoid cyst Cisto dermoide do nariz OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:3000059 rdfs:label Abnormal inferior thyroid vein morphology Morfologia anormal das veias tireoidianas inferiores OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:4000139 rdfs:label Fetal abdominal cyst Cisto abdominal fetal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000206 rdfs:label Reduced CSF pyridoxal-5'-phosphate concentration Concentração reduzida de piridoxal-5-fosfato no LCR OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000256 rdfs:label Pneumocystis cysts in respiratory secretions Cistos de Pneumocystis nas secreções respiratórias OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000364 rdfs:label Synovial cyst Cisto sinovial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000461 rdfs:label Cerebral subcortical cyst Cisto cerebral subcortical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000594 rdfs:label Maxillary cyst Cisto maxilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000595 rdfs:label Mandibular cyst Cisto mandibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:6000631 rdfs:label Unilocular ovarian cyst Cisto ovariano unilocular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002766 rdfs:label Relatively short spine Coluna vertebral relativamente curta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002777 rdfs:label Tracheal stenosis Estenose traqueal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002778 rdfs:label Abnormal tracheal morphology Morfologia anormal da traqueia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002779 rdfs:label Tracheomalacia Traqueomalácia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002780 rdfs:label Bronchomalacia Broncomalácia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002781 rdfs:label Upper airway obstruction Obstrução das vias aéreas superiores OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002783 rdfs:label Recurrent lower respiratory tract infections Infeções recorrentes do trato respiratório inferior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002786 rdfs:label Tracheobronchomalacia Condromalácia da traqueia e dos brônquios OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002787 rdfs:label Tracheal calcification Calcificação traqueal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002788 rdfs:label Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections Infeções recorrentes do trato respiratório superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002789 rdfs:label Tachypnea Taquipneia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002790 rdfs:label Neonatal breathing dysregulation Desregulação respiratória neonatal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002791 rdfs:label Hypoventilation Hipoventilação OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002792 rdfs:label Reduced vital capacity Capacidade vital reduzida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002793 rdfs:label Abnormal pattern of respiration Padrão anormal de respiração OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002795 rdfs:label Abnormal respiratory system physiology Fisiologia anormal do sistema respiratório OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002797 rdfs:label Osteolysis Osteólise OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002803 rdfs:label Congenital contracture Contratura congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002804 rdfs:label Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita Artrogripose múltipla congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002805 rdfs:label Accelerated bone age after puberty Idade óssea acelerada após a puberdade OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002808 rdfs:label Kyphosis Cifose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002810 rdfs:label Dumbbell-shaped metaphyses Metáfises em forma de haltere OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002812 rdfs:label Coxa vara Coxa vara OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002813 rdfs:label Abnormal limb bone morphology Morfologia anormal óssea do membro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002814 rdfs:label Abnormality of the lower limb Anomalia do membro inferior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002815 rdfs:label Abnormality of the knee Anomalia do joelho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002816 rdfs:label Genu recurvatum Joelho recurvado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002817 rdfs:label Abnormality of the upper limb Anomalia do membro superior OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002818 rdfs:label Abnormal morphology of the radius Morfologia anormal do rádio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002821 rdfs:label Neuropathic arthropathy Artropatia neuropática OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002822 rdfs:label Hyperplasia of the femoral trochanters Hiperplasia dos trocânteres femorais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002823 rdfs:label Abnormal femur morphology Morfologia anormal do fêmur OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002825 rdfs:label Caudal appendage Apêndice caudal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002826 rdfs:label Halberd-shaped pelvis Pelve em forma de alabarda OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002827 rdfs:label Hip dislocation Deslocamento do quadril OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002828 rdfs:label Multiple joint contractures Contraturas articulares múltiplas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002829 rdfs:label Arthralgia Artralgia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002831 rdfs:label Long coccyx Cóccix longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002832 rdfs:label Calcific stippling Pontilhado calcificado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002833 rdfs:label Cystic angiomatosis of bone Angiomatose cística do osso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002834 rdfs:label Flared femoral metaphysis Metáfise femoral alargada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002835 rdfs:label Aspiration Aspiração OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002836 rdfs:label Bladder exstrophy Bexiga ectópica congênita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002837 rdfs:label Recurrent bronchitis Bronquite recorrente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002839 rdfs:label Urinary bladder sphincter dysfunction Disfunção do esfíncter da bexiga OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002840 rdfs:label Lymphadenitis Linfadenite OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002841 rdfs:label Recurrent fungal infections Infecções fúngicas recorrentes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002842 rdfs:label Recurrent Burkholderia cepacia infections Infecções recorrentes por Burkholderia cepacia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002843 rdfs:label Abnormal T cell morphology Morfologia anormal das células T OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002846 rdfs:label Abnormal B cell morphology Morfologia anormal das células B OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002847 rdfs:label Impaired memory B cell generation Geração prejudicada de células B de memória OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002848 rdfs:label Decreased specific anti-polysaccharide antibody level Diminuição do nível de anticorpo anti-polissacarídeo específico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002849 rdfs:label Absence of lymph node germinal center Ausência de centro germinativo linfonodal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002850 rdfs:label Decreased circulating total IgM Diminuição da IgM total circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002851 rdfs:label Elevated proportion of CD4-negative, CD8-negative, alpha-beta regulatory T cells Proporção elevada de células T reguladoras alfa-beta CD4-negativas, CD8-negativas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002853 rdfs:label Increased proportion of HLA DR+ T cells Proporção aumentada de células T HLA DR+ OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002857 rdfs:label Genu valgum Joelho valgo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002858 rdfs:label Meningioma Meningioma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002859 rdfs:label Rhabdomyosarcoma Rabdomiossarcoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002860 rdfs:label Squamous cell carcinoma Carcinoma de células escamosas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002861 rdfs:label Melanoma Melanoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002862 rdfs:label Bladder carcinoma Carcinoma vesical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002863 rdfs:label Myelodysplasia Mielodisplasia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002864 rdfs:label Paraganglioma of head and neck Paraganglioma de cabeça e pescoço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002865 rdfs:label Medullary thyroid carcinoma Carcinoma medular da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002866 rdfs:label Hypoplastic iliac wing Asa ilíaca hipoplásica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002867 rdfs:label Abnormal ilium morphology Morfologia anormal do ílio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002868 rdfs:label Narrow iliac wing Asa ilíaca estreita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002869 rdfs:label Flared iliac wing Asa ilíaca alargada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002870 rdfs:label Obstructive sleep apnea Apneia obstrutiva do sono OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002871 rdfs:label Central apnea Apneia central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002872 rdfs:label Apneic episodes precipitated by illness, fatigue, stress Episódios apneicos precipitados por doença, fadiga, estresse OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002875 rdfs:label Exertional dyspnea Dispneia aos esforços OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002876 rdfs:label Episodic tachypnea Taquipneia episódica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002877 rdfs:label Nocturnal hypoventilation Hipoventilação noturna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002878 rdfs:label Respiratory failure Insuficiência respiratória OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002879 rdfs:label Anisospondyly Anisospondilia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002882 rdfs:label Sudden episodic apnea Apneia episódica súbita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002883 rdfs:label Hyperventilation Hiperventilação OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002884 rdfs:label Hepatoblastoma Hepatoblastoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002885 rdfs:label Medulloblastoma Meduloblastoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002886 rdfs:label Vagal paraganglioma Paraganglioma vagal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002888 rdfs:label Ependymoma Ependimoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002890 rdfs:label Thyroid carcinoma Carcu=inoma da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002891 rdfs:label Uterine leiomyosarcoma Leiomiossarcoma do útero OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002893 rdfs:label Pituitary adenoma Adenoma hipofisário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002894 rdfs:label Neoplasm of the pancreas Neoplasia do pâncreas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002895 rdfs:label Papillary thyroid carcinoma Carcinoma papilar da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002896 rdfs:label Neoplasm of the liver Neoplasia hepática OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002897 rdfs:label Parathyroid adenoma Adenoma da paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002898 rdfs:label Embryonal neoplasm Neoplasia embrionária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002900 rdfs:label Hypokalemia Hipocalemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002901 rdfs:label Hypocalcemia Hipocalcemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002902 rdfs:label Hyponatremia Hiponatremia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002904 rdfs:label Hyperbilirubinemia Hiperbilirrubinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002905 rdfs:label Hyperphosphatemia Hiperfosfatemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002907 rdfs:label Microscopic hematuria Hematúria microscópica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002908 rdfs:label Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia Hiperbilirrubinemia conjugada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002909 rdfs:label Generalized aminoaciduria Aminoacidúria generalizada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002910 rdfs:label Elevated circulating hepatic transaminase concentration Concentração elevada de transaminases hepáticas circulantes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002912 rdfs:label Methylmalonic acidemia Acidemia metilmalônica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002913 rdfs:label Myoglobinuria Mioglobinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002914 rdfs:label Hyperchloriduria Hipercloridúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002916 rdfs:label Abnormality of chromosome segregation Anomalia da segregação cromossômica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002917 rdfs:label Hypomagnesemia Hipomagnesemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002918 rdfs:label Hypermagnesemia Hipermagnesemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002919 rdfs:label Ketonuria Cetonúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002920 rdfs:label Decreased circulating ACTH concentration Concentração de ACTH circulante diminuída OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002921 rdfs:label Abnormal cerebrospinal fluid morphology Morfologia anormal do líquido cefalorraquidiano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002922 rdfs:label Increased CSF protein concentration Concentração aumentada de proteína no LCR OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002923 rdfs:label Rheumatoid factor positive Factor reumatoide positivo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002925 rdfs:label Elevated circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration Concentração circulante elevada de hormônio estimulante da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002926 rdfs:label Abnormality of thyroid physiology Anomalia da fisiologia da tireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002927 rdfs:label Histidinuria Histidinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002928 rdfs:label Decreased activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex Diminuição da atividade do complexo piruvato desidrogenase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002929 rdfs:label Leydig cell insensitivity to gonadotropin Insensibilidade das células de Leydig à gonadotrofina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002930 rdfs:label Impaired sensitivity to thyroid hormone Sensibilidade diminuída ao hormônio tireoidiano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002932 rdfs:label Aldehyde oxidase deficiency Deficiência de aldeído oxidase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002933 rdfs:label Ventral hernia Hérnia ventral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002936 rdfs:label Distal sensory impairment Comprometimento sensorial distal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002937 rdfs:label Hemivertebrae Hemivértebra OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002938 rdfs:label Lumbar hyperlordosis Hiperlordose lombar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002942 rdfs:label Thoracic kyphosis Cifose torácica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002943 rdfs:label Thoracic scoliosis Escoliose torácica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002944 rdfs:label Thoracolumbar scoliosis Escoliose toracolombar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002945 rdfs:label Intervertebral space narrowing Diminuição do espaço entre os discos intervertebrais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002946 rdfs:label Supernumerary vertebrae Vértebras supranumerárias OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002947 rdfs:label Cervical kyphosis Cifose cervical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002948 rdfs:label Vertebral fusion Fusão vertebral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002949 rdfs:label Fused cervical vertebrae Vértebras cervicais fundidas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002951 rdfs:label Partial absence of cerebellar vermis Ausência parcial de vermis cerebelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002953 rdfs:label Vertebral compression fracture Fratura vertebral por compressão OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002955 rdfs:label Granulomatosis Granulomatose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002958 rdfs:label Immune dysregulation Desregulação imunológica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002959 rdfs:label Impaired Ig class switch recombination Recombinação da classe Ig prejudicada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002960 rdfs:label Autoimmunity Autoimunidade OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002961 rdfs:label Dysgammaglobulinemia Disgamaglobulinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002963 rdfs:label Abnormal delayed hypersensitivity skin test Teste cutâneo de hipersensibilidade tardia anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002965 rdfs:label Cutaneous anergy Anergia cutânea OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002967 rdfs:label Cubitus valgus Cúbito valgo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002970 rdfs:label Genu varum Joelho varo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002971 rdfs:label Absent microvilli on the surface of peripheral blood lymphocytes Ausência de microvilosidades na superfície dos linfócitos do sangue periférico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002972 rdfs:label Reduced delayed hypersensitivity Hipersensibilidade retardada reduzida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002973 rdfs:label Abnormal forearm morphology Morfologia anormal do antebraço OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002974 rdfs:label Radioulnar synostosis Sinostose radioulnar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002977 rdfs:label Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving the central nervous system Aplasia/Hipoplasia envolvendo o sistema nervoso central OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002979 rdfs:label Bowing of the legs Joelho varo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002980 rdfs:label Femoral bowing Curvatura femoral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002981 rdfs:label Abnormality of the calf Anomalia da panturrilha OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002982 rdfs:label Tibial bowing Curvatura tibial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002983 rdfs:label Micromelia Micromelia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002984 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the radius Hipoplasia do rádio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002986 rdfs:label Radial bowing Curvatura radial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002987 rdfs:label Elbow flexion contracture Contratura de flexão do cotovelo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002990 rdfs:label Fibular aplasia Aplasia fibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002991 rdfs:label Abnormal fibula morphology Morfologia anormal da fíbula OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002992 rdfs:label Abnormal tibia morphology Morfologia anormal da tíbia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002996 rdfs:label Limited elbow movement Movimento limitado do cotovelo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0002999 rdfs:label Patellar dislocation Deslocamento da patela OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003001 rdfs:label Glomus jugular tumor Tumor do glomo jugular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003002 rdfs:label Breast carcinoma Carcinoma da mama OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003003 rdfs:label Colon cancer Câncer de cólon OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003005 rdfs:label Ganglioneuroma Ganglioneuroma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003006 rdfs:label Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003009 rdfs:label Enhanced neurotoxicity of vincristine Neurotoxicidade aumentada da vincristina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003010 rdfs:label Prolonged bleeding time Aumento do tempo de sangramento OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003011 rdfs:label Abnormality of the musculature Anomalia da musculatura OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003013 rdfs:label Bulging epiphyses Epífises salientes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003015 rdfs:label Flared metaphysis Metáfise alargada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003016 rdfs:label Metaphyseal widening Alargamento metafisário OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003019 rdfs:label Abnormality of the wrist Anomalia do punho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003020 rdfs:label Enlargement of the wrists Aumento dos punhos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003021 rdfs:label Metaphyseal cupping Escavação metafisária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003022 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the ulna Hipoplasia da ulna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003023 rdfs:label Bowing of limbs due to multiple fractures Curvatura dos membros devido a múltiplas fraturas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003025 rdfs:label Metaphyseal irregularity Irregularidade metafisária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003026 rdfs:label Short long bone Osso longo curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003027 rdfs:label Mesomelia Mesomelia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003028 rdfs:label Abnormality of the ankle Anomalia do tornozelo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003029 rdfs:label Enlargement of the ankles Aumento dos tornozelos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003031 rdfs:label Ulnar bowing Curvatura ulnar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003034 rdfs:label Diaphyseal sclerosis Esclerose diafisária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003037 rdfs:label Enlarged joints Articulações aumentadas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003038 rdfs:label Fibular hypoplasia Hipoplasia fibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003040 rdfs:label Arthropathy Artropatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003041 rdfs:label Humeroradial synostosis Sinostose úmero-radial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003042 rdfs:label Elbow dislocation Deslocamento do cotovelo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003043 rdfs:label Abnormal shoulder morphology Morfologia anormal do ombro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003044 rdfs:label Shoulder flexion contracture Contratura de flexão do ombro OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003045 rdfs:label Abnormal patella morphology Morfologia anormal da patela OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003048 rdfs:label Radial head subluxation Subluxação da cabeça do rádio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003049 rdfs:label Ulnar deviation of the wrist Desvio ulnar do pulso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003051 rdfs:label Enlarged metaphyses Metáfises ampliadas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003053 rdfs:label Epiphyseal deformities of tubular bones Deformidades epifisárias de ossos tubulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003057 rdfs:label Tetraamelia Tetra-amelia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003059 rdfs:label Abnormality of the radioulnar joints Anomalia das articulações radioulnares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003063 rdfs:label Abnormality of the humerus Anomalia do úmero OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003065 rdfs:label Patellar hypoplasia Hipoplasia patelar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003066 rdfs:label Limited knee extension Extensão limitada do joelho OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003067 rdfs:label Madelung deformity Deformidade de Madelung OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003068 rdfs:label Madelung-like forearm deformities Deformidades do antebraço do tipo Madelung OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003070 rdfs:label Elbow ankylosis Anquilose do cotovelo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003071 rdfs:label Flattened epiphysis Epífise achatada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003072 rdfs:label Hypercalcemia Hipercalcemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003073 rdfs:label Hypoalbuminemia Hipalbuminemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003074 rdfs:label Hyperglycemia Hiperglicemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003075 rdfs:label Hypoproteinemia Hipoproteinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003076 rdfs:label Glycosuria Glicosúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003077 rdfs:label Hyperlipidemia Hiperlipidemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003079 rdfs:label Defective DNA repair after ultraviolet radiation damage Reparo defeituoso do DNA após danos causados pela radiação ultravioleta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003080 rdfs:label Hydroxyprolinuria Hidroxiprolinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003081 rdfs:label Increased urinary potassium Potássio urinário aumentado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003083 rdfs:label Dislocated radial head Cabeça radial deslocada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003084 rdfs:label Fractures of the long bones Fraturas dos ossos longos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003085 rdfs:label Long fibula Fíbula longa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003086 rdfs:label Acromesomelia Acromesomelia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003088 rdfs:label Premature osteoarthritis Osteoartrite prematura OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003089 rdfs:label Hamstring contractures Contraturas isquiotibiais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003090 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the capital femoral epiphysis Hipoplasia da epífise da cabeça do fêmur OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003091 rdfs:label Trophic limb changes Alterações tróficas dos membros OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003093 rdfs:label Limited hip extension Extensão limitada do quadril OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003095 rdfs:label Septic arthritis Artrite séptica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003097 rdfs:label Short femur Fêmur curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003099 rdfs:label Fibular overgrowth Supercrescimento fibular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003100 rdfs:label Slender long bone Osso longo delgado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003102 rdfs:label Increased carrying angle Ângulo de transporte aumentado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003103 rdfs:label Abnormal cortical bone morphology Morfologia óssea cortical anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003105 rdfs:label Protuberances at ends of long bones Protuberâncias nas extremidades dos ossos longos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003106 rdfs:label Subperiosteal bone resorption Reabsorção óssea subperiosteal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003107 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating cholesterol concentration Concentração anormal de colesterol circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003108 rdfs:label Hyperglycinuria Hiperglicinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003109 rdfs:label Hyperphosphaturia Hiperfosfatúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003110 rdfs:label Abnormality of urine homeostasis Anomalia da homeostase urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003111 rdfs:label Abnormal blood ion concentration Concentração sanguínea anormal de íons OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003112 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating amino acid concentration Concentração anormal de aminoácidos circulantes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003113 rdfs:label Hypochloremia Hipocloremia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003115 rdfs:label Abnormal EKG Aleração no ECG OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003117 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating hormone concentration Concentração anormal de hormônios circulates OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003118 rdfs:label Increased circulating cortisol level Aumento do nível de cortisol circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003119 rdfs:label Abnormal circulating lipid concentration Concentração anormal de lipídios circulantes OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003121 rdfs:label Limb joint contracture Contratura da articulação do quadril OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003124 rdfs:label Hypercholesterolemia Hipercolesterolemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003125 rdfs:label Reduced factor VIII activity Atividade reduzida do fator VIII OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003126 rdfs:label Low-molecular-weight proteinuria Proteinúria de baixo peso molecular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003127 rdfs:label Hypocalciuria Hipocalciúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003128 rdfs:label Lactic acidosis Acidose láctica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003130 rdfs:label Abnormal peripheral myelination Mielinização periférica anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003131 rdfs:label Cystinuria Cistinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003133 rdfs:label Abnormality of the spinocerebellar tracts Anomalia dos tratos espinocerebelares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003134 rdfs:label Abnormality of peripheral nerve conduction Anomalia da condução nervosa periférica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003137 rdfs:label Prolinuria Prolinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003138 rdfs:label Increased blood urea nitrogen Aumento do nitrogênio ureico no sangue OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003139 rdfs:label Panhypogammaglobulinemia Pan-hipogamaglobulinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003140 rdfs:label T-wave inversion in the right precordial leads Inversão da onda T nas derivações precordiais direitas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003141 rdfs:label Increased LDL cholesterol concentration Aumento da concentração de colesterol LDL OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003142 rdfs:label Excessive purine production Produção excessiva de purinas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003144 rdfs:label Increased serum serotonin Serotonina sérica aumentada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003145 rdfs:label Decreased circulating adenosylcobalamin concentration Concentração diminuída de adenosil-cobalamina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003146 rdfs:label Hypocholesterolemia Hipocolesterolemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003148 rdfs:label Elevated serum acid phosphatase Fosfatase ácida sérica elevada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003149 rdfs:label Hyperuricosuria Hiperuricosúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003150 rdfs:label Glutaric aciduria Acidúria glutárica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003153 rdfs:label Cystathioninuria Cistationinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003154 rdfs:label Increased circulating ACTH level Aumento do nível de ACTH circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003155 rdfs:label Elevated circulating alkaline phosphatase concentration Concentração elevada de fosfatase alcalina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003158 rdfs:label Hyposthenuria Hipostenúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003159 rdfs:label Hyperoxaluria Hiperoxalúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003160 rdfs:label Abnormal isoelectric focusing of serum transferrin Focalização isoelétrica anormal da transferrina sérica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003161 rdfs:label 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic aciduria Acidúria 4-hidroxifenilpirúvica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003162 rdfs:label Fasting hypoglycemia Hipoglicemia em jejum OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003163 rdfs:label Elevated urinary delta-aminolevulinic acid Ácido delta-aminolevulínico urinário elevado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003164 rdfs:label Hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency Deficiência do hormônio libertador de gonadotrofina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003165 rdfs:label Elevated circulating parathyroid hormone level Nível elevado de hormônio circulante da paratireoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003166 rdfs:label Increased urinary taurine Aumento da taurina urinária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003167 rdfs:label Carnosinuria Carnosinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003168 rdfs:label Dibasicaminoaciduria Aminoacidúria dibásica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003170 rdfs:label Abnormal acetabulum morphology Morfologia anormal do acetábulo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003172 rdfs:label Abnormal pubic bone morphology Morfologia anormal do osso púbico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003173 rdfs:label Hypoplastic pubic bone Osso púbico hipoplásico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003174 rdfs:label Abnormal ischium morphology Morfologia anormal do ísquio OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003175 rdfs:label Hypoplastic ischia Ísquio hipoplásico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003177 rdfs:label Squared iliac bones Ossos ilíacos quadrados OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003179 rdfs:label Protrusio acetabuli Protrusão do acetábulo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003180 rdfs:label Flat acetabular roof Teto acetabular plano OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003182 rdfs:label Shallow acetabular fossae Fossa acetabular rasa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003183 rdfs:label Wide pubic symphysis Sínfise púbica alargada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003184 rdfs:label Decreased hip abduction Diminuição da abdução do quadril OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003185 rdfs:label Short greater sciatic notch Entalhe ciático maior curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003186 rdfs:label Inverted nipples Mamilos invertidos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003187 rdfs:label Breast hypoplasia Hipoplasia mamária OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003189 rdfs:label Long nose Nariz longo OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003191 rdfs:label Cleft ala nasi Fenda da asa nasal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003193 rdfs:label Allergic rhinitis Rinite alérgica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003194 rdfs:label Short nasal bridge Ponte nasal curta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003196 rdfs:label Short nose Nariz curto OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003198 rdfs:label Myopathy Miopatia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003199 rdfs:label Decreased muscle mass Diminuição da massa muscular OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003200 rdfs:label Ragged-red muscle fibers Fibras musculares vermelhas irregulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003201 rdfs:label Rhabdomyolysis Rabdomiólise OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003202 rdfs:label Skeletal muscle atrophy Atrofia muscular esquelética OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003203 rdfs:label Impaired oxidative burst Explosão oxidativa prejudicada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003204 rdfs:label Intracellular accumulation of autofluorescent lipopigment storage material Acúmulo intracelular de material de armazenamento de lipopigmento autofluorescente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003205 rdfs:label Curvilinear intracellular accumulation of autofluorescent lipopigment storage material Acúmulo intracelular curvilíneo de material de armazenamento de lipopigmento autofluorescente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003206 rdfs:label Decreased activity of NADPH oxidase Diminuição da atividade da NADPH oxidase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003207 rdfs:label Arterial calcification Calcificação arterial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003208 rdfs:label Fingerprint intracellular accumulation of autofluorescent lipopigment storage material Acúmulo intracelular de material de armazenamento de lipopigmento autofluorescente na impressão digital OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003209 rdfs:label Decreased pyruvate carboxylase activity Diminuição da atividade da piruvato carboxilase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003210 rdfs:label Decreased methylmalonyl-CoA mutase activity Diminuição da atividade da metilmalonil-CoA mutase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003212 rdfs:label Increased circulating IgE level Aumento do nível de IgE circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003213 rdfs:label Deficient excision of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers in DNA Excisão deficiente de dímeros de pirimidina induzidos por UV no DNA OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003214 rdfs:label Prolonged G2 phase of cell cycle Fase G2 do ciclo celular prolongada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003215 rdfs:label Dicarboxylic aciduria Acidúria dicarboxílica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003216 rdfs:label Generalized amyloid deposition Deposição generalizada de amiloide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003217 rdfs:label Hyperglutaminemia Hiperglutaminemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003218 rdfs:label Oroticaciduria Acidúria orótica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003219 rdfs:label Ethylmalonic aciduria Acidúria etilmalônica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003220 rdfs:label Abnormality of chromosome stability Anomalia da estabilidade cromossômica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003221 rdfs:label Chromosomal breakage induced by crosslinking agents Quebra cromossômica induzida por agentes de reticulação OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003223 rdfs:label Decreased circulating methylcobalamin concentration Concentração de metilcobalamina circulante diminuída OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003224 rdfs:label Increased cellular sensitivity to UV light Aumento da sensibilidade celular à luz UV OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003225 rdfs:label Reduced coagulation factor V activity Atividade reduzida do fator V da coagulação OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003226 rdfs:label Rectilinear intracellular accumulation of autofluorescent lipopigment storage material Acúmulo intracelular retilíneo de material de armazenamento de lipopigmento autofluorescente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003228 rdfs:label Hypernatremia Hipernatremia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003231 rdfs:label Hypertyrosinemia Hipertirosinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003232 rdfs:label Mitochondrial malic enzyme reduced Enzima málica mitocondrial reduzida OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003233 rdfs:label Decreased HDL cholesterol concentration Diminuição da concentração de colesterol HDL OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003234 rdfs:label Decreased circulating carnitine concentration Diminuição da concentração de carnitina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003235 rdfs:label Hypermethioninemia Hipermetioninemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003236 rdfs:label Elevated circulating creatine kinase concentration Concentração elevada de creatina cinase circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003237 rdfs:label Increased circulating IgG level Aumento do nível de IgG circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003238 rdfs:label Hyperpepsinogenemia I Hiperpepsinogenemia I OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003239 rdfs:label Phosphoethanolaminuria Fosfoetanolaminúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003240 rdfs:label Increased phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase level Aumento do nível de fosforribosilpirofosfato sintetase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003241 rdfs:label External genital hypoplasia Hipoplasia genital externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003244 rdfs:label Penile hypospadias Hipospádia peniana OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003246 rdfs:label Prominent scrotal raphe Rafe escrotal proeminente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003247 rdfs:label Overgrowth of external genitalia Supercrescimento da genitália externa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003248 rdfs:label Gonadal tissue inappropriate for external genitalia or chromosomal sex Tecido gonadal inadequado para genitália externa ou sexo cromossômico OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003249 rdfs:label Genital ulcers Úlceras genitais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003250 rdfs:label Aplasia of the vagina Aplasia da vagina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003251 rdfs:label Male infertility Infertilidade masculina OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003252 rdfs:label Anteriorly displaced genitalia Genitália deslocada anteriormente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003254 rdfs:label Abnormality of DNA repair Anomalia do reparo do DNA OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003256 rdfs:label Abnormality of the coagulation cascade Anomalia da cascata de coagulação OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003258 rdfs:label Glyoxalase deficiency Deficiência de glioxalase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003259 rdfs:label Elevated circulating creatinine concentration Concentração elevada de creatinina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003260 rdfs:label Hydroxyprolinemia Hidroxiprolinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003261 rdfs:label Increased circulating IgA level Aumento do nível de IgA circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003262 rdfs:label Anti-smooth muscle antibody positivity Positividade para anticorpo anti-músculo liso OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003264 rdfs:label Deficiency of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase Deficiência de N-acetilglucosamina-1-fosfotransferase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003265 rdfs:label Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Hiperbilirrubinemia Neonatal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003267 rdfs:label Reduced orotidine 5-prime phosphate decarboxylase level Nível reduzido de orotidina 5-linha fosfato descarboxilase OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003268 rdfs:label Argininuria Argininúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003269 rdfs:label Sudanophilic leukodystrophy Leucodistrofia sudanofílica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003270 rdfs:label Abdominal distention Distensão abdominal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003271 rdfs:label Visceromegaly Visceromegalia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003272 rdfs:label Abnormal hip bone morphology Morfologia anormal do osso do quadril OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003273 rdfs:label Hip contracture Contratura do quadril OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003274 rdfs:label Hypoplastic acetabulae Acetábulos hipoplásicos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003275 rdfs:label Narrow pelvis bone Osso pélvico estreito OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003276 rdfs:label Pelvic bone exostoses Exostoses ósseas pélvicas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003277 rdfs:label Constricted iliac wing Asa ilíaca constrita OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003278 rdfs:label Square pelvis bone Osso pélvico quadrado OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003279 rdfs:label Coxa magna Coxa magna OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003281 rdfs:label Increased circulating ferritin concentration Concentração aumentada de ferritina circulante OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003282 rdfs:label Low alkaline phosphatase Fosfatase alcalina baixa OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003286 rdfs:label Cystathioninemia Cistationinemia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003287 rdfs:label Abnormality of mitochondrial metabolism Anomalia do metabolismo mitocondrial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003288 rdfs:label Mitochondrial propionyl-CoA carboxylase defect Defeito da propionil-CoA carboxilase mitocondrial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003292 rdfs:label Decreased serum leptin Diminuição da leptina sérica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003296 rdfs:label Hyperthreoninuria Hipertreoninúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003297 rdfs:label Hyperlysinuria Hiperlisinúria OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003298 rdfs:label Spina bifida occulta Espinha bífida oculta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003300 rdfs:label Ovoid vertebral bodies Corpos vertebrais ovoides OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003301 rdfs:label Irregular vertebral endplates Placas vertebrais terminais irregulares OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003302 rdfs:label Spondylolisthesis Espondilolistese OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003304 rdfs:label Spondylolysis Espondilólise OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003305 rdfs:label Block vertebrae Bloqueio vertebral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003306 rdfs:label Spinal rigidity Rigidez da coluna vertebral OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003307 rdfs:label Hyperlordosis Hiperlordose OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003308 rdfs:label Cervical subluxation Subluxação cervical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003309 rdfs:label Ovoid thoracolumbar vertebrae Vértebras toracolombares ovoides OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003310 rdfs:label Abnormal odontoid process morphology Morfologia anormal do processo odontoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003311 rdfs:label Hypoplasia of the odontoid process Hipoplasia do processo odontoide OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003312 rdfs:label Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies Formato anormal dos corpos vertebrais OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003316 rdfs:label Butterfly vertebrae Vértebras em borboleta OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003318 rdfs:label Cervical spine hypermobility Hipermobilidade da coluna cervical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003319 rdfs:label Abnormality of the cervical spine Anomalia da coluna cervical OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003320 rdfs:label C1-C2 subluxation Subluxação C1-C2 OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003321 rdfs:label Biconcave flattened vertebrae Vértebras achatadas bicôncavas OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003323 rdfs:label Progressive muscle weakness Fraqueza muscular progressiva OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003324 rdfs:label Generalized muscle weakness Fraqueza muscular generalizada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003325 rdfs:label Limb-girdle muscle weakness Fraqueza muscular da cintura escapular e pélvica OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003326 rdfs:label Myalgia Mialgia OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003327 rdfs:label Axial muscle weakness Fraqueza muscular axial OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003328 rdfs:label Abnormal hairshaft morphology Morfologia anormal da haste capilar OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003329 rdfs:label Hair shafts flattened at irregular intervals and twisted through 180 degrees about their axes Hastes capilares achatadas em intervalos irregulares e torcidas 180 graus em torno de seus eixos OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003330 rdfs:label Abnormal bone structure Estrutura óssea anormal OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003332 rdfs:label Absent primary metaphyseal spongiosa Osso esponjoso metafisário primário ausente OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 +en pt HP:0003333 rdfs:label Increased serum beta-hexosaminidase Beta-hexosaminidase sérica aumentada OFFICIAL orcid:0009-0005-0193-5224 \ No newline at end of file