Generic PDK symbols are implemented using xschem open source tool, it's a simple editor provide a user-friendly interface for drawing, connecting, and annotating symbols that represent various photonic elements such as waveguides, couplers, rings, and more.
The following table explains the list of available Generic-PDK symbols we have supported.
Device Name | Tested |
cdc | ✅ |
coupler_adiabatic | ✅ |
coupler_bent | ✅ |
coupler_broadband | ✅ |
coupler_full | ✅ |
coupler_ring | ✅ |
coupler | ✅ |
dbr | ✅ |
dbr_tapered | ✅ |
disk_heater | ✅ |
disk | ✅ |
ge_detector_straight_si_contacts | ✅ |
grating_coupler_elliptical_arbitrary | ✅ |
grating_coupler_elliptical_lumerical | ✅ |
grating_coupler_elliptical | ✅ |
grating_coupler_elliptical_trenches | ✅ |
grating_coupler_elliptical_uniform | ✅ |
grating_coupler_rectangular_arbitrary_slab | ✅ |
grating_coupler_rectangular_arbitrary | ✅ |
grating_coupler_rectangular | ✅ |
interdigital_capacitor | ✅ |
mmi1x2 | ✅ |
mmi1x2_with_sbend | ✅ |
mmi2x2 | ✅ |
mmi2x2_with_sbend | ✅ |
mmi_90degree_hybrid | ✅ |
mode_converter | ✅ |
mzi1x2_2x2 | ✅ |
mzi2x2_2x2_phase_shifter | ✅ |
mzi_phase_shifter | ✅ |
mzi | ✅ |
mzit | ✅ |
mzm | ✅ |
polarization_splitter_rotator | ✅ |
resistance_sheet | ✅ |
ring_double_heater | ✅ |
ring_double_pn | ✅ |
ring_double | ✅ |
ring_single_bend_coupler | ✅ |
ring_single_heater | ✅ |
ring_single_pn | ✅ |
ring_single | ✅ |
straight_heater_doped_rib | ✅ |
straight_heater_doped_strip | ✅ |
straight_heater_meander_doped | ✅ |
straight_heater_meander | ✅ |
straight_heater_metal_90_90 | ✅ |
straight_heater_metal_simple | ✅ |
straight_heater_metal | ✅ |
straight_heater_metal_undercut_90_90 | ✅ |
straight_heater_metal_undercut | ✅ |
straight_pin_slot | ✅ |
straight_pin | ✅ |
straight_pn | ✅ |
You could check some available tests for current added symbols, just open xschem in the current directory:
xschem -o .
Fig. 1. Available xschem tests for added symbols.
Simple Generic-PDK schematic for Lidar device is depicted in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Example for Generic-PDK schematic.
The following netlist is generated from xschem for the previous example:
.subckt lidar o_in GND h1 h2 h3 h4
*.iopin o_in
*.iopin GND
*.iopin h1
*.iopin h2
*.iopin h3
*.iopin h4
Pmmi1 o_in net2 net1 mmi1x2 width=0.5u width_taper=1u length_taper=10u length_mmi=5.5u
+ width_mmi=2.5u gap_mmi=0.25u
Pmmi2 net1 net3 net10 mmi1x2 width=0.5u width_taper=1u length_taper=10u length_mmi=5.5u
+ width_mmi=2.5u gap_mmi=0.25u
Pmmi3 net2 net5 net4 mmi1x2 width=0.5u width_taper=1u length_taper=10u length_mmi=5.5u
+ width_mmi=2.5u gap_mmi=0.25u
Pheater1 net10 net13 h1 GND straight_heater_meander length=300.0u spacing=2.0u heater_width=2.5u
+ extension_length=15.0u radius=90u heater_taper_length=10.0u taper_length=10.0u
Pheater2 net3 net14 h2 GND straight_heater_meander length=300.0u spacing=2.0u heater_width=2.5u
+ extension_length=15.0u radius=90u heater_taper_length=10.0u taper_length=10.0u
Pheater3 net4 net12 h3 GND straight_heater_meander length=300.0u spacing=2.0u heater_width=2.5u
+ extension_length=15.0u radius=90u heater_taper_length=10.0u taper_length=10.0u
Pheater4 net5 net11 h4 GND straight_heater_meander length=300.0u spacing=2.0u heater_width=2.5u
+ extension_length=15.0u radius=90u heater_taper_length=10.0u taper_length=10.0u
Pdbr1 net13 net7 dbr w1=0.476u l1=0.159u w2=0.524u l2=0.159u n=100
Pdbr2 net14 net6 dbr w1=0.476u l1=0.159u w2=0.524u l2=0.159u n=100
Pdbr3 net12 net9 dbr w1=0.476u l1=0.159u w2=0.524u l2=0.159u n=100
Pdbr4 net11 net8 dbr w1=0.476u l1=0.159u w2=0.524u l2=0.159u n=100
Pgrating_coupler_elliptical1 net7 grating_coupler_elliptical taper_length=15u taper_angle=40.0
+ wavelength=1.554u fiber_angle=15.0 grating_line_width=0.343u n_periods=30 slab_xmin=-1.0u slab_offset=2.0u
Pgrating_coupler_elliptical5 net6 grating_coupler_elliptical taper_length=15u taper_angle=40.0
+ wavelength=1.554u fiber_angle=15.0u grating_line_width=0.343u n_periods=30 slab_xmin=-1.0u slab_offset=2.0u
Pgrating_coupler_elliptical6 net8 grating_coupler_elliptical taper_length=15u taper_angle=40.0
+ wavelength=1.554u fiber_angle=15.0u grating_line_width=0.343u n_periods=30 slab_xmin=-1.0u slab_offset=2.0u
Pgrating_coupler_elliptical7 net9 grating_coupler_elliptical taper_length=15u taper_angle=40.0u
+ wavelength=1.554u fiber_angle=15.0 grating_line_width=0.343u n_periods=30 slab_xmin=-1.0u slab_offset=2.0u