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executable file
77 lines (74 loc) · 9.01 KB


This is my solutions to LeetCode

ID Title Difficulty C++ Go Python
1 TwoSum Easy C++
1 twosum C++
2 AddTwoNumbers C++
7 ReverseInteger C++
9 PalindromeNumber Go
19 19.RemoveNthNodeFromEndofList.go Go
20 ValidParentheses C++
21 MergeTwoSortedLists Go
24 SwapNodesInPairs Go
26 RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedArray C++
27 RemoveElement C++
35 SearchInsertPosition C++
38 CountAndSay C++
46 Permutations Go
53 MaximumSubarray C++
58 LengthOfLastWord Python
66 PlusOne C++ Go
67 AddBinary C++
70 ClimbingStairs C++
77 Combinations C++
78 Subsets C++
83 RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedList C++
88 MergeSortedArray C++
100 SameTree Go
101 SymmetricTree Go
102 BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal Go
104 MaximumDepthOfBinaryTree Go
108 ConvertSortedArrayToBinarySearchTree C++
110 BalancedBinaryTree C++
111 MinimumDepthOfBinaryTree Go
112 PathSum C++
118 PascalsTriangle C++
119 PascalsTriangleII C++
121 BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock C++
136 SinleNumber C++
141 LinkedListCycle C++
155 MinStack C++
160 IntersectionOfTwoLinkedLists C++
167 TwoSumII C++
168 ExcelSheetColumnTitle C++
171 ExcelSheetColumnNumber C++
172 FactorialTrailingZeroes C++
190 ReverseBits C++
191 NumberOf1Bits C++
198 HouseRobber C++
203 RemoveLinkedListElements C++
206 ReverseLinkedList C++
215 KthLargestElementInAnArray Go
225 ImplementStackusingQueues C++
237 DeleteANodeInALinkedList C++
257 BinaryTreePaths C++
268 MissingNumber C++
278 FirstBadVersion C++
283 MoveZeros C++
303 RangeSumQuery C++
322 CoinChange Go
328 OddEvenLinkedList C++
344 ReverseString C++
384 ShuffleAnArray C++
392 IsSubsequence C++
412 FizzBuzz C++
448 FindAllNumbersDisappearedInAnArray C++
461 HammingDistance C++ Go
496 NextGreaterElement C++
500 KeyboardRow Go
551 StudentAttendanceRecordI C++
561 ArrayPartitionI_Hash C++
617 MergeTwoBinaryTrees C++
657 JudgeRouteCircle C++