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+# Features
+SIXX is a multi-platform XML serializer/deserializer for Smalltalk. You can exchange various Smalltalk objects among different (dialect) images.
+## How to use
+### Basic writing/reading
+SIXX is very easy to use. Like #storeString, You can generate a SIXX string by #sixxString.
+array := Array with: 1 with: 'Hello' with: Date today.
+array sixxString.
+This code generates the following SIXX string:
+ 1
+ Hello
+ 16 June 2002
+This string can be read by #readSixxFrom:.
+Object readSixxFrom: sixxString. "sixxString is the above string"
+### Stream writing/reading
+SixxWriteStream and SixxReadStream are provided so that you can write/read Smalltalk objects in a way similar to binary object stream (BOSS in VW, and the ReferenceStream in Squeak).
+In order to write objects to an external file, you can:
+sws := SixxWriteStream newFileNamed: 'obj.sixx'.
+sws nextPut: object. "an object"
+sws nextPutAll: objects. "collection of objects"
+sws close.
+And to read objects from an external file:
+srs := SixxReadStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'obj.sixx'.
+objects := srs contents.
+srs close.
+### SIXX hooks
+#### Customizing serialization
+| Hook method | Description |
+| --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Object>>sixxPrepareWrite | It is called before the instance is written in SIXX. |
+| Object>>sixxWriteValue | Return the object actually serialized. |
+| Object>>sixxIgnorableInstVarNames | Specify the instance variables that are not written in SIXX. |
+| Object>>sixxNonReferencableInstVarNames | Specify the instance variables that should not be referenced in SIXX. Values are always written redundantly. It is useful for small literal objects like String, Number, etc. |
+| Object>>sixxReferenceIdInContext: | Return unique id that can be referenced from other objects in SIXX. It is useful when objects have their own unique id. |
+#### Customizing deserialization
+| Hook method | Description |
+| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Object>>sixxInitialize | It is called immediately after the instance is read from SIXX |
+| Object>>sixxReadValue | Return the object for the client from the deserialized instance. |
+### ShapeChanger
+SixxShapeChangeReadStream enables you to read class shape changed instances. It supports renamed, removed and newly added instance variables.
+srs := SixxShapeChangeReadStream on: oldSixx readStream.
+srs shapeChangers at:#SmallIntegerOLD put: SmallInteger . "simple renaming"
+srs shapeChangers at: #SixxShapeChangedObject put: SixxMockShapeChanger.
+"You can implement ShapeChanger for more complex conversion. "
+To define a new ShapeChanger, you should subclass base ShapeChanger class and override three methods.
+| Hook method | Description |
+| ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| YourShapeChanger>>shapeChangedObjectClass | Return a newly introduced class for old instances. |
+| YourShapeChanger>>sixxInstVarNamed: varName put: value | Override this method for setting converted values to the shape changed object. |
+| YourShapeChanger>>initializeShapeChangedObject | Override this method for setting newly introduced values to the shape changed object. |
+For example: (YourShapeChanger>>sixxInstVarNamed: varName put:)
+sixxInstVarNamed: varName put: value
+ "#oldNamedVar1 inst var was renamed to #renamedAtt1"
+ varName == #oldNamedVar1 ifTrue: [^self attributesMap at: #renamedAtt1 put: value].
+ "#oldNamedVar2 inst var was removed."
+ varName == #oldNamedVar2 ifTrue: [^self].
+ super sixxInstVarNamed: varName put: value
+From SIXX 0.3, you can apply ShapeChanger(s) without using SixxShapeChangeReadStream.
+obj := SixxContext evaluate: [Object readSixxFrom: oldSixx] shapeChangersBy: [:shapeChangers | shapeChangers at: #SixxShapeChangedObject put: SixxSomeShapeChanger].
+### Formatter
+Formatter is a new SIXX function for customizing SIXX format without subclassing.
+Normally, you can customize SIXX serialization format by overriding hooks such as #sixxWriteValue, #sixxIgnorableInstVarNames. However, sometimes you would like to customize serialization format more dynamically.
+For example, you may want to change default Array serialization format to compact one, if the array includes only primitive (literal) elements.
+Suppose there is an array like:
+array := #(1 2 3 4 5).
+By default, the array will be serialized if you evaluate:
+array sixxString. "print it"
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+This format is reasonable for supporting complex array, but the format could be space-consuming if the array contains only primitive (literal) elements. By setting a Formatter, you can use more compact format for Array.
+SixxContext formatters: {SixxMockLiteralArrayFormatter on: Array}.
+After that, the format will be:
+ #(1 2 3 4 5)
+You can reset the formatter by:
+SixxContext resetFormatters.
+For convenience, there is a method to switch formatter temporarily.
+SixxContext applyFormatters: {SixxMockLiteralArrayFormatter on: Array} while: [
+array sixxString.
+Or, you can even use:
+SixxContext evaluate: [array sixxString] formattersBy: [:formatters | formatters add: (SixxMockLiteralArrayFormatter on: Array)].
+In short, Formatter can be used:
+- For customizing SIXX format dynamically.
+- For overriding SIXX format of the existing classes temporarily.