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UUU default support protocol list

nxpfrankli edited this page Sep 16, 2020 · 21 revisions

UUU is scripted base multi protocol system.

Built in config:

       Pctl     Chip            Vid     Pid     BcdVersion
        SDPS:    MX8QXP          0x1fc9  0x012f  [0x0002..0xffff]
        SDPS:    MX8QM           0x1fc9  0x0129  [0x0002..0xffff]
        SDP:     MX7D            0x15a2  0x0076
        SDP:     MX6Q            0x15a2  0x0054
        SDP:     MX6D            0x15a2  0x0061
        SDP:     MX6SL           0x15a2  0x0063
        SDP:     MX6SX           0x15a2  0x0071
        SDP:     MX6UL           0x15a2  0x007d
        SDP:     MX6ULL          0x15a2  0x0080
        SDP:     MX6SLL          0x1fc9  0x0128
        SDP:     MX7ULP          0x1fc9  0x0126
        SDP:     MXRT106X        0x1fc9  0x0135
        SDP:     MX8MM           0x1fc9  0x0134
        SDP:     MX8MQ           0x1fc9  0x012b
        SDPU:    SPL             0x0525  0xb4a4  [0x0000..0x04ff]
        SDPV:    SPL1            0x0525  0xb4a4  [0x0500..0xffff]
        FBK:                     0x066f  0x9afe
        FBK:                     0x066f  0x9bff
        FB:                      0x0525  0xa4a5
        FB:                      0x18d1  0x0d02
Table 1. Table UUU Protocol to USB lower level Map

UUU Protocol

USB Low level transfer


HID i.MX6/7, i.MX8 MM, i.MX8M


HID uboot implement of SDP, SPL download uboot




winusb (windows), raw transfer by libusb


winusb (windows), raw transfer by libusb

SDP: i.MX6/7 ROM download protocol

Supported command:

Run DCD from image with ivt header

dcd   -f  <filename>

write image to address.

write -f  <filename> [-addr 0x000000] [-ivt 0]

ivt 0 means write to the address, which ivt pointer

jump to image with ivt header

jump  -f  <filename> [-ivt 0]

boot image, include (dcd, write and jump three commands)

boot  -f  <filename> [-nojump]

HABv4 closed chip support

For boot images not including a DCD table the same image used for SDCard/eMMC boot can be used with UUU tool.

For boot images including a DCD table, the DCD is loaded in OCRAM and must be properly signed.

Since U-Boot v2017.01 a build log containing the U-Boot and DCD addresses and lengths is available just after building U-Boot:

$ cat u-boot-dtb.imx.log
  Image Type: Freescale IMX Boot Image
  Image Ver: 2 (i.MX53/6/7 compatible)
  Mode: DCD
  Data Size: 602112 Bytes = 588.00 KiB = 0.57 MiB
  Load Address: 877ff420
  Entry Point: 87800000
  HAB Blocks: 877ff400 00000000 0008ec00
  DCD Blocks: 00910000 0000002c 000001c4

Users can copy the information above to create their CSF Authenticate Data command:

Block = 0x877ff400 0x00000000 0x0006DC00 "u-boot-dtb.imx", \
        0x00910000 0x0000002c 0x000001c4 "u-boot-dtb.imx"

Alternatively users can also extract the DCD length from the DCD table header:

$ od -x -j 0x2c -N 4 --endian=big u-boot-dtb.imx
  0000054 d201 c440
  DCD Header: 0xd2, DCD Length: 0x01c4, DCD Version: 0x40

For the i.MX devices not supporting the skip DCD command (i.MX6Dual/Quad and i.MX6Sololite) the pointer to the DCD table is cleared in the IVT in order to prevent the HAB library from processing the DCD table again during the authentication process. There is no need to re-initialize memory when it already contains valid data.

Since the IVT is modified when downloading to the target the binary must be signed with a cleared DCD pointer. However, the binary must be provided with a valid DCD pointer to allow the UUU tool to locate the DCD table.

The following script can be used to used to handle the DCD pointer:

# DCD address must be cleared for signature, as UUU will clear it.
if [ "$1" == "clear_dcd_addr" ]; then
  # store the DCD address
  dd if=$2 of=dcd_addr.bin bs=1 count=4 skip=12
  # generate a NULL address for the DCD
  dd if=/dev/zero of=zero.bin bs=1 count=4
  # replace the DCD address with the NULL address
  dd if=zero.bin of=$2 seek=12 bs=1 conv=notrunc
# DCD address must be set for mfgtool to localize the DCD table.
if [ "$1" == "set_dcd_addr" ]; then
  # restore the DCD address with the original address dd
  if=dcd_addr.bin of=$2 seek=12 bs=1 conv=notrunc
  rm zero.bin

The steps below can be used as an example:

$ ./ clear_dcd_addr u-boot-dtb.imx
$ ./cst --i u-boot-csf.txt --o u-boot-csf.bin
$ ./ set_dcd_addr u-boot-dtb.imx

SDPU\SDPV: uboot implement simplified ROM SDP protocol

Uboot implemented i.MX 6/7 ROM SDP protocol. The support command the same as SDP.

SDPV is upgrade version of SDPU, which support -skipspl option for write command

See below for uboot requirement uboot-config-requirement

SDPS: i.MX8QXP and i.MX8QM ROM download protocol

send image by sdp command.

boot  -f  <filename> [-offset 0x0000]

FB: Android fastboot protocol

See below for uboot requirement

Support command:

ucmd <any uboot command>
acmd <any never returned uboot command, like booti, reboot>

# partition "all" means whole device.
flash [-raw2sparse] <partition> <filename>
download -f <filename>

**Some Uboot command need long time to finish. Default FB timeout is 2s. You can use below method to change timeout value

# time out set to 10000ms
FB[-t 10000]: ucmd <any uboot command>
Table 2. Table Fastboot environment




fastboot flash device, support mmc and sata


fastboot download buffer adddress


fastboot download file size


eMMC device number


sd slot device number

FBK: Android fastboot protocol, implement at initramfs. See project imx-uuc

Support command:

ucmd <any kernel command> and wait for command finish
acmd <any kernel command> don't wait for command finish
sync                      wait for acmlid processs finish.
ucp <soure> <destinate>   copy file from/to target
                          T:<filename> means target board file.
                          T:- means copy data to target's stdio pipe.
                          copy image T:/root/image ;download image to path /root/image
                          copy T:/root/image image ;upload /root/image to file image......

Example for transfer big file

acmd tar -            ; run tar background and get data from stdio
ucp rootfs.tar.gz T:- ; send to target stdio pipe
sync                  ; wait for tar process exit.

Linux environment:

Each command in separate process so environment can not be affect next command. Use below method to workaround this problem.

FBK: ucmd source /tmp/; flash_erase /dev/mtd${nandrootfs} 0 0

Common command for all protocol

Table 3. Table Common command for all protocol




last command for finish whole flow.


Busy wait for millisecond


run external command


stdout as command, such as "< echo ucmd print", which generally used for burn serial number