The ciao-docs-parser-model
provides a model (ParsedDocument) for representing a binary document and set of associated properties extracted from it.
The model is used internally and as a JSON transfer representation by multiple CIPs involved in a document upload process, including ciao-docs-parser
, ciao-docs-enricher
, ciao-cda-builder
and ciao-transport-itk
The model is defined in the following class structure:
- originalDocument: Document
- properties: Map
- name: String
- content: byte array
- mediaType: String
The properties Map may be flat or hierarchical. If included, the metadata
property should form a (flat) Map of key, value pairs.
CIAO uses Jackson to perform the serialization between Java and JSON.
The JSON representation of ParsedDocument
follows the outlined structure. All keys in the structure should be strings and the values should be encoded following the standard JSON mappings.
property is encoded in JSON as a Base64 string.
"originalDocument": {
"name": "hello.txt",
"content": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh",
"mediaType": "text/plain"
"properties": {
"metadata": {
"some-key": "some-value"
"extracted-property": "extracted value"