title | date | slug |
Docker Commands Reference |
2019-10-08 |
docker-reference |
Command | Description |
start | Start Container |
stop | Stops Container |
restart | Restart Container |
kill | Kill Container |
attach | Attach terminal to running container |
exec | Excutes command within a running container |
inspect | Detail output about running container in JSON |
history | Shows history of container image |
Dockerfile Commands
Command | Reference |
FROM | Base image, usually first |
WORKDIR | Set's working directory |
ADD | Adds file from source to destination. Can be URL, Will Unzip |
COPY | Copy from host machine. Best practice to use unless you need ADD's functionality. |
EXPOSE | Expose a port from container at runtime |
VOLUME | Creates a mount point for container |
RUN | Executes command in a new layer and commits to image. Can have many. |
CMD | Provides default behavior for launching an instance. Only one per image and not hole image is being built. |
ENV | Sets and environment variable that is available through build and during container run. |
ARG | Variables that can be passes into the build command. Don't use for sensitive info. |
LABEL | Key-Value parr's exposed as image metadata |
Dockerfile Best Practices
- Keep image small
- As few layers as possible
- Avoid breaking cache
- Avoid known vulnerabilities
Keeping Image Small
- Use small or slim base image
- Combine layers
- Use .dockerignore
- Use multistage build
- Best for compiled code or have lot of intermediate steps
- Keep final stage as small as possible
- All other stages are discarded
- Change user to non-root user
- Better security
- Adds additional layer
- Tells Docker how to check status of container
- HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s CMD curl -f http://localhost/status || exit 1
Compose File Syntax
- Image
- Build
- Image and Build