This package is intended for Microsoft use only. It is not designed to be consumed as an independent package.
@microsoft/bf-lu can be used within a Node.js application as an imported library. Install locally:
npm install @microsoft/bf-lu --save
To parse LU files, you can use the parseFile() method.
const ludown = require('@microsoft/bf-lu');
const luContent1 = `# Greeting
- hi`;
const log = false;
const locale = 'en-us';
ludown.parser.parseFile(luContent1, log, locale)
.then(function(parsedContent) {
// Parsed LUIS object
console.log(JSON.stringify(parsedContent.LUISJsonStructure, 2, null));
// Parsed QnA content
console.log(JSON.stringify(parsedContent.qnaJsonStructure, 2, null));
// Additional files to parse
console.log(JSON.stringify(parsedContent.additionalFilesToParse, 2, null));
.catch(function(err) {
let errObj = new ludown.helperClasses.Exception(err);
// err is of type ludown.helperClasses.Exception.
// Possible error codes are available under ludown.helperEnums.errorCodes
if(errObj.errCode === ludown.helperEnums.errorCodes.INVALID_INPUT) {
// do something specific to this error code
} else {
You can use the available validateLUISBlob() function to verify if the parsed LUIS blob is valid. This helps catch name conflicts, invalid labelled utterances etc.
const ludown = require('@microsoft/bf-lu');
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi {userName=bob}
const log = false;
const locale = 'en-us';
async function parseContent() {
let parsedContent;
try {
parsedContent = await ludown.parser.parseFile(luContent, log, locale);
} catch (err) {
let errObj = new ludown.helperClasses.Exception(err);
// err is of type ludown.helperClasses.Exception.
// Possible error codes are available under ludown.helperEnums.errorCodes
if(errObj.errCode === ludown.helperEnums.errorCodes.INVALID_INPUT) {
// do something specific to this error code
} else {
// validate the parsed luis content
.then(res => res)
.catch(function(err) {
let exception = new ludown.helperClasses.Exception(err);
console.error('Oops, invalid LUIS content!\n');
console.error(exception.errCode + ' : ' + exception.text);
You can generate lu content from LUIS and QnA maker JSON using constructMdFromLUIS() and constructMdFromQnA() methods. Here's an example code snippet.
const ludown = require('@microsoft/bf-lu')
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi
const log = false;
const locale = 'en-us';
async function parseContent() {
let parsedContent;
try {
parsedContent = await ludown.parser.parseFile(luContent, log, locale);
} catch (err) {
let errObj = new ludown.helperClasses.Exception(err);
// err is of type ludown.helperClasses.Exception.
// Possible error codes are available under ludown.helperEnums.errorCodes
if(errObj.errCode === ludown.helperEnums.errorCodes.INVALID_INPUT) {
// do something specific to this error code
} else {
if(await ludown.parser.validateLUISBlob(parsedContent.LUISJsonStructure)) {
// reconstruct md content
.catch(function(err) {
let exception = new ludown.helperClasses.Exception(err);
console.error('Oops, invalid LUIS content!\n');
console.error(exception.errCode + ' : ' + exception.text);
You can take advantage of the Microsoft text translation API to automatically machine translate .lu files to one or more than 60+ languages supported by the Microsoft text translation cognitive service.
To translate lu file content, you can simply use the parseAndTranslate() method. Here's a code snippet.
const ludown = require('@microsoft/bf-lu');
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi
const log = false;
const targetLanguage = 'de';
const subscriptionKey = '<YOUR TEXT TRANSLATION KEY>';
const translateComments = true;
const translateLinkText = true;
ludown.translate.parseAndTranslate(luContent, subscriptionKey, targetLanguage, '', translateComments, translateLinkText, log)
.then(function(result) {
let exception = new ludown.helperClasses.Exception(err);
console.error(exception.errCode + ' : ' + exception.text);
V2 API (Preview. Download from here)
To parse LU files, you can use the LUISBuilder class, which returns a LUIS class
const Luis = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.Luis
const LUISBuilder = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.LuisBuilder
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi`;
const luisObject = await LUISBuilder.fromContentAsync(luContent)
// Parsed LUIS object
console.log(JSON.stringify(luisObject, 2, null));
You can use the available validate() function to verify if the parsed LUIS object is valid. This helps catch name conflicts, invalid labelled utterances etc.
const LUISBuilder = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.LuisBuilder
const exception = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.Exception
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi`;
const luisObject = await LUISBuilder.fromLUAsync(luContent)
luisObject.intents[0].name = "testIntent123456789012345678901234567890123"
You can generate lu content from LUIS instance using parseToLuContent() method. Here's an example code snippet.
const LUISBuilder = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.LuisBuilder
const exception = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.Exception
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi
const log = false;
const locale = 'en-us';
async function parseContent() {
try {
const luisObject = await LUISBuilder.fromContentAsync(luContent)
const parsedLuisBackToLu = luisObject.parseToLuContent()
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof exception) {
// do something specific to this exception
} else {
You can take advantage of the Microsoft text translation API to automatically machine translate .lu files to one or more than 60+ languages supported by the Microsoft text translation cognitive service.
To translate lu file content, you can simply use the translate() method in the LU class. Here's a code snippet.
const LU = require('@microsoft/bf-lu').V2.LU
const luContent = `# Greeting
- hi
const targetLanguage = 'de';
const subscriptionKey = '<YOUR TEXT TRANSLATION KEY>';
const translateComments = true;
const translateLinkText = true;
const luInstance = new LU(luContent)
await luInstance.translate(subscriptionKey, targetLanguage, translateComments, translateLinkText)
const translatedCode = luInstance.content