- Write an preliminary parser & printer for Boolean programs.
- Check out the Bebop examples to get the parsing and printing right.
- Run the output through moped or getafix to check that everything is OK.
- Expand the syntax with concurrency constructs: post, yield.
- Write a first concurrent to sequential translation.
- Introduce (bounded) integers for the LR-vectorization.
- Write BFS/FIFO translation for posts.
- Set up regression testing, so we can have an idea that the code is stable.
- test the parsing, printing, and re-parsing, both within the same language and between translations; check equivalence of original and output program.
- test front-to-back verification results with Boogie, and perhaps other back-ends too.
- Use (Boogie) functions to enhance readability of the translations.
FiFo sequentialization should separate processes?
Write unbounded rounds & depth translations. (Preliminary tests on a simple program are able to report bugs with a symbolic bound K.)
- should probably insert the constant K into the program.
- bound quantified variables on the vectors between 0 and K.
Notice that procedures which don't access global variables need not be transformed... Right now this is only taken advantage of when there are no global variables.
Compare FIFO-seq with an encoding which adds bounded queues.
Asynchrony example illustrating both unbounded queues and important order.
initiating many (one-shot) file reads to a single file system -- K reads and 2 parties => at least K messages queued, between the read and read-reply messages
initiating a very-large file read -- read-reply messages come back in order
mix both?
the example can be a Node.js web server.
but we need a compelling reason these reads are important for the program behavior... these call-backs are not obviously crucial control-flow of an algorithm..
- Asynchronous quicksort revisited *
- cannot pass the whole list each time.
- must pass segments of the list..
- and the segments must be ordered (in the reply-direction)
- does this make any sense?