Pull Request Telegram
ActionsSends a message to a Telegram channel when a pull request is opened or pull request review is requested
LatestBy F2had
(2)A simple Github action that sends a Telegram message when:
- Pull request open
- Pull request review requested
To use this action you need setup your workflow to trigger on pull request events with the following types.
- opened
- review_requested
types: [opened, review_requested]
You can include this action in your workflow as follow
- name: Pull Request Telegram
uses: F2had/[email protected]
bot_token: '${{ secrets.BotToken }}' # Your bot token from github secrets
chat_id: '${{ secrets.CHATID }}' # Your chat id from github secrets
Github Secrets:
To add your bot toekn and chat id as a github secret you can refer to Github docs.
Bot Token:
To get a bot token you need to use BotFather on Telegram
or refer to this on how to create a bot.
Chat ID:
You may use this RawDataBot to get the chat id the for a group or a channel.
- Pull Request Open
- Review Request
When a review is requested this action will run for every reviewer.
Pull Request Telegram is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.