- show day of week in print.cranDistribution().
- prioritize packageCRAN() over 'pkgsearch' results in packageHistory().
- match input vector order with output data frame in packageRank() and queryPackage().
- add/set queryPackage(check.package = TRUE).
- move unique.packages to cranDistribution() list element and return via summary().
- add/set print.cranDistribution(top.n = 20).
- remove parallel implementation of packageLog().
- amend stop() message in fixDate_2012().
- add 2012 exception to rev_fixDate_2012().
- add total downloads to print.cranDistribution() & summary.cranDistribution().
- use localTime() in logInfo().
- amend title and subtitle in plot.cranDistribution().
- amend x-axis in plot.packageDistribution().
- add day of week to plot.cranDistribution() title.
- fix memoization in cranDistribution().
- add cranDistribution() with plot, print and summary methods.
- add queryCount(), queryPackage(), queryPercentile() and queryRank().
- refactor and use memoization and cranDistribution() in packageRank().
- add/set packageRank(rank.ties = TRUE).
- compute cores only for cranDistribution(ip.filter = TRUE).
- use grDevices::devAskNewPage() with multiple packages in plot.packageRank(graphics = "base").
- fix transitory problem of multiple instances of a package on CRAN during a package update.
- amend pro.mode = TRUE error message for cranDownloadsB() 'from' argument.
- amend 'cranlogs' guess-timate in logInfo().
- fix multiple smoother subtitles: addMultiPlotSmoother and addRPlotSmoother().
- add/set cranDownloads(pro.mode = FALSE).
- update cranMirrors().
- fix cranDownloads(to = NULL).
- fix dayOfMonth(end.of.month = TRUE).
- fix plot(cranDownloads(pkg, when = "last-month"), unit.observation = "week", smooth = TRUE).
- fix smoothWeekData() call in addSmoother()
- use title case for axes labels.
- contextualize smoother subtitle in plot.cranDownloads(graphics = "base").
- amend discussion of smoother parameters (loess as "default") in README.
- add rLog().
- add cranPackageSize(mac.ver = "arm").
- remove tripletFilter() - redundant with amended sizeFilter().
If available, multi.core = FALSE by default in all functions.
amend/correct aggregateData(unit.observation = "week").
fix computeFileSizeB() for multiple size units.
update cranMirrors().
update/set cranPackageSize(r.ver = "4.3").
fix argument error in packageArchive() for sizeFilter().
fix packageDistribution() for multiple packages.
add timeout fix to packages_on_CRAN(), packageArchive() and packageCRAN().
fix/ensure exact package name matching in packageCRAN().
return latest release in package_info() for packageCRAN() (n.b. pkg updates).
fix packageCRAN(size) and packageArchive(size).
fix packageHistory("R").
match point types in plot.cranDownloads(graphics = "ggplot2", unit.observation = "week").
modify removeSequences() for high volume packages.
fix typo/error in sequenceFilter().
use previous day if today not available in cranDownloads().
remove non-user facing functions from NAMESPACE.
update 'ggplot2' syntax in cranDownloads() plot functions, ggPlot(), gg_bioc_plot(), plot.annualDownloads(), plotDownloadsCountry(), plot.packageDistribution(), plotTopCountryCodes(), plot.weeklyDownloads() and plot.packageVersionPercent().
check internet connection in bioconductorDownloads() and bioconductorRank().
change "warn.msg" to "print.message" in checkPackage().
remove dev.mode argument from checkPackage().
add/set plot.countryDistribution(N = 10) for top N country domains.
match cranlogs::cran_downloads() behavior with duplicate packages in cranDownloads() and packageHistory().
add delta count and inflation unit in filteredDownloads().
replace ip_filter() with greedyIP() in ipFilter().
use only counts in greedyIP() in ipFilter().
compute run length encoding and candidate.data in ipFilter(campaigns = TRUE).
change/set ipCount(sort.count = TRUE).
use "file.url.date" in ipCount() and ipDownloads().
disable parallel code for ipFilter(campaigns = TRUE).
include local time with logInfo(details = TRUE).
check last 3 rather than last 7 logs for logInfo(details = TRUE).
name list elements in packageHistory().
set packageHistory(check.package = TRUE).
use "crandb_file_date" for dates in packageHistory().
use packageCRAN() instead of mpackages_on_CRAN() in packageHistory().
return empty data frame for no CRAN, no Archive in packageHistory0().
make packageHistory0(), packageCRAN() and packageArchive() standalone and private.
change plot.annualDownloads(f = 1/4).
add/set plot.annualDownloads(line.col = "gray") and fix outliers.
replace log_count argument with log.y in plot.bioconductorRank and plot.packageRank().
rename/set sequenceFilter(delta.time = 10).
add pre-flight checks to sequenceFilter() and smallFilter().
replace identifySequences() with removeSequences() in sequenceFilter().
set packageHistory(check.package = FALSE) in sequenceFilter().
filter out undersized downloads of past versions in sizeFilter().
add exception for "R" in validatePackage() and validatePackage0().
remove tripletFilter() code from utilities.R functions.
- add annualDownloads() example to README.
- add personal default plots to README.
- use packageLifeFilter() only when cranDownloads(check.package = TRUE).
- remove fix for doubled cranlogs::cran_downloads(packages %in% c(NULL, pkg)) counts; underlying 'cranlogs' issue #68 fixed.
- amend/update README.
- clean DESCRIPTION Imports.
- fix "doubled" cranlogs::cran_downloads(packages = "R") R application download counts in cranDownloads() from 2023-09-12 to 2023-10-02.
- fix doubled cranlogs::cran_downloads(packages %in% c(NULL, pkg)) download counts in cranDownloads() from 2023-09-19 to 2023-10-01.
- add timeout fix to checkPackage().
- set packageHistory(check.package = FALSE)
- remove "Today's results not available" message from cranDownloads().
- amend Sunday/Wednesday R Windows application download spikes README note.
- add discussion of "doubled" counts in cranlogs::cran_downloads() to README.
- add packages_on_CRAN(), packages_in_Archive(), packages_observed_in_logs() and packages_partitioned().
- add extractArchiveDate().
- add/set packages_partitioned(observed.downloads = FALSE).
- amend packageLog() for packages that get filtered to zero.
- amend/fix sizeFilter() for archive-only packages.
- fix pkgsearch::cran_package_history() "try-error" in packageHistory().
- fix ylim in plot.cranDownloads(graphics = "base", unit.observation = "week").
- fix logInfo() when 'cranlogs' not available.
- set filteredDownloads(all.filters = FALSE) if any individual filter is TRUE.
- add temporary timeout = 600L to packages_partitioned().
- set options(timeout = 600L) in cranPackageSize().
- sort list element names in packageHistory().
- set packageLog(check.package = FALSE) in filteredDownloads().
- memoize packages_partitioned().
- add/set dev.mode = FALSE for ipFilter() in countryDistribution(), countryPackage() and ipPackage().
- add memoized archivePackages().
- refactor checkPackage().
- change result data type and content of validatePackage().
- add 'cranlogs' check to cranDownloads().
- add/use memoized packageHistory0() in packageHistory().
- allow mix of CRAN and Archive-only packages (and R) in packageHistory().
- add memoized packages_on_CRAN().
- add CRAN check to packageHistory().
- note Wednesday R Windows application download spikes in README.
- add lookup for exceptions in cranMirrors().
- fix plot.cranDownloads(graphics = "base", multi.plot = TRUE, smooth = TRUE).
- fix sequenceFilter() for packages not in CRAN Archive.
- set annualDownloads(log.y = FALSE).
- add/set annualDownloads(sep.y = FALSE).
- add/set cranMirrors(description = FALSE).
- change logInfo(list.available = FALSE) to logInfo(show.available = FALSE).
- set class of packageHistory()$Date to "Date".
- archive/deprecate packageMRAN() and related functionality.
- set loess as default smoother in plot.cranDownloads()
- add discussion about R Windows Sunday downloads to README.
- add exception to logInfo() when 'cranlogs' is down.
- fix/clean rPlot(r.version = TRUE).
- fix plot(cranDownloads("R"), r.total = TRUE).
- logInfo() checks for last available log.
- add plot.cranDownloads(unit.observation = “week”).
- discuss ‘from =’ and ‘to =’ cranDownloads() shortcuts in README.
- enable ipPackage().
- fix cranDownloads(“R”, to = ).
- fix output for packageHistory(“R”).
- add logInfo() and deprecate logPostInfo().
- change ‘log.count’ to ‘log.y’ in plot.bioconductorDownloads() and plot.cranDownloads().
- limit available unit of observations:
- with when = “last-week” only unit.observation = “day” available.
- with when = “last-month” AND graphics = “ggplot2”, unit.observation = “month” not available
- recompute cumulative count with plot.cranDownloads(unit.observation = “week”) to include backdate data.
- return cores = 1L on Windows with multiCore(); parallelization on Windows not currently available.
- use ‘ISOcodes’ in cranMirrors().
- amend plot.cranDownloads(graphics = “ggplot2”) legends.
- plot.cranDownloads(unit.observation = “month”) date plotted on first rather than last day of month.
- use observed date for first week observed data in plot.cranDownloads()
- set 0s to 1s to avoid NAs when plot.cranDownloads(log.y = TRUE).
- amend xy labels for “count” or “cumulative” in plot.cranDownloads().
- add fetchRLog().
- add getCorrectLogs() and rstudio.logs list object.
- add rev_fixDate_2012().
- add/set cranDownloads(fix.cranlogs = TRUE).
- add/use fixCranlogs().
- add/set logDate(fix.date = TRUE).
- add/set resolveDate(fix.date = FALSE).
- amend fetchCranLog() message.
- fix tripletFilter().
- add exception and warning for packages with zero downloads (not in log) for packageLog() and packageRank().
- fix variable names in packageCRAN() and packageArchive().
- fix y-axis typo and labels in cranPlot().
- set data.frame(row.names = NULL) in packageHistory().
- amend/update country code top level domains in cranMirrors().
- add packageHistory(“R”).
- allow multiple packages (vector) in packageHistory() and packageMRAN().
- restrict parLapply() to dev.mode = TRUE.
- amend graphical elements for estimate and in-progress download counts in plot.cranDownloads().
- increase fetchCranLog() timeout to 600.
- visualize different units of observation: “day” (default), “month”, and “year” with plot.cranDownloads(unit.observation = “day”).
- add in-progress plots with nominal and estimated totals for aggregate units of observation.
- fix plot.cranDownloads(package.version = TRUE) for multiple packages.
- fix multiple version in sizeFilter() with packageHistory().
- fix and enable sizeFilter().
- add/set filteredDownloads(multi.core = TRUE).
- amend warning message with timeMsg() in logDate().
- logDate(): check download log URL before computing available_log() for logs available before 17:00 UTC.
- change facet_wrap(~ package, ncol = 2) to facet_wrap(~ package, nrow = 2).
- use logDate() in logPostInfo().
- enable log.count argument for plot.cranDownloads(r.total = TRUE and FALSE).
- enable multi.plot argument for rPlot(graphics = “ggplot2”).
- add geom_smooth(span = 3/4).
- sizeFilter() and cranPackageSize(): fix multiple versions with package updates.
- annualDownloads() and weeklyDownloads().
- filters shortcut via all.filters = TRUE argument.
- temporarily set options(timeout = 300L) for fetchCranLog() for R 4.0.3.
- time zone support via logDate().
- add pkg.history.
- add arch.pkgs.jul, arch.pkgs.oct, cran.pkgs.jul and cran.pkgs.oct samples.
- add october.downloads and july.downloads.
- add top.n.jul2020.
- rename blog.datatop.n.oct2019.
- use serialization format = 3 for blog.data object.
- amend majority rule syntax in timeFix().
- fix Mac directory changes in packageMRAN().
- fix typo in plot.countryDistribution().
- fix resolveDate() by first as.character() all dates.
- fix scrapeData() using strsplit(fixed = TRUE).
- pass ‘f’ argument, lowess() smoother span value, to rPlot().
- add add.legend argument to plot.cranFilterCounts().
- add cumsum to cranDownloads() for cumulative counts and growth curves.
- add dataset argument to plotTopCountryCodes().
- add packageLog(clean.out = FALSE).
- add population.seed argument to populationPlot().
- add second.place argument to plotTopCountryCodes().
- add subtitle argument to inflationPlot2().
- add wed (Wednesday) argument to inflationPlot2().
- change default orientation of ggplot2 facets in plot.cranDownloads().
- note packageArchive() fix for ‘testthat’ filename typo/duplicate.
- set geom_point(size = 1.5) for single day, multiple package plot in singlePlot()
- use alpha transparency in plot.packageRank() labels.
- use “crandb_file_date” instead of “Date/Publication” in packageHistory().
- use sugrrants::facet_calendar() with packageVersionPercent(), plotTopCountryCodes(), and plotDownloadsCountry
- countryDistribution()
- cranMirrors()
- cranPackages()
- cranPackageSize()
- downloadsCountry()
- filteredDownloads()
- ipCount()
- ipDownloads()
- ipPackage()
- packageMRAN()
- topCountryCodes()
- ipFilter()
- sequenceFilter()
- sizeFilter()
- smallFilter()
- tripletFilter()
- checkPackage()
- cleanLog()
- dateTime()
- packageSample()
- validatePackage()
- currentTime()
- utc()
- utc0()
- localTime()
- logDate()
- logPostInfo()
- countsRanks()
- cranPlot()
- inflationPlot2()
- monthlyLog()
- packageVersionPercent()
- versionPlot()
- countsRanks()
- inflationPlot()
- add blog.data
fixDate_2012() for packageLog() Correct mislabeled filenames for 2012 logs RStudio’s CRAN download logs at http://cran-logs.rstudio.com/.
fix “
using formula ‘y ~ x’” warning for ‘ggplot2’ v3.3.0.
- enable arbitrary “to” argument without “from” in cranDownloads() e.g., cranDownloads(from = NULL, to = “2020-01-01”).
- add/amend plot.cranDownloads(package.version = FALSE, r.version = FALSE).
- set plot.cranDownloads(points = “auto”) for <= 45 days.
- “spell check” package names via “check.package” argument cranDownloads(), packageDistribution(), packageRank()
- deprecate packageRankTime() -> plot.cranDownloads(population.plot = TRUE)
- use packageLog(packages = NULL) to view a day’s log.
- enable negative filter values in packageLog() and packageRank().
- archivePackages()
- countryPackage()
- packageArchive()
- packageCountry()
- packageDistribution()
- packageHistory() uses ‘pkgsearch’; packageHistory0() scrapes CRAN.
- packageInfo()
- validatePackage() uses ‘pkgsearch’; validatePackage0() scrapes CRAN.
- add cranDownloads().
- enable “yyyy-mm-dd”, “yyyy-mm” or “yyyy” in cranDownloads(from, to).
- add plot.cran_downloads(points = “auto”).
- add plot.cran_downloads(r.version).
- deprecate cran_downloads2().
- add dayOfMonth().
- add bioconductorDownloads().
- add bioconductorRank().
- implement minor parallelization for packageRankTime().
- base graphics for single package/date; ggplot2 for multiple packages/dates.
- fix smooth argument in plot.package_rank_time(graphics_pkg = “base”).
- first CRAN release.