Deploy AWX environment to Azure VM.
- Ubuntu 17.10
- Ansible
- Docker CE
- docker-py
- build-essential
- git
About AWX, please refer awx/ at devel · ansible/awx.
You need Azure CLI 2.0.
First you should fill parameters.publicKey.value
in azure/parameters.json
by your public key.
"parameters": {
"publicKey": {
"value": "ssh-rsa ..."
Then you can deploy like following commands.
az login
az group create -n <resource group name> -l japaneast
az group deployment create -g <resource group name> --template-file azure/azuredeploy.json --parameters @azure/parameters.json
After deployment finished, you can access the vm by http. You can get public IP of the vm by following command.
az vm list-ip-addresses -g <resource group name> --query "[][].ipAddress" -o tsv
Default password to AWX
http://ipaddress admin/password
If first time, you may need wait a moment until finish provisioning.