Created with, see source code.
- Google Cloud Compute Service
- Microsoft Azure Compute Service
- Google Cloud Storage
- Google Cloud OS images
- Microsoft Azure Storage
- Google Cloud Network Service
How regions from each Cloud provider are linked to GeoNames are exlained in:
We have considered the following options, but non can support all units we need. So we used vocabularies from QUDT in our schema, and used available CDT units in our datasets.
- QUDT Unit ontology: CoCoOn defined additional units are compatible with QUDT 1.1.
- cdt:ucum has powerful features, it could be a future work to implement our Custom Datatypes with this framework.
- used UN/CEFACT Common Codes for Units of Measurement. Appart from not having the units we need, there is no support for unit conversion like CDT.
Used to collect data, details explained in cloudharmony.
Queries can be tested with:
Default Example:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?subject ?object
WHERE { ?subject rdfs:subClassOf ?object }
Stardog dump combined all v1.0.1 data sets.
Examples with the following keywords:
Additional external examples
- Increase heap size of Protégé with java options: Change
. - Sparql tab not shown anything: open tab before open ontology.
Verify that the 64-bit version of Java V1.6 or later is installed java -d64
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\admin-u5214628\Documents\programs\stardog-6.1.3\bin
stardog-admin.bat server start
stardog data export --named-graph ALL -- v1_0_1 export.ttl
Gephi can be used for data visulization, but need to write custom scripts for changing data formats.