resort-s3 -> 0x,1st fast key
For this fast key setup, dash down asap after grabbing the key and hyper cb off the stair ledge. For the cb off the crates, hug the key door and grounded ultra into the next room. Buffer the jump from the grounded ultra and hold jump as you do the cb. downright dash after clearing the towels.
resort-00-a -> 02-a
You want to enter 02-a with a crouched bhop to make the demohyper > diag strat more lenient. Bhop at or after the smoke from this vent.
Do two min neutral jumps then after the demohyper, wait a bit until Madeline's body is halfway matched to this ceiling, then buffer both dashes.
resort-03-a -> 02-a, 2nd fast key
The upleft wallkick helps to ensure you don't go too fast, and downleft dashing on this cue and only holding left allows you drift into the key. After landing, do a neutral walljump into a downleft > down > downright dash.
Hold fastfall and demo at or above the height of this clock, and you should achieve the fast key cycle.
Hold jump while doing the three climbjumps, then dash at this carpet line and buffer hyper to beat the dust bunny cycle.
resort-05-a (2024)
To guarantee a non zero frame window on the next room wallbounce, input two right dashes (not buffered) after the cutscene skip and hyper while holding jump at any point past this luggage cart in the background. Make sure to let go of jump after hitting the transition.
When doing a super this room, make sure to full jump near the transition using this chair as a cue.
Keep holding jump and demo twice starting from this window pane line.
For this strat, a common mistake is buffering demos which you can't do.
resort-08-c, left wall climb
This climb is really tricky at first, but gets easier with muscle memory. It is important that you hold left the whole time during this climb. Enter without a crouched hitbox (demohyper bhop or right dash into spring), then tap both jump buttons and tap jump again when Madeline reaches the corner. Make sure to not hold right early otherwise you wont get the third jump off the corner.
resort-07-a, modern key+dustbunny cycle
The movement in the gif guarantees a key cycle that allows you to gain height while the key door finishes opening, making this dust bunny cycle possible. The inputs after the first room are:
- buffer downleft dash while fastfalling,
- buffer updash and drift into the right corner,
- buffer upleft dash while fastfalling,
- buffer downleftdash into corner,
- buffer extended hyper holding jump into keydoor.
If done correctly, you should be able to hold jump and clear the first column of dust bunnies.
Once madeline is on top of the first column of dust bunnies like so, right dash + demo + unbuffered right dash to have a clean landing.
Note: This is just my personal way of doing this key cycle, other top players probably have their own way of doing this so ask around for alternatives.
resort-08-a, cutscene ultra
Weirdly specific cutscene trigger for this skip, pause while performing a grounded ultra on this cue and you should have the best speed leaving this cutscene. The setup used in the gif enters the room with a max height bhop, then at the peak performs two quick wavedashes.
Hold jump after jump through transition, then ultra and buffer jump + upright dash at the end of these crates.
resort-11-z -> 10-z, spike jump (2024)
Get into the crates corner, then jump and left dash + buffered upleft demo. After transition, hold right and buffer a right climbjump.
After a neutral wallbounce, buffer two dashes right after jump and hyper bhop. You need to get a coyote jump off the super in order to get the two fast cbs.
resort-10-c -> 12-d
When leaving 10-c, be sure to hold jump and buffer a downright dash to get a bhop and dodge the dust bunnies. To make the fast cycle in 12-d, wallbounce in the previous room pictured before entering to gain more height. The fast cycle is more managable with this extra boost.
resort-12-d (2024)
After walking off this platform, tap left to be in position for an easy cornerkick after upright demoing past this cue. (sorry dpad players)
resort-13-b exit
Left + downleft dash to enter this room, and watch when Madeline is off the ground to safely downleft dash.
resort-12-x, button cb
After landing, get a coyote jump from the hyper, hold jump and upleft after the waterfall. This should setup the cb almost every time.
resort-06-d, fish's setup
Fastfall and land on this table in the background, then do a grounded ultra.
Wait until Madeline is floating from the grounded ultra, then wallbounce for the clean landing. thanks fish :D
resort-02-d tas cycle, jacks's setup
Dash downleft on this chair in the background to start a hyper in the next screen, buffer jump after transition, hold jump and upleft dash on at the start of this bookshelf to set up the cb. thanks jacks :D
Bonus cue for this coyote super, jump on this skull and you shouldn't die. For the turnaround corner grab, try to use a crouched jump and press jump + right at the same time.
Hyper bhop, super, demohyper, super, delay the cb by a fuckton then cb + wavedash immediately. Leave the room with a coyote jump after the hyper to guarantee clean landing in the next room.
Hyper and upright demo after passing the door to setup the next room's wallbounce. After a short hop on the platform, aim to upright demo around this background box. For the 2024 version of roof05, follow the rest of the movement in the gif.
Jump from the hyper after transition from previous room, and bhop after the door here to not hit the spring.
Hit the middle/right side of the spring, and be close to this column of dust bunnies before dashing for clean landing and skipping the spring hit + downdash.
resort-roof05 (2024)
Walk into transition, hyper, and bhop after this background tiling ends to get a good cb.