These templates are provided as a way of getting started. Before using them in production please make the necessary security updates.
Logging In
Access any virtual machine created by these templates with the following SSH credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
Before Running Templates:
Make a copy of our N|Solid VHDs into your own account for use in the templates.
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-runtime-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri�4.10.0-runtime-osDisk.1448aaa6-4767-429b-99e4-3e3f196d5c3d.vhd --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-console-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
Runs N|Solid Console and N|Solid Runtime on separate VMs. The VMs are configured with a Security Group that allows traffic from
on ports 22
, 80
, 9001
, 9002
, 9003
. Both of the VMs get Public IP addresses. Simply load the N|Solid Console IP address in your browser to view the console. In your N|Solid Runtime, set the NSOLID_COMMAND
variable to the N|Solid Console IP address to send data from your processes.
Required Parameter | Description |
consoleVhd |
URI of Console VHD in your own account |
runtimeVhd |
URI of Runtime VHD in your own account |
Resources Created |
1 Virtual Network |
2 VM Instances |
2 Network Interfaces |
2 Security Groups |
2 Public IPs |
The West US region is currently the only region supported for this template.
Creates an N|Solid Console VM only. The VM is configured with a Security Group that allows traffic from
on ports 22
, 80
, 9001
, 9002
, 9003
. The VM gets a Public IP addresses. Simply load the N|Solid Console IP address in your browser to view the console.
Required Parameter | Description |
consoleVhd |
URI of Console VHD in your own account |
Resources Created |
1 Virtual Network |
1 VM Instance |
1 Network Interface |
1 Security Group |
1 Public IP |
The West US region is currently the only region supported for this template.
Creates an N|Solid Runtime VM only. The VM is configured with a Security Group that allows traffic from
on port 22
. The VM gets a Public IP addresses. Simply SSH into the VM and point it at your N|Solid Console with the NSOLID_COMMAND
environment variable.
Required Parameter | Description |
runtimeVhd |
URI of Runtime VHD in your own account |
Resources Created |
1 Virtual Network |
1 VM Instance |
1 Network Interface |
1 Security Group |
1 Public IP |
The West US region is currently the only region supported for this template.