Educational Community License v2.0<\/p> <\/useRestrict> <\/availability> <\/pubStmt> MEI guidelines examples<\/title> <\/seriesStmt> Editorial accidentals are aligned on the centre of the notehead.<\/annot> <\/notesStmt> <\/fileDesc> <\/meiHead> <\/staffGrp> <\/scoreDef> <\/note> <\/note> <\/note> <\/note> <\/note> <\/layer> <\/staff> <\/measure> <\/section> <\/score> <\/mdiv> <\/body> <\/music> <\/mei>","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedAccidentalsArticulations","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Lyric Syllables","desc":" syl","remarks":"The syl element is used to mark a word or portion of a word that is to be vocally performed. A fuller description of its use is provided in chapter .","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedLyricSyllables","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Event Spacing","desc":" space pad","remarks":"The following elements provide control over the horizontal spacing of notational events, such as notes, chords, rests, etc.: In this context, the term ‘space’ is used to mean whitespace that is required to meaningfully align multiple voices in a multi-voice texture. In DARMS these were referred to as ‘push codes’. The space element is most often used when a new voice appears on a staff mid-measure. The space element may also be used to align material that crosses staves. ‘Space’ can be thought of as another kind of event. In fact, some refer to this concept as an ‘invisible rest’. While ‘space’ is meaningful, ‘padding’ is non-essential whitespace that is used to shift the position of the events which follow. The pad element is provided in order to capture software-dependent placement information when it is desirable to do so. Unless the MEI file will be used as an intermediate file format, this is usually not necessary.","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedNoteSpacing","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.2.5 Expression Marks","desc":"","remarks":"Expression marks are instructions in the form of words, abbreviations, or symbols that convey aspects of performance that cannot be expressed purely through the musical notation.","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedExpressionMarks","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Text Directives","desc":" dir tempo dynam","remarks":"All of the following elements can be considered text directives; however, MEI uses the dir element specifically for words, abbreviations, numbers, or symbols specifying or suggesting the manner of performance that are not encoded elsewhere using the more specific elements of tempo and dynam . Examples of directives include text strings such as 'affettuoso', fingering numbers, or music symbols such as segno and coda symbols or fermatas over a bar line. Directives can be control elements. That is, they can linked via their attributes to other events. The starting point of the directive may be indicated by either a tstamp, tstamp.ges, tstamp.real or startid attribute, while the ending point may be recorded by either a tstamp2, dur, dur.ges or endid attribute. It is a semantic error not to specify a starting point attribute.","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedTextDirectives","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Tempo","desc":" tempo","remarks":"Tempo marks are indications through words, abbreviations, or specific metronome settings of the speed at which a piece of music is to be performed. Both instantaneous and continuous tempo markings may be encoded using this element. Tempo example<\/title> <\/titleStmt> 2023<\/date> Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) Board<\/corpName> <\/respStmt> Educational Community License v2.0<\/p> <\/useRestrict> <\/availability> <\/pubStmt> MEI guidelines examples<\/title> <\/seriesStmt> Verovio supports \"tempo\" elements. Horizontal positioning can be specified. By default, tempi indications are placed above the staff. The \"rend\" element can be used within the text, for example for specifying metronome values.<\/annot> <\/notesStmt> <\/fileDesc> Verovio<\/name> <\/application> <\/appInfo> <\/encodingDesc> <\/meiHead> <\/staffGrp> <\/scoreDef> <\/beam> <\/layer> <\/staff> Andante con moto <\/rend> = 70<\/tempo> <\/measure> <\/beam> <\/layer> <\/staff> <\/measure> <\/section> <\/score> <\/mdiv> <\/body> <\/music> <\/mei>","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedTempoMarks","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Dynamics","desc":" dynam","remarks":"Dynamics, or dynamic marks, are terms, abbreviations, and symbols that indicate the specific degrees of volume of a note, phrase, or section of music, e.g. , \"piano\", \"forte\". Transitions from one volume level to another, e.g. , \"crescendo\", \"diminuendo\", are also specified through dynamic marks.","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedDynamics","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Phrase Marks","desc":" slur phrase","remarks":"Phrase marks are curved lines placed over or under notes to delineate short sections of a work that represent a unified melodic idea, analogous to a phrase in literature. MEI maintains a distinction between phrase marks and slurs, the latter being curved lines over or under a sequence of notes indicating they are to be performed using a particular playing\/singing technique, notes that should be taken in a single breath by wind instruments or played by string instruments using a single stroke of the bow. Often, a slur also indicates that the affected notes should be played in a legato manner. Even so, it is common for both of these concepts to be referred to generically as \"slurs\". Therefore, unless one is encoding music from a repertoire in which this distinction is important, the slur element should be preferred over phrase .","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedPhraseMarks","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Ornaments","desc":" ornam","remarks":"Ornaments are formulae of embellishment that can be realized by adding supplementary notes to one or more notes of the melody. MEI provides a generic element for encoding an ornament symbol that is not a mordent, turn, or trill. For those common CMN ornaments, please refer to . Ornaments can be represented as textual strings ( e.g. , with a Unicode symbol) or with a user defined symbol (for the latter also see ). Ornaments may also be encoded as so called control events (see also: ). That is, they be can linked via their attributes to other events. It is a semantic error not to specify a starting point attribute with either tstamp or startid .","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedOrnaments","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.3 Common Attributes","desc":"","remarks":"The following attributes, all of which are defined in separate attribute classes but are also provided through the att.common attribute class, are available on nearly all elements in an MEI encoding. They provide e.g. , the means to identify, label, or reference elements in MEI-encoded files.","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedCommonAttributes","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.3.1 Attributes from the XML-namespace","desc":" graphic facsimile att.basic att.lang att.whitespace","remarks":"The most general attributes that are very frequently encountered in MEI files are not even native MEI attributes but are coming from the basic definition of XML in the XML-namespace http:\/\/\/XML\/1998\/namespace . MEI redefines some of them in the att.basic class. The value of the xml:id attribute serves as an identifier for an element and its content. Its value must be unique in the context of the current document and must conform to the definition of an XML Name provided by the W3C Recommendation at http:\/\/\/TR\/xml\/#NT-Name . Suggestions for constructing an xml:id value can be found at http:\/\/\/TR\/xml\/#sec-suggested-names . The xml:id attribute may take values similar to the following: This is an example of an incorrectly-formulated xml:id value: At many locations in an MEI file one can reference internal or external references. E.g. the following example defines a graphic and references an external image (entity) by means of the target attribute: When a reference to an external entity is not a complete URI it is resolved against the current base URI; if not defined by other means this would be the location of the current document. The above example consequently would mean, that the file `myImage.jpg` referenced from graphic resides at the same location (in the same folder) as the MEI-file. The xml:base attribute may be used “to specify a base URI other than the base URI of the document or external entity.” (Marsch, Jonathan; Tobin, Richard: XML Base (Second Edition). W3C Recommendation 28 January 2009. online at: http:\/\/\/TR\/2009\/REC-xmlbase-20090128\/ ). The value of xml:base can be inherited from an ancestor. This is relevant for resolving relative links or URIs within the document. A comprehensible use case can be illustrated by the following example: the values of the graphic elements' target attribute can be completed by the xml:base value specified for the ancestor facsimile element: <\/surface> <\/facsimile> In order to determine an absolute URI, the base URIs of the element and all its ancestors (including the document node) have to be taken into account. In the above case the relative URIs of graphic\/@target would consequently resolve to: ``` http:\/\/\/images\/myImage.jpg http:\/\/\/images\/myImage.tif ``` For more information on xml:base see: https:\/\/\/TR\/xmlbase\/ The xml:id and xml:base attributes are especially important when it comes to linking document fragments to each other or to external entities. Many of the linking attributes are globally available in MEI through the att.common attribute class. Yet there are other attributes from the XML-Namespace encountered in MEI files. While xml:lang attribute may be used to encode the language of an element's contents, the xml:space attribute lets you define the handling of whitespace, i.e. , whitespace being important content ( preserve ) or negligible ( default ). With the latter also being the default value if no xml:space attribute is present.","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedXmlAttributes","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.3.2 Label Attributes","desc":" att.labelled att.nNumberLike att.nInteger","remarks":"The label and n attributes both serve a labeling function; however, they differ in the values they allow. The n attribute must be a single token, while label may contain a string value that includes spaces. This makes label useful for the capture of free-text labels, but a name or number specified with n may be easier to process. <\/mdiv> <\/measure>","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedLabellingAttributes","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.3.3 Classification Attributes","desc":" att.classed att.typed","remarks":"","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedClassificationAttributes","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.3.4 Responsibility Attributes","desc":" att.responsibility","remarks":"","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedResponsibilityAttributes","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.3.5 Linking Attributes","desc":" att.linking","remarks":"For a detailed description of linking mechanisms used in MEI also see the section on .","url":"content\/shared.html#sharedLinkingAttributes","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.4 User-defined Symbols","desc":"","remarks":"This chapter describes the elements, model classes, and attribute classes that are part of the MEI.usersymbols module.","url":"content\/shared.html#userSymbols","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.4.1 Overview of the Usersymbols Module","desc":"","remarks":"The module described in this chapter makes available the following components:","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsOverview","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Elements","desc":" anchoredText curve line symbol symbolDef symbolTable","remarks":"","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsElements","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Attribute Classes","desc":"","remarks":"No attribute classes are defined in this module.","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsAttributeClasses","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Model Classes","desc":"","remarks":"The usersymbols module defines the following model classes: model.graphicPrimitiveLike model.symbolTableLike","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsModelClasses","type":"chapter"},{"ident":"2.4.2 Uses of the Usersymbols Module","desc":" line curve anchoredText symbol symbolDef","remarks":"The elements provided by the usersymbols module may be used in two ways: For defining lines, curves and text elements that cannot be represented by a more specific element. For defining reusable symbols and special graphical renditions. For this purpose, it provides three elements as graphic primitives, line , curve and anchoredText . Anywhere these elements are allowed, the symbol element can be used as well. The symbol element facilitates the re-use of symbols that were defined by symbolDef elements.","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsModuleUses","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Defining Reusable Symbols","desc":" symbolDef symbol","remarks":"The symbolDef element uses SVG markup or the aforementioned graphic primitives to describe a symbol. A symbol definition may also use symbols defined by other symbolDef elements by employing the symbol element. The following code snippet shows a definition of a triangle percussion symbol using graphic primitives: Definition of a triangle percussion symbol using graphic primitives <\/symbolDef> Rendition of the triangle defined above The following snippet encodes a symbol composed of the symbol defined above and additional graphics primitives: Symbol composed of the symbol defined above and additional graphics primitives <\/symbolDef> Rendition of the composite triangle symbol","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsReusableSymbols","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Elements Without Semantic Implications","desc":" anchoredText tempo dir curve gliss line","remarks":"The graphics primitives and symbols can be used directly in the music to describe text and lines on a purely graphical level, without implying a specific logical meaning. If possible, however, more meaningful elements should be used. This means for example, \"a tempo\" or \"da capo\" should in general not be put inside anchoredText . Instead, tempo and dir should be used. Likewise, slurs and ties should be encoded using their respective elements, not using curve , and for glissandi, gliss should be used instead of line . An example usage for line is the visualization of voice leading, which is not covered by a specific MEI element. Voice leading visualization as found in an Edition Peters print of Album für die Jugend by Schumann, No. 35 (Mignon), measure 6. (Unknown date, plate number is 10478.) The following code snippet shows the encoding of the above example: Encoding of the Schumann example <\/beam> <\/beam> <\/layer> <\/layer> <\/staff> <\/layer> <\/staff> <\/measure>","url":"content\/shared.html#usersymbolsSemanticImplications","type":"chapter"},{"ident":" Defining a Specific Graphical Rendition for a Semantic Element","desc":" dir tempo","remarks":"Usersymbols can define the rendition of different elements in two ways. Some elements, for example dir and tempo , can have user symbol elements as content. In the following example, the content of dir is used to provide pictograms of percussion instruments. Indicating percussion instruments using pictograms The corresponding encoding would be as follows: Encoding of above example <\/symbolDef> <\/symbolDef> <\/symbolTable> <\/staffGrp> <\/scoreDef> <\/staffDef> <\/dir> <\/layer> <\/staff> <\/measure> <\/staffDef> <\/dir> <\/layer> <\/staff> <\/measure> <\/section> A number of elements can point to an internally-defined symbol for rendering using the altsym attribute. Different treble clef renditions as written by Charpentier (source: Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, Volume 12, No. 1 (2006), figure 3) http:\/\/\/v12\/no1\/gosine.html Defining two staffs, each using its own treble clef shape <\/symbolDef> <\/symbolDef> <\/symbolTable> <\/staffDef>