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+# Kubetools Recommender System
+A GenAI-powered Kubetools Recommender system for your Kubernetes cluster. It comes with the following capabilities:
+- Ability to scan your existing Kubernetes cluster
+- Available in the form of CLI tool as well as listed on the [Kubetools](https://kubetools.io) webpage
+- Ability to recommend you with the best tool and categories based on your running workloads
+- Support OpenAI and Hugging Face
+## Prerequisites:
+1. A Kubernetes cluster up and running locally or in the Cloud.
+2. Python 3.6+
+Note: If the kube config path for your cluster is not the default *(~/.kube/config)*, ensure you are providing it during `krs init`
+## Tested Environment
+- Docker Desktop(Mac, Linux and Windows)
+- Minikube
+## Getting Started
+## Clone the repository
+git clone https://github.com/KrsGPTs/krs.git
+### Install the Tool
+Change directory to /krs and run the following command to install krs locally on your system:
+pip install .
+## Krs CLI
+ Usage: krs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
+│ --install-completion Install completion for the current shell. │
+│ --show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation. │
+│ --help Show this message and exit. │
+╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
+│ exit Ends krs services safely and deletes all state files from system. Removes all cached data. │
+│ export Exports pod info with logs and events. │
+│ health Starts an interactive terminal to chat with user. │
+│ init Initializes the services and loads the scanner. │
+│ namespaces Lists all the namespaces. │
+│ pods Lists all the pods with namespaces, or lists pods under a specified namespace. │
+│ recommend Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking database and their CNCF project status. │
+│ scan Scans the cluster and extracts a list of tools that are currently used. │
+## Initialise and load the scanner
+Run the following command to initialize the services and loads the scanner.
+krs init
+## Scan your cluster
+Run the following command to scan the cluster and extract a list of tools that are currently used.
+krs scan
+krs scan
+Scanning your cluster...
+Cluster scanned successfully...
+Extracted tools used in cluster...
+The cluster is using the following tools:
+| Tool Name | Rank | Category | CNCF Status |
+| kubeview | 30 | Cluster with Core CLI tools | unlisted |
+| | 3 | Cluster Management | unlisted |
+## Lists all the namespaces
+krs namespaces
+Namespaces in your cluster are:
+1. default
+2. kube-node-lease
+3. kube-public
+4. kube-system
+5. ns1
+## List pods under a specified namespace
+krs pods --namespace ns1
+Pods in namespace 'ns1':
+1. nginx-pod
+## krs recommend
+Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking database and their CNCF project status.
+krs recommend
+Our recommended tools for this deployment are:
+| Category | Recommendation | Tool Name | CNCF Status |
+| Cluster with Core CLI tools | Recommended tool | k9s | unlisted |
+| Cluster Management | Recommended tool | rancher | unlisted |
+## Krs health
+krs health
+Starting interactive terminal...
+Choose the model provider for healthcheck:
+[1] OpenAI
+[2] Huggingface
+Let's say you choose 1, the it will install necessary libraries.
+Enter your OpenAI API key: sk-3im1ZgCbKXXXXXXXXegTpTyyOq2mR
+Enter the OpenAI model name: gpt-3.5-turbo
+API key and model are valid.
+Namespaces in the cluster:
+1. default
+2. kube-node-lease
+3. kube-public
+4. kube-system
+5. ns1
+Which namespace do you want to check the health for? Select a namespace by entering its number: >> 5
+Pods in the namespace ns1:
+1. nginx-pod
+Which pod from ns1 do you want to check the health for? Select a pod by entering its number: >>
+Checking status of the pod...
+Extracting logs and events from the pod...
+Logs and events from the pod extracted successfully!
+Interactive session started. Type 'end chat' to exit from the session!
+>> The provided log entries are empty, as there is nothing between the curly braces {}. Therefore, everything looks good and there are no warnings or errors to report.
diff --git a/krs/__init__.py b/krs/__init__.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import typer, os
+from krs.main import KrsMain
+from krs.utils.constants import KRSSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH, KRS_DATA_DIRECTORY
+app = typer.Typer()
+krs = KrsMain()
+def check_initialized():
+ if not os.path.exists(KRSSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH):
+ typer.echo("KRS is not initialized. Please run 'krs init' first.")
+ raise typer.Exit()
+if not os.path.exists(KRS_DATA_DIRECTORY):
+def init():
+ """
+ Initializes the services and loads the scanner.
+ """
+ krs.initialize()
+ typer.echo("Services initialized and scanner loaded.")
+def scan():
+ """
+ Scans the cluster and extracts a list of tools that are currently used.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ krs.scan_cluster()
+def namespaces():
+ """
+ Lists all the namespaces.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ namespaces = krs.list_namespaces()
+ typer.echo("Namespaces in your cluster are: \n")
+ for i, namespace in enumerate(namespaces):
+ typer.echo(str(i+1)+ ". "+ namespace)
+def pods(namespace: str = typer.Option(None, help="Specify namespace to list pods from")):
+ """
+ Lists all the pods with namespaces, or lists pods under a specified namespace.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ if namespace:
+ pods = krs.list_pods(namespace)
+ if pods == 'wrong namespace name':
+ typer.echo(f"\nWrong namespace name entered, try again!\n")
+ raise typer.Abort()
+ typer.echo(f"\nPods in namespace '{namespace}': \n")
+ else:
+ pods = krs.list_pods_all()
+ typer.echo("\nAll pods in the cluster: \n")
+ for i, pod in enumerate(pods):
+ typer.echo(str(i+1)+ '. '+ pod)
+def recommend():
+ """
+ Generates a table of recommended tools from our ranking database and their CNCF project status.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ krs.generate_recommendations()
+def health(change_model: bool = typer.Option(False, help="Option to reinitialize/change the LLM, if set to True")):
+ """
+ Starts an interactive terminal to chat with user.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ typer.echo("\nStarting interactive terminal...\n")
+ krs.health_check(change_model)
+def export():
+ """
+ Exports pod info with logs and events.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ krs.export_pod_info()
+ typer.echo("Pod info with logs and events exported. Json file saved to current directory!")
+def exit():
+ """
+ Ends krs services safely and deletes all state files from system. Removes all cached data.
+ """
+ check_initialized()
+ krs.exit()
+ typer.echo("Krs services closed safely.")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app()
diff --git a/krs/main.py b/krs/main.py
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+from krs.utils.fetch_tools_krs import krs_tool_ranking_info
+from krs.utils.cluster_scanner import KubetoolsScanner
+from krs.utils.llm_client import KrsGPTClient
+from krs.utils.functional import extract_log_entries, CustomJSONEncoder
+from termcolor import colored
+import os, pickle, time, json
+from tabulate import tabulate
+class KrsMain:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.pod_info = None
+ self.pod_list = None
+ self.namespaces = None
+ self.deployments = None
+ self.state_file = KRSSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH
+ self.isClusterScanned = False
+ self.continue_chat = False
+ self.logs_extracted = []
+ self.scanner = None
+ self.get_events = True
+ self.get_logs = True
+ self.cluster_tool_list = None
+ self.detailed_cluster_tool_list = None
+ self.category_cluster_tools_dict = None
+ self.load_state()
+ def initialize(self, config_file='~/.kube/config'):
+ self.config_file = config_file
+ self.tools_dict, self.category_dict, cncf_status_dict = krs_tool_ranking_info()
+ self.cncf_status = cncf_status_dict['cncftools']
+ self.scanner = KubetoolsScanner(self.get_events, self.get_logs, self.config_file)
+ self.save_state()
+ def save_state(self):
+ state = {
+ 'pod_info': self.pod_info,
+ 'pod_list': self.pod_list,
+ 'namespaces': self.namespaces,
+ 'deployments': self.deployments,
+ 'cncf_status': self.cncf_status,
+ 'tools_dict': self.tools_dict,
+ 'category_tools_dict': self.category_dict,
+ 'extracted_logs': self.logs_extracted,
+ 'kubeconfig': self.config_file,
+ 'isScanned': self.isClusterScanned,
+ 'cluster_tool_list': self.cluster_tool_list,
+ 'detailed_tool_list': self.detailed_cluster_tool_list,
+ 'category_tool_list': self.category_cluster_tools_dict
+ }
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.state_file), exist_ok=True)
+ with open(self.state_file, 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(state, f)
+ def load_state(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.state_file):
+ with open(self.state_file, 'rb') as f:
+ state = pickle.load(f)
+ self.pod_info = state.get('pod_info')
+ self.pod_list = state.get('pod_list')
+ self.namespaces = state.get('namespaces')
+ self.deployments = state.get('deployments')
+ self.cncf_status = state.get('cncf_status')
+ self.tools_dict = state.get('tools_dict')
+ self.category_dict = state.get('category_tools_dict')
+ self.logs_extracted = state.get('extracted_logs')
+ self.config_file = state.get('kubeconfig')
+ self.isClusterScanned = state.get('isScanned')
+ self.cluster_tool_list = state.get('cluster_tool_list')
+ self.detailed_cluster_tool_list = state.get('detailed_tool_list')
+ self.category_cluster_tools_dict = state.get('category_tool_list')
+ self.scanner = KubetoolsScanner(self.get_events, self.get_logs, self.config_file)
+ def check_scanned(self):
+ if not self.isClusterScanned:
+ self.pod_list, self.pod_info, self.deployments, self.namespaces = self.scanner.scan_kubernetes_deployment()
+ self.save_state()
+ def list_namespaces(self):
+ self.check_scanned()
+ return self.scanner.list_namespaces()
+ def list_pods(self, namespace):
+ self.check_scanned()
+ if namespace not in self.list_namespaces():
+ return "wrong namespace name"
+ return self.scanner.list_pods(namespace)
+ def list_pods_all(self):
+ self.check_scanned()
+ return self.scanner.list_pods_all()
+ def detect_tools_from_repo(self):
+ tool_set = set()
+ for pod in self.pod_list:
+ for service_name in pod.split('-'):
+ if service_name in self.tools_dict.keys():
+ tool_set.add(service_name)
+ for dep in self.deployments:
+ for service_name in dep.split('-'):
+ if service_name in self.tools_dict.keys():
+ tool_set.add(service_name)
+ return list(tool_set)
+ def extract_rankings(self):
+ tool_dict = {}
+ category_tools_dict = {}
+ for tool in self.cluster_tool_list:
+ tool_details = self.tools_dict[tool]
+ for detail in tool_details:
+ rank = detail['rank']
+ category = detail['category']
+ if category not in category_tools_dict:
+ category_tools_dict[category] = []
+ category_tools_dict[category].append(rank)
+ tool_dict[tool] = tool_details
+ return tool_dict, category_tools_dict
+ def generate_recommendations(self):
+ if not self.isClusterScanned:
+ self.scan_cluster()
+ self.print_recommendations()
+ def scan_cluster(self):
+ print("\nScanning your cluster...\n")
+ self.pod_list, self.pod_info, self.deployments, self.namespaces = self.scanner.scan_kubernetes_deployment()
+ self.isClusterScanned = True
+ print("Cluster scanned successfully...\n")
+ self.cluster_tool_list = self.detect_tools_from_repo()
+ print("Extracted tools used in cluster...\n")
+ self.detailed_cluster_tool_list, self.category_cluster_tools_dict = self.extract_rankings()
+ self.print_scan_results()
+ self.save_state()
+ def print_scan_results(self):
+ scan_results = []
+ for tool, details in self.detailed_cluster_tool_list.items():
+ first_entry = True
+ for detail in details:
+ row = [tool if first_entry else "", detail['rank'], detail['category'], self.cncf_status.get(tool, 'unlisted')]
+ scan_results.append(row)
+ first_entry = False
+ print("\nThe cluster is using the following tools:\n")
+ print(tabulate(scan_results, headers=["Tool Name", "Rank", "Category", "CNCF Status"], tablefmt="grid"))
+ def print_recommendations(self):
+ recommendations = []
+ for category, ranks in self.category_cluster_tools_dict.items():
+ rank = ranks[0]
+ recommended_tool = self.category_dict[category][1]['name']
+ status = self.cncf_status.get(recommended_tool, 'unlisted')
+ if rank == 1:
+ row = [category, "Already using the best", recommended_tool, status]
+ else:
+ row = [category, "Recommended tool", recommended_tool, status]
+ recommendations.append(row)
+ print("\nOur recommended tools for this deployment are:\n")
+ print(tabulate(recommendations, headers=["Category", "Recommendation", "Tool Name", "CNCF Status"], tablefmt="grid"))
+ def health_check(self, change_model=False):
+ if os.path.exists(LLMSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH) and not change_model:
+ continue_previous_chat = input("\nDo you want to continue fixing the previously selected pod ? (y/n): >> ")
+ while True:
+ if continue_previous_chat not in ['y', 'n']:
+ continue_previous_chat = input("\nPlease enter one of the given options ? (y/n): >> ")
+ else:
+ break
+ if continue_previous_chat=='y':
+ krsllmclient = KrsGPTClient()
+ self.continue_chat = True
+ else:
+ krsllmclient = KrsGPTClient(reset_history=True)
+ else:
+ krsllmclient = KrsGPTClient(reinitialize=True)
+ self.continue_chat = False
+ if not self.continue_chat:
+ self.check_scanned()
+ print("\nNamespaces in the cluster:\n")
+ namespaces = self.list_namespaces()
+ namespace_len = len(namespaces)
+ for i, namespace in enumerate(namespaces, start=1):
+ print(f"{i}. {namespace}")
+ self.selected_namespace_index = int(input("\nWhich namespace do you want to check the health for? Select a namespace by entering its number: >> "))
+ while True:
+ if self.selected_namespace_index not in list(range(1, namespace_len+1)):
+ self.selected_namespace_index = int(input(f"\nWrong input! Select a namespace number between {1} to {namespace_len}: >> "))
+ else:
+ break
+ self.selected_namespace = namespaces[self.selected_namespace_index - 1]
+ pod_list = self.list_pods(self.selected_namespace)
+ pod_len = len(pod_list)
+ print(f"\nPods in the namespace {self.selected_namespace}:\n")
+ for i, pod in enumerate(pod_list, start=1):
+ print(f"{i}. {pod}")
+ self.selected_pod_index = int(input(f"\nWhich pod from {self.selected_namespace} do you want to check the health for? Select a pod by entering its number: >> "))
+ while True:
+ if self.selected_pod_index not in list(range(1, pod_len+1)):
+ self.selected_pod_index = int(input(f"\nWrong input! Select a pod number between {1} to {pod_len}: >> "))
+ else:
+ break
+ print("\nChecking status of the pod...")
+ print("\nExtracting logs and events from the pod...")
+ logs_from_pod = self.get_logs_from_pod(self.selected_namespace_index, self.selected_pod_index)
+ self.logs_extracted = extract_log_entries(logs_from_pod)
+ print("\nLogs and events from the pod extracted successfully!\n")
+ prompt_to_llm = self.create_prompt(self.logs_extracted)
+ krsllmclient.interactive_session(prompt_to_llm)
+ self.save_state()
+ def get_logs_from_pod(self, namespace_index, pod_index):
+ try:
+ namespace_index -= 1
+ pod_index -= 1
+ namespace = list(self.pod_info.keys())[namespace_index]
+ return list(self.pod_info[namespace][pod_index]['info']['Logs'].values())[0]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ print("\nKindly enter a value from the available namespaces and pods")
+ return None
+ def create_prompt(self, log_entries):
+ prompt = "You are a DevOps expert with experience in Kubernetes. Analyze the following log entries:\n{\n"
+ for entry in sorted(log_entries): # Sort to maintain consistent order
+ prompt += f"{entry}\n"
+ prompt += "}\nIf there is nothing of concern in between { }, return a message stating that 'Everything looks good!'. Explain the warnings and errors and the steps that should be taken to resolve the issues, only if they exist."
+ return prompt
+ def export_pod_info(self):
+ self.check_scanned()
+ with open(POD_INFO_FILEPATH, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(self.pod_info, f, cls=CustomJSONEncoder)
+ def exit(self):
+ try:
+ # List all files and directories in the given directory
+ files = os.listdir(KRS_DATA_DIRECTORY)
+ for file in files:
+ file_path = os.path.join(KRS_DATA_DIRECTORY, file)
+ # Check if it's a file and not a directory
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ os.remove(file_path) # Delete the file
+ print(f"Deleted file: {file_path}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Error occurred: {e}")
+ def main(self):
+ self.scan_cluster()
+ self.generate_recommendations()
+ self.health_check()
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ recommender = KrsMain()
+ recommender.main()
+ # logs_info = recommender.get_logs_from_pod(4,2)
+ # print(logs_info)
+ # logs = recommender.extract_log_entries(logs_info)
+ # print(logs)
+ # print(recommender.create_prompt(logs))
diff --git a/krs/requirements.txt b/krs/requirements.txt
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+++ b/krs/utils/cluster_scanner.py
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+from kubernetes import client, config
+import logging
+class KubetoolsScanner:
+ def __init__(self, get_events=True, get_logs=True, config_file='~/.kube/config'):
+ self.get_events = get_events
+ self.get_logs = get_logs
+ self.config_file = config_file
+ self.v1 = None
+ self.v2 = None
+ self.setup_kubernetes_client()
+ def setup_kubernetes_client(self):
+ try:
+ config.load_kube_config(config_file=self.config_file)
+ self.v1 = client.AppsV1Api()
+ self.v2 = client.CoreV1Api()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Failed to load Kubernetes configuration: %s", e)
+ raise
+ def scan_kubernetes_deployment(self):
+ try:
+ deployments = self.v1.list_deployment_for_all_namespaces()
+ namespaces = self.list_namespaces()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Error fetching data from Kubernetes API: %s", e)
+ return {}, {}, []
+ pod_dict = {}
+ pod_list = []
+ for name in namespaces:
+ pods = self.list_pods(name)
+ pod_list += pods
+ pod_dict[name] = [{'name': pod, 'info': self.get_pod_info(name, pod)} for pod in pods]
+ deployment_list = [dep.metadata.name for dep in deployments.items]
+ return pod_list, pod_dict, deployment_list, namespaces
+ def list_namespaces(self):
+ namespaces = self.v2.list_namespace()
+ return [namespace.metadata.name for namespace in namespaces.items]
+ def list_pods_all(self):
+ pods = self.v2.list_pod_for_all_namespaces()
+ return [pod.metadata.name for pod in pods.items]
+ def list_pods(self, namespace):
+ pods = self.v2.list_namespaced_pod(namespace)
+ return [pod.metadata.name for pod in pods.items]
+ def get_pod_info(self, namespace, pod, include_events=True, include_logs=True):
+ """
+ Retrieves information about a specific pod in a given namespace.
+ Args:
+ namespace (str): The namespace of the pod.
+ pod (str): The name of the pod.
+ include_events (bool): Flag indicating whether to include events associated with the pod.
+ include_logs (bool): Flag indicating whether to include logs of the pod.
+ Returns:
+ dict: A dictionary containing the pod information, events (if include_events is True), and logs (if include_logs is True).
+ """
+ pod_info = self.v2.read_namespaced_pod(pod, namespace)
+ pod_info_map = pod_info.to_dict()
+ pod_info_map["metadata"]["managed_fields"] = None # Clean up metadata
+ info = {'PodInfo': pod_info_map}
+ if include_events:
+ info['Events'] = self.fetch_pod_events(namespace, pod)
+ if include_logs:
+ # Retrieve logs for all containers within the pod
+ container_logs = {}
+ for container in pod_info.spec.containers:
+ try:
+ logs = self.v2.read_namespaced_pod_log(name=pod, namespace=namespace, container=container.name)
+ container_logs[container.name] = logs
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Failed to fetch logs for container %s in pod %s: %s", container.name, pod, e)
+ container_logs[container.name] = "Error fetching logs: " + str(e)
+ info['Logs'] = container_logs
+ return info
+ def fetch_pod_events(self, namespace, pod):
+ events = self.v2.list_namespaced_event(namespace)
+ return [{
+ 'Name': event.metadata.name,
+ 'Message': event.message,
+ 'Reason': event.reason
+ } for event in events.items if event.involved_object.name == pod]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ scanner = KubetoolsScanner()
+ pod_list, pod_info, deployments, namespaces = scanner.scan_kubernetes_deployment()
+ print("POD List: \n\n", pod_list)
+ print("\n\nPOD Info: \n\n", pod_info.keys())
+ print("\n\nNamespaces: \n\n", namespaces)
+ print("\n\nDeployments : \n\n", deployments)
diff --git a/krs/utils/constants.py b/krs/utils/constants.py
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+KUBETOOLS_JSONPATH = 'krs/data/kubetools_data.json'
+KUBETOOLS_DATA_JSONURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kubetools-Technologies-Inc/kubetools_data/main/data/kubetools_data.json'
+CNCF_YMLPATH = 'krs/data/landscape.yml'
+CNCF_YMLURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/landscape/master/landscape.yml'
+CNCF_TOOLS_JSONPATH = 'krs/data/cncf_tools.json'
+TOOLS_RANK_JSONPATH = 'krs/data/tools_rank.json'
+CATEGORY_RANK_JSONPATH = 'krs/data/category_rank.json'
+LLMSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH = 'krs/data/llmstate.pkl'
+KRSSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH = 'krs/data/krsstate.pkl'
+POD_INFO_FILEPATH = './exported_pod_info.json'
+KRS_DATA_DIRECTORY = 'krs/data'
diff --git a/krs/utils/fetch_tools_krs.py b/krs/utils/fetch_tools_krs.py
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+import json
+import requests
+import yaml
+# Function to convert 'githubStars' to a float, or return 0 if it cannot be converted
+def get_github_stars(tool):
+ stars = tool.get('githubStars', 0)
+ try:
+ return float(stars)
+ except ValueError:
+ return 0.0
+# Function to download and save a file
+def download_file(url, filename):
+ response = requests.get(url)
+ response.raise_for_status() # Ensure we notice bad responses
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
+ file.write(response.content)
+def parse_yaml_to_dict(yaml_file_path):
+ with open(yaml_file_path, 'r') as file:
+ data = yaml.safe_load(file)
+ cncftools = {}
+ for category in data.get('landscape', []):
+ for subcategory in category.get('subcategories', []):
+ for item in subcategory.get('items', []):
+ item_name = item.get('name').lower()
+ project_status = item.get('project', 'listed')
+ cncftools[item_name] = project_status
+ return {'cncftools': cncftools}
+def save_json_file(jsondict, jsonpath):
+ # Write the category dictionary to a new JSON file
+ with open(jsonpath, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(jsondict, f, indent=4)
+def krs_tool_ranking_info():
+ # New dictionaries
+ tools_dict = {}
+ category_tools_dict = {}
+ download_file(CNCF_YMLURL, CNCF_YMLPATH)
+ with open(KUBETOOLS_JSONPATH) as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ for category in data:
+ # Sort the tools in the current category by the number of GitHub stars
+ sorted_tools = sorted(category['tools'], key=get_github_stars, reverse=True)
+ for i, tool in enumerate(sorted_tools, start=1):
+ tool["name"] = tool['name'].replace("\t", "").lower()
+ tool['ranking'] = i
+ # Update tools_dict
+ tools_dict.setdefault(tool['name'], []).append({
+ 'rank': i,
+ 'category': category['category']['name'],
+ 'url': tool['link']
+ })
+ # Update ranked_tools_dict
+ category_tools_dict.setdefault(category['category']['name'], {}).update({i: {'name': tool['name'], 'url': tool['link']}})
+ cncf_tools_dict = parse_yaml_to_dict(CNCF_YMLPATH)
+ save_json_file(cncf_tools_dict, CNCF_TOOLS_JSONPATH)
+ save_json_file(tools_dict, TOOLS_RANK_JSONPATH)
+ save_json_file(category_tools_dict, CATEGORY_RANK_JSONPATH)
+ return tools_dict, category_tools_dict, cncf_tools_dict
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ tools_dict, category_tools_dict, cncf_tools_dict = krs_tool_ranking_info()
+ print(cncf_tools_dict)
diff --git a/krs/utils/functional.py b/krs/utils/functional.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4e9b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krs/utils/functional.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from difflib import SequenceMatcher
+import re, json
+from datetime import datetime
+class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+ """JSON Encoder for complex objects not serializable by default json code."""
+ def default(self, obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, datetime):
+ # Format datetime object as a string in ISO 8601 format
+ return obj.isoformat()
+ # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
+ return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+def similarity(a, b):
+ return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
+def filter_similar_entries(log_entries):
+ unique_entries = list(log_entries)
+ to_remove = set()
+ # Compare each pair of log entries
+ for i in range(len(unique_entries)):
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(unique_entries)):
+ if similarity(unique_entries[i], unique_entries[j]) > 0.85:
+ # Choose the shorter entry to remove, or either if they are the same length
+ if len(unique_entries[i]) > len(unique_entries[j]):
+ to_remove.add(unique_entries[i])
+ else:
+ to_remove.add(unique_entries[j])
+ # Filter out the highly similar entries
+ filtered_entries = {entry for entry in unique_entries if entry not in to_remove}
+ return filtered_entries
+def extract_log_entries(log_contents):
+ # Patterns to match different log formats
+ patterns = [
+ re.compile(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{6}Z\s+(warn|error)\s+\S+\s+(.*)', re.IGNORECASE),
+ re.compile(r'[WE]\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d+\s+\d+\s+(.*)'),
+ re.compile(r'({.*})')
+ ]
+ log_entries = set()
+ # Attempt to match each line with all patterns
+ for line in log_contents.split('\n'):
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ match = pattern.search(line)
+ if match:
+ if match.groups()[0].startswith('{'):
+ # Handle JSON formatted log entries
+ try:
+ log_json = json.loads(match.group(1))
+ if 'severity' in log_json and log_json['severity'].lower() in ['error', 'warning']:
+ level = "Error" if log_json['severity'] == "ERROR" else "Warning"
+ message = log_json.get('error', '') if 'error' in log_json.keys() else line
+ log_entries.add(f"{level}: {message.strip()}")
+ elif 'level' in log_json:
+ level = "Error" if log_json['level'] == "error" else "Warning"
+ message = log_json.get('msg', '') + log_json.get('error', '')
+ log_entries.add(f"{level}: {message.strip()}")
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ continue # Skip if JSON is not valid
+ else:
+ if len(match.groups()) == 2:
+ level, message = match.groups()
+ elif len(match.groups()) == 1:
+ message = match.group(1) # Assuming error as default
+ level = "ERROR" # Default if not specified in the log
+ level = "Error" if "error" in level.lower() else "Warning"
+ formatted_message = f"{level}: {message.strip()}"
+ log_entries.add(formatted_message)
+ break # Stop after the first match
+ return filter_similar_entries(log_entries)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/krs/utils/llm_client.py b/krs/utils/llm_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46265a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/krs/utils/llm_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+import pickle
+import subprocess
+import os, time
+from krs.utils.constants import (MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS, LLMSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH)
+class KrsGPTClient:
+ def __init__(self, reinitialize=False, reset_history=False):
+ self.reinitialize = reinitialize
+ self.client = None
+ self.pipeline = None
+ self.provider = None
+ self.model = None
+ self.openai_api_key = None
+ self.continue_chat = False
+ self.history = []
+ self.max_tokens = MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS
+ if not self.reinitialize:
+ print("\nLoading LLM State..")
+ self.load_state()
+ print("\nModel: ", self.model)
+ if not self.model:
+ self.initialize_client()
+ self.history = [] if reset_history == True else self.history
+ if self.history:
+ continue_chat = input("\n\nDo you want to continue previous chat ? (y/n) >> ")
+ while continue_chat not in ['y', 'n']:
+ print("Please enter either y or n!")
+ continue_chat = input("\nDo you want to continue previous chat ? (y/n) >> ")
+ if continue_chat == 'No':
+ self.history = []
+ else:
+ self.continue_chat = True
+ def save_state(self, filename=LLMSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH):
+ state = {
+ 'provider': self.provider,
+ 'model': self.model,
+ 'history': self.history,
+ 'openai_api_key': self.openai_api_key
+ }
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as output:
+ pickle.dump(state, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ def load_state(self):
+ try:
+ with open(LLMSTATE_PICKLE_FILEPATH, 'rb') as f:
+ state = pickle.load(f)
+ self.provider = state['provider']
+ self.model = state['model']
+ self.history = state.get('history', [])
+ self.openai_api_key = state.get('openai_api_key', '')
+ if self.provider == 'OpenAI':
+ self.init_openai_client(reinitialize=True)
+ elif self.provider == 'huggingface':
+ self.init_huggingface_client(reinitialize=True)
+ except (FileNotFoundError, EOFError):
+ pass
+ def install_package(self, package_name):
+ import importlib
+ try:
+ importlib.import_module(package_name)
+ print(f"\n{package_name} is already installed.")
+ except ImportError:
+ print(f"\nInstalling {package_name}...", end='', flush=True)
+ result = subprocess.run(['pip', 'install', package_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if result.returncode == 0:
+ print(f" \n{package_name} installed successfully.")
+ else:
+ print(f" \nFailed to install {package_name}.")
+ def initialize_client(self):
+ if not self.client and not self.pipeline:
+ choice = input("\nChoose the model provider for healthcheck: \n\n[1] OpenAI \n[2] Huggingface\n\n>> ")
+ if choice == '1':
+ self.init_openai_client()
+ elif choice == '2':
+ self.init_huggingface_client()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid option selected")
+ def init_openai_client(self, reinitialize=False):
+ if not reinitialize:
+ print("\nInstalling necessary libraries..........")
+ self.install_package('openai')
+ import openai
+ from openai import OpenAI
+ self.provider = 'OpenAI'
+ self.openai_api_key = input("\nEnter your OpenAI API key: ") if not reinitialize else self.openai_api_key
+ self.model = input("\nEnter the OpenAI model name: ") if not reinitialize else self.model
+ self.client = OpenAI(api_key=self.openai_api_key)
+ if not reinitialize or self.reinitialize:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.validate_openai_key()
+ break
+ except openai.error.AuthenticationError:
+ self.openai_api_key = input("\nInvalid Key! Please enter the correct OpenAI API key: ")
+ except openai.error.InvalidRequestError as e:
+ print(e)
+ self.model = input("\nEnter an OpenAI model name from latest OpenAI docs: ")
+ except openai.APIConnectionError as e:
+ print(e)
+ self.init_openai_client(reinitialize=False)
+ self.save_state()
+ def init_huggingface_client(self, reinitialize=False):
+ if not reinitialize:
+ print("\nInstalling necessary libraries..........")
+ self.install_package('transformers')
+ self.install_package('torch')
+ os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
+ import warnings
+ from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
+ self.provider = 'huggingface'
+ self.model = input("\nEnter the Huggingface model name: ") if not reinitialize else self.model
+ try:
+ self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model)
+ self.model_hf = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(self.model)
+ self.pipeline = pipeline('text-generation', model=self.model_hf, tokenizer=self.tokenizer)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print("\nError loading model: ", e)
+ print("\nPlease enter a valid Huggingface model name.")
+ self.init_huggingface_client(reinitialize=True)
+ self.save_state()
+ def validate_openai_key(self):
+ """Validate the OpenAI API key by attempting a small request."""
+ response = self.client.chat.completions.create(
+ model=self.model,
+ messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Test prompt, do nothing"}],
+ max_tokens=5
+ )
+ print("API key and model are valid.")
+ def infer(self, prompt):
+ self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})
+ input_prompt = self.history_to_prompt()
+ if self.provider == 'OpenAI':
+ response = self.client.chat.completions.create(
+ model=self.model,
+ messages=input_prompt,
+ max_tokens = self.max_tokens
+ )
+ output = response.choices[0].message.content.strip()
+ elif self.provider == 'huggingface':
+ responses = self.pipeline(input_prompt, max_new_tokens=self.max_tokens)
+ output = responses[0]['generated_text']
+ self.history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": output})
+ print(">> ", output)
+ def interactive_session(self, prompt_input):
+ print("\nInteractive session started. Type 'end chat' to exit from the session!\n")
+ if self.continue_chat:
+ print('>> ', self.history[-1]['content'])
+ else:
+ initial_prompt = prompt_input
+ self.infer(initial_prompt)
+ while True:
+ prompt = input("\n>> ")
+ if prompt.lower() == 'end chat':
+ break
+ self.infer(prompt)
+ self.save_state()
+ def history_to_prompt(self):
+ if self.provider == 'OpenAI':
+ return self.history
+ elif self.provider == 'huggingface':
+ return " ".join([item["content"] for item in self.history])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ client = KrsGPTClient(reinitialize=False)
+ # client.interactive_session("You are an 8th grade math tutor. Ask questions to gauge my expertise so that you can generate a training plan for me.")
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d02b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+# Read the requirements.txt file for dependencies
+with open('krs/requirements.txt') as f:
+ requirements = f.read().splitlines()
+ name='krs',
+ version='0.1.0',
+ description='Kubernetes Recommendation Service with LLM integration',
+ author='Abhijeet Mazumdar',
+ author_email='abhijeet@kubetools.ca',
+ url='https://github.com/KrsGPTs/krs',
+ packages=find_packages(),
+ include_package_data=True,
+ install_requires=requirements,
+ entry_points={
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'krs=krs.krs:app', # Adjust the module and function path as needed
+ ],
+ },
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
+ 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+ ],
+ python_requires='>=3.6',