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File metadata and controls

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Storing pathogen-host interactions data from different source DBs including PHI-base into Ensembl Interspecies interactions DB


A registry file with the urls of the interspecies_interactions_db, the ncbi_tax, and meta_db database servers specified.

A .csv file from the source_DB from whioch the interactions are sourced.

A .obo file with the descritption of the controlled terms used to describe different aspects of the interactions (optional)

How to run Bio::EnsEMBL::EGPipeline::PipeConfig::Map_interspecies_interactions_conf \
    -pipeline_url $EHIVE_URL
    -reg_file $REGISTRY 
    -obo_file $OBO_FILE
    -source_db $SOURCE_DB
    -inputfile $INPUT_DB_FILE

Parameters / Options

option default value meaning
-reg_file Different format than the one previously used in the perl eHive pipeline. This one centralises the url DB details for some databases that the pipeline is going to access. Specifically: interactions_db_url, ncbi_tax_url and meta_db_url
-input_file path to the prepared PHI-base current snapshot
-obo_file optional path to any .obo file containing controlled vocabulary or ontologies used to describe the interactions properties
-source_db name of the sourceDB from where we are importing 'PHI-base'


N.B. The pipeline is still under construction. The first block (populating interactions to our interactionsDB) is operational but will undergo further modifications. A second part to this pipeline will extrapolate new interactions using Ensembl resources.