is a container that uses mulle_container_keycallback
the management of it's elements.
Internally it uses a C array of void * pointers, that is grown with realloc
struct mulle_array
struct mulle_arrayenumerator
struct mulle_arrayreverseenumerator
For most functions there is an '
' version available, that is not NULL lenient.
struct mulle_array *mulle_array_create( unsigned int capacity,
struct mulle_container_keycallback *callback,
struct mulle_allocator *allocator);
Allocate and init a mulle_array. You must supply a callback
, but you can
pass NULL for allocator
. capacity
is the initial capacity of the array,
it may be rounded up though.
void mulle_array_destroy( struct mulle_array *array)
Destroy the array (done + free). Array must have been allocated with mulle_array_create
or mulle_array_alloc
void mulle_array_init( struct mulle_array *array,
size_t capacity,
struct mulle_container_keycallback *callback,
struct mulle_allocator *allocator)
Setup array. Array will typically be stack based, if this function is called.
is the initial capacity of the array, it may be rounded up though.
must be given, but allocator
may be NULL.
void mulle_array_done( struct mulle_array *array)
Free internal resources of array. Don't use it aftewards, except for calling init again.
size_t mulle_array_get_count( struct mulle_array *array)
Return the number of elements in the array.
size_t mulle_array_get_guaranteed_size( struct mulle_array *array)
Return the number of elements that can be added to the array without encurring a realloc.
struct mulle_allocator *mulle_array_get_allocator( struct mulle_array *array)
Return the allocator used by the array. allocator
is also a public field of struct mulle_array
size_t mulle_array_get_size( struct mulle_array *array)
Return the current size of the array. Interesting mostly for statistical purposes.
int mulle_array_is_full( struct mulle_array *array)
The array is filled to its capacity. That doesn't mean it can't grow by adding elements though.
void mulle_array_add( struct mulle_array *array, void *p)
Add p
to array
. Array will grow automatically to accomodate the add.
void *mulle_array_get( struct mulle_array *array, size_t index)
Return element at index
. The caller is expected to ensure himself with a call to mulle_array_get_count
, that index is valid.
void *mulle_array_get_last( struct mulle_array *array)
Return the last element int he array. Will be notakey if array is empty.
void mulle_array_remove_last( struct mulle_array *array)
Remove the last element from array. Does nothing if array is empty.
void mulle_array_remove_in_range( struct mulle_array *array, struct mulle_range range)
Remove range.length
elements at indices range.location
and up,
void **mulle_array_guarantee( struct mulle_array *array,
size_t length)
Ensures that the next length
additions will be
done without a realloc
void **mulle_array_grow( struct mulle_array *array)
Grow the array to twice its current size. The count and element order remains the same.
void **mulle_array_reset( struct mulle_array *array)
Removes all elements in the array.
int mulle_array_size_to_fit( struct mulle_array *array)
Minimize memory usage of array. Useful if you don't expect any further additions.
int mulle_array_is_equal( struct mulle_array *array, struct mulle_array *other)
Check if two arrays contain the same elements. The callbacks of array
will be used for the comparison.
size_t mulle_array_get_guaranteedsize( struct mulle_array *array)
Return number of elements that can be added without the array having to malloc again.
void **mulle_array_guarantee( struct mulle_array *array, size_t length)
Extend array to be able to hold at least range.length
more elements.
void mulle_array_add_multiple( struct mulle_array *array,
void **pointers,
size_t length)
Add range.length
elements in pointers
to the array.
void mulle_array_add_array( struct mulle_array *array,
struct mulle_array *other)
Add contents of other to array. other
remains unchanged.
void mulle_array_reset( struct mulle_array *array)
Calls mulle_array_done
and mulle_array_init
in succession. The result is a clean slate, even cleaner than mulle_array_remove_all
uintptr_t mulle_array_find_in_range_identical( struct mulle_array *array,
void *obj,
struct mulle_range range)
Find index of element which is identical to obj
in the range given by range.location
and range.length
uintptr_t mulle_array_find_in_range( struct mulle_array *array,
void *obj,
struct mulle_range range)
Find index of element which is equal to obj
in the range given by range.location
and range.length
. The equality is determined by the callback of array.
struct mulle_arrayenumerator mulle_array_enumerate( struct mulle_array *array)
Start the enumeration of array from front to back.
struct mulle_arrayreverseenumerator mulle_array_reverseenumerate( struct mulle_array *array)
Start the enumeration of array from back to front.
int mulle_arrayenumerator_next( struct mulle_arrayenumerator *rover, void **item)
Returns 1 and the next element in the array in item
. If there are no more
items left, returns 0 and leaves item unchanged!
void * mulle_arrayenumerator_done( struct mulle_arrayenumerator *rover)
Marks the end of the lifetime of the enumerator. It's use is merely conventional.
int mulle_arrayreverseenumerator_next( struct mulle_arrayreverseenumerator *rover, void **item)
Returns 1 and the next element in the array in item
. If there are no more
items left, returns 0 and leaves item unchanged!
static inline void * mulle_arrayreverseenumerator_done( struct mulle_arrayreverseenumerator *rover)
Marks the end of the lifetime of the enumerator. It's use is merely conventional.