ridge-a-01x, reverse wavedash setup
Start a hyper bhop on the second platform and aim to bhop on the left side of this diamond. Once you bhop, hold jump and perform a cb with your 2nd jump button to set up a reverse wavedash ultra.
Bhop twice on the water and grounded ultra; do the cutscene skip after this lifesaver in the background, full climbjump, and demohyper ultra out. land on the left side of the bhop platform to make the next room easier.
ridge-a-01x (2024)
Very tight strat and probably reserved for top players/checkpoint runs. When climbing up to the platform, stay low to the ground and downright dash. Hold grab, dashjump on the cue to get the most speed from the ultra (make sure to hold it to not get a hyper), and immediately buffer two jump inputs. Buffer a downright dash when entering the next room and bhop. Once you glide or get stopped for a frame, downright again and bhop to get under the bubble in the next room. These three bhops are all feel and take a very long time to get consistent.
Do a grounded ultra from the bubble and min jump after transition. When Madeline's body is halfway lined with the platform, demo. Extended super as soon as you land on the cloud to get the most height.
ridge-a-05 -> a-06, double cb strat
Really tricky to learn at first but these cues should help. Also recommended to hold grab the whole time. After transition, wavedash and bhop off the 1st platform.
You need to line up Madeline to the platforms before performing an extended super and a demohyper respectively. After the super, line yourself up then do an extended demohyper into a buffered upright dash. Hold jump and cb with 2nd jump button. During transition, let go of jump and cb after transition.
ridge-a-05 -> a-06 (2024)
An alternate way to do this room more consistently, super off both platforms and demohyper and hold jump into the room. Cb and upright before the blue flag in the background.
Let go of jump after the red line and steer madeline left to land smoothly.
After jumping from the bubble downdiag, go neutral until the peak of your jump then wavedash, buffer upright, and cb. You can also hold right without needing to go neutral, whichever works for you.
ridge-b-02 -> b-05
For grabbing the left side of the wall during this room, do both wallbounces very late. You want to get the wallbounce right when you get halfway past this corner, and the other wallbounce should line up.
ridge-b-08, ceiling pop
Fulljump when Madeline is covering the diamond in the background, then hold left after passing the other top right diamond corner.
If you have trouble getting muscle memory for cpop, here's a cue for a general reference of when to dash.
ridge-b-08, 1st blockless
To have a consistent position, start from the corner before the platform. Downright into a grounded ultra, and aim to coyote jump at the listed cue.
Aim to upright demo near the middle of the branch and turnaround climbjump afterwards. This cue is more finnicky since it'll depend on your coyote jump position.
ridge-c-05, coyote jump
Hold jump on the reverse hyper until transition and hold right the entire time, and aim to do your coyote jump around here.
ridge-c-05, marlin's undertrail
Very intuitive way to do undertrail but takes a 0.2s hit in terms of speed. Climb into the corner, climbjump right and immediately hold left. Climbjump right again and after passing the next pillar, jump to wallkick off of the pillar and finish the room. Make sure to fulljump on both of these climbjumps.
ridge-c-04 turnaround cornerjump
Neutral on transition, follow the movement in the gif and aim for the diamond to line up the upright demo.
ridge-c-06, hyper bhop
I find it easiest to setup this bhop with a neutral wallbounce from the previous screen, then another neutral wallbounce on the autoscroller block. Neutral wallkick and tap right lightly for at least 2 frames to land on the leftmost part of the block.
ridge-c-06, reverse hyper cloud bhop
Becomes a very difficult room with this strat set, but can be more managable with these cues. Neutral wallbounce into the room, right dash onto the cloud and start a left dash. For keyboard players: start the left dash while holding right. Let go of left, and jump twice immediately to hyper bhop to the grab block.
Wallbounce in between the blue lines and start the turnaround after passing the red line. These can be visualized by the edge of the grab block and the hole in the bg texture, respectively. After dashing left with the bubble, stay neutral to tap jump off the spiked block, upleft demo immediately and wallkick.
ridge-c-09, regular 2nd auto
Do your extended hyper > ultra when the autoscroller block reaches this cue in the bg. Make sure you crouchjump and not buffer the jump.
Have Madeline's right foot be on the platform before starting the extended hyper to be consistent.
Neutral on transition and hyper bhop to the wall. Neutral twice and climbjump for chances at cbs. Try to be climbjumping around the snowy edges of the blocks for higher chances at a cb.
On entrance, do a wavedash and get 3 climbjumps to make the wind cycle and get to the bubble. Buffer both the bubble upleft and the updash and drift into the wall and climbjump. If you buffered both bubble dashes, you shouldn't ever die to the spikes before the 2nd bubble.
Extend the super as much as possible, then hold jump and upright dash cb after passing this tree branch.
Right dash off the autoscroller block, and jump + upright anytime after this line.
When Madeline passes this line, jump + downright dash at almost the same time to get to the bubble. Make sure to hold grab while doing the jump.
ridge-d-01 -> d-02 (2024)
Follow the movement in d-01 to have a dash while climbing up the wall to d-02.
Super and hold jump into transition. At the cue, downright dash and hold downright.
After making it to the cloud, jump and immediately dash up to avoid the bubble. Get into the topleft corner and wait until passing the cue to let go of the block (make sure to not scrape against the block itself by holding left). You can decide whether to back out after getting into the bubble by seeing how far madeline is pushed past the bubble when getting into it.
ridge-d-03, snowball bhop
Start a hyper in the previous room, buffer jump, right dash after this flower on the ground, and hyper bhop. Don't shorten the hyper bhop too much otherwise you die. This cue also works for the grounded ultra, just do a hyper bhop from previous screen and min jump.
ridge-d-04, double ultra
After doing a right bubble dash, go neutral until you land on the ground, then hyper bhop and ultra, ultra. You want to coyote jump under this pillar to avoid being bonked and to also land cleanly on the platform directly under the bubble.
ridge-d-04 -> d-06 (2024)
Wavedash after exiting the bubble and wavedash again. Aim for this spot when coyote jumping and start an ultra before the transition.
Aim for another coyote jump around here to get the distance for the snowball super.
Grounded ultra in, go neutral for a bit to not miss the platform when wavedashing, and start the super off the tiny platform past the blue line.
To manage the second snowball's height, upright below these bg textures.