(React Three Fiber ScrollControls with Gsap tutorial)
This is repositry contains the files that we created in my youtube tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52sTNIJs78A
- Download the repository,
- Unzip it,
- Rename the folder to be what you want your project to be called
- Open the folder in your VS Code
- Open a new integrated terminal within the folder
- Run 'npm i' to install the node modules
- Run npm start once the modules have installed
This is a basic project to get you up and running. Here are some suggestions on how you can improve:
- Add custom fonts
- Make responsive
- Add better shadows (play around with lighting and element positions, what can cast/receive shadows etc...)
- Make the canvas background change colour on scroll
- Make multi page using Routers (play with animating things in and out)