This project will set up a Flask web application with a single deployment. The main page will display "Welcome Clalit!" and it will use PostgreSQL as the database.
Before installing this project, ensure you have the following tools installed:
Use the
to deploy the project.
In order to get the URL endpoint for the deployment, run the command above:
oc get route deployment -o json | jq -r ''
- Insert random data, access to:
- Read the data from the database, access to:
Updating deployment index:
First option is updating the configmap itself on-the-go aka kubectl edit configmap deployment-configmap
Second option is updating changes in the charts/deployment/templates/configmap.yaml
template. After changes, apply helm upgrade using helm upgrade --install deployment ./charts/deployment --values ./charts/deployment/values.yaml
After updating the configmap, run this command to apply changes kubectl rollout restart deployment deployment