Configuration | ++ + |
Package version | +0.2.9 | +
Current date | +2024-5-10 17:14:45 | +
Build data file location | +C:\Users\mateusz.duda\scope-tags\buildData.json | +
Build tag | +build-123 | +
Posted reports | +0 of 1 generated | +
+ Back to top ++ From commit: added tests for tags definition file + (35077cb91ab71c20eef1d13482c26af45a51238b) +
+Has relevancy data?: no
+File path | +Change | +Renamed | ++ Relevancy + | +Lines | +Tag / module | +Referenced files | + +
+ package.json + | +MODIFIED | +- | +- | +++1 | +
+ Tag / Default module |
+ - | +
+ src/Commands/runAddCommand.ts + | +MODIFIED | +- | +- | +++8 | +
+ Tag / Default module + |
+ src/scope.ts
+ |
+ src/Commands/runVerifyUnpushedCommitsCommand.ts + | +MODIFIED | +- | +- | +++12 | ++ |
+ src/scope.ts
+ |
+ src/Git/GitRepository.ts + | +MODIFIED | +- | +- | +++6 | ++ |
+ src/Console/FileTagger.ts
+ src/Commands/runCommitCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runAddCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runVerifyCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runVerifyUnpushedCommitsCommand.ts
+ src/Report/ReportGenerator.ts
+ src/Commands/runReportForCommitCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runReportForCommitListCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runTagCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runSkipVerificationAndPushCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runLogCommitCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runListUnpushedCommitsCommand.ts
+ |
+ src/Git/Types.ts + | +MODIFIED | +- | +- | +++1 | ++ |
+ src/Relevancy/Relevancy.ts
+ src/Scope/FileTagsDatabase.ts
+ src/Relevancy/RelevancyManager.ts
+ src/Git/GitRepository.ts
+ src/Console/FileTagger.ts
+ src/Commands/runAddCommand.ts
+ src/Logger/Logger.ts
+ src/Report/ReportGenerator.ts
+ src/Commands/runLogCommitCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runVerifyUnpushedCommitsCommand.ts
+ |
+ src/Scope/TagsDefinitionFile.ts + | +MODIFIED | +- | +- | +++20 | ++ |
+ src/Scope/FileTagsDatabase.ts
+ src/Console/TagManager.ts
+ src/Report/ReportGenerator.ts
+ src/Console/ModuleManager.ts
+ src/Console/Menu.ts
+ src/Console/FileTagger.ts
+ src/Commands/runCommitCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runAddCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runReportForCommitCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runReportForCommitListCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runStartCommandLineInterfaceCommand.ts
+ src/Commands/runTagCommand.ts
+ |
+ test/scope/tagsDefinitionFile.test.ts + | +ADDED | +- | +- | +++60 | ++ | - | +
+Reading additional data
+ Some entries have additional data on hover. You can hover over them to read the associated data - full commit + message, tags associated with a file, etc. ++