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File metadata and controls

407 lines (298 loc) · 13.6 KB


Bucky is a small server for collecting and translating metrics. It receive metric data from CollectD, StatsD and MetricsD and proxy it to memcache, mysql or graphite.


You can install with easy_install or pip as per normal modus operandi:

$ easy_install bucky
# or
$ pip install bucky

After installing, you can run Bucky like:

$ bucky /etc/your_config_file.conf

Bucky defines defaults in but requires a config file. Copy over one of the sample config files and edit it to enable the correct bucky servers and clients for your installation and start bucky.

Bucky needs at least one server and one client to become useful. The most typical usage is using collectd as the server and graphite as the client, but you can run more servers and clients as well.

Running Bucky For Real

The astute observer will notice that Bucky has no flags for daemonization. This is quite on purpose. The recommended way to run Bucky in production is via runit. There's an example service directory in Bucky's source repository.

Alternately there is also an example init.d script in contrib/ for usage through regular init.

Bucky Performance

The bucky servers all read packets in one thread, while the clients you can configure to use as many threads as you want. By default it will try to use one thread per cpu core for bucky clients. You can increase the amount of threads to try to gain more performance.

In testing on 2-core servers bucky was able to handle around 1000 metrics/sec via collectd and sending via all three clients IO permitting. Your mileage may vary based on network and disk capabilities.

Command Line Options

The command line options will override any of the options in your config files. If you want to configure some of the more intricate workings you'll need to use a config file. Here's the bucky -h output:

Usage: bucky [CONFIG_FILE] [OPTIONS]

  --debug               Put server into debug mode.
  --metricsd-ip=IP      IP address to bind for the MetricsD UDP socket
  --metricsd-port=INT   Port to bind for the MetricsD UDP socket
  --disable-metricsd    Disable the MetricsD UDP server
  --collectd-ip=IP      IP address to bind for the CollectD UDP socket
  --collectd-port=INT   Port to bind for the CollectD UDP socket
                        Path to the collectd types.db file,
                        can be specified multiple times
  --disable-collectd    Disable the CollectD UDP server
  --statsd-ip=IP        IP address to bind for the StatsD UDP socket
  --statsd-port=INT     Port to bind for the StatsD UDP socket
  --disable-statsd      Disable the StatsD server
  --graphite-ip=IP      IP address of the Graphite/Carbon server
  --graphite-port=INT   Port of the Graphite/Carbon server
  --disable-graphite    Disable sending stats to Graphite
  --disable-mysql       Disable sending stats to MySQL
  --mysql-ip=IP         IP/Hostname of the MySQL Server
  --mysql-port=INT      Port of the MySQL server
  --mysql-db=MYSQL_DB   Database Name of the MySQL Server
                        Username for the MySQL Database
                        Password for the MySQL Database
                        query to use for mysql client
  --disable-memcache    Disable Sending Stats to Memcache
  --memcache-ip=IP      IP/Hostname of the Memcache Server to send stats to
  --memcache-port=INT   Port of the Memcache server
  --full-trace          Display full error             if config file fails to
                        Number of threads per client to use
  --log-level=NAME      Logging output verbosity
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Config File Options

The configuration file is a normal Python file that defines a number of variables. Most of command line options can also be specified in this file (remove the "--" prefix and replace "-" with "_") but if specified in both places, the command line takes priority. The defaults as a config file:

# Standard debug and log level
debug = False
log_level = "INFO"

# Whether to print the entire stack trace for errors encountered
# when loading the config file
full_trace = False

# Basic metricsd conifguration
metricsd_ip = ""
metricsd_port = 23632
metricsd_enabled = True

# The default interval between flushes of metric data to Graphite
metricsd_default_interval = 10.0

# You can specify the frequency of flushes to Graphite based on
# the metric name used for each metric. These are specified as
# regular expressions. An entry in this list should be a 3-tuple
# that is: (regexp, frequency, priority)
# The regexp is applied with the match method. Frequency should be
# in seconds. Priority is used to break ties when a metric name
# matches more than one handler. (The largest priority wins)
metricsd_handlers = []

# Basic collectd configuration
collectd_ip = ""
collectd_port = 25826
collectd_enabled = True

# A list of file names for collectd types.db
# files.
collectd_types = []

# A mapping of plugin names to converter callables. These are
# explained in more detail in the README.
collectd_converters = {}

# Whether to load converters from entry points. The entry point
# used to define converters is 'bucky.collectd.converters'.
collectd_use_entry_points = True

# Basic statsd configuration
statsd_ip = ""
statsd_port = 8125
statsd_enabled = True

# How often stats should be flushed to Graphite.
statsd_flush_time = 10.0

# Basic Graphite Client configuration
graphite_enabled = True
graphite_ip = ""
graphite_port = 2003

# If the Graphite connection fails these numbers define how it
# will reconnect. The max reconnects applies each time a
# disconnect is encountered and the reconnect delay is the time
# in seconds between connection attempts. Setting max reconnects
# to a negative number removes the limit.
graphite_max_reconnects = 3
graphite_reconnect_delay = 5

# Basic Mysql Client Configuration
# mysql client used to push metrics into db. it only pushes metric
# names and not values. this is easily changed in the code however for
# the daring.
mysql_enabled = True
mysql_ip = ""
mysql_port = 3306
mysql_db = "metrics"
mysql_user = "USERNAME"
mysql_pass = "PASSWORD"
mysql_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO TABLENAME VALUES('%s', '0', '0', '0', '0');"

# Memcache Client
# memcache send stats to memcache, appending '.v' and '.t' to key names
# representing value and timestamp respectively
# multipel servers can be entered in the memcache_ip list such as
# memcache_ip = ["", ""]
memcache_enabled = True
memcache_ip = [""]

# Bucky provides these settings to allow the system wide
# configuration of how metric names are processed before
# sending to Graphite.
# Prefix and postfix allow to tag all values with some value.
name_prefix = None
name_postfix = None

# The replacement character is used to munge any '.' characters
# in name components because it is special to Graphite. Setting
# this to None will prevent this step.
name_replace_char = '_'

# Optionally strip duplicates in path components. For instance
# a.a.b.c.c.b would be rewritten as a.b.c.b
name_strip_duplicates = True

# Bucky reverses hostname components to improve the locality
# of metric values in Graphite. For instance, ""
# would be rewritten as "". This setting allows
# for the specification of hostname components that should
# be stripped from hostnames. For instance, if "company.tld"
# were specified, the previous example would end up as "node".
name_host_trim = []

Configuring a CollectD Server

You should only need to add something like this to your collectd.conf:

LoadPlugin "network"

<Plugin "network">
  Server "" "25826"

Obviously, you'll want to match up the IP addresses and ports and make sure that your firewall's are configured to allow UDP packets through.

Configuring a StatsD Server

Just point your StatsD clients at Bucky's IP/Port and you should be good to go.

Configuring a MetricsD Server


Bucky Clients

After configuring one or more bucky servers enable a client, (graphite, memcache or mysql) to begin sending stats somewhere.

Configuring a Graphite Client


graphite_enabled = True

and configure the options to send to the correct ip and port of your carbon line receiver port, typically tcp port 2003.

Configuring a OpenTSDB Client


tsdb_enaled = True

Will enable sending stats to opentsdb.

Host and Port:

tsdb_ip = ""
tsdb_port = 4242

This will be the host and port that you are running the tsd daemon on.

Transform File:

tsdb_transform = "/etc/"

The location of the tranform file for the stats coming from a bucky server. See the section below about OptnTSDB and the transform file.

Configuring a Memcache Client


memcache_enabled = True

in your config will enable the client. You will need to specify memcache hosts in the config along with their port, typically 11211:

memcache_ip = ["", ""]

Configuring a MySQL Client

The mysql client requires you to specify a query of your own based on a schema of a table of your choosing. Once setup the '%s' in the query will become the name of the metric in your query. The behind development of the mysql client is to have a index of metric keys available for easy querying.


mysql_enabled = True

and configure the releveant options to connect to your mysql server.

Some query examples include:

mysql_query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO table VALUES('%s', NOW());"
mysql_query = "INSERT INTO table VALUES('%s', '0', '0', '0', '0') \
            ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE column=value;"

A note on OpenTSDB transforms and metrics

The bucky servers insert stats into the queue with a string describing the name of the metric. It is up to you to match these strings in the transform file to metric names you want to use

The transform file is a python dictionary. The keys will be used to match on the metric name that the client gets from the servers queue:

"cpu.0.softirq" : { "name" : "cpu.softirq", "tags" : "cpu=0 command=collectd" },

This example is a metric coming from collectd. Since we want to use one metric name for every cpu's softirq statistic gathered we change the metric to "cpu.coftirq" and add a tag to designate which cpu. The tag, command=collectd is used to add a general classification to the metric which is useful if you have multiple sources of metrics in your environment.

A note on CollectD converters

CollectD metrics aren't exactly directly translatable to Graphite metric names. The default translator attempts to make a best guess but this can result in slightly less than pretty Graphite trees.

For this reason, Bucky has configurable converters. These are keyed off the CollectD plugin name. The input to these functions is a representation of the CollectD metric that looks like such:

  'host': 'toroid.local',
  'interval': 10.0,
  'plugin': 'memory',
  'plugin_instance': '',
  'time': 1320970329.175534,
  'type': 'memory',
  'type_instance': 'inactive',
  'value': 823009280.0,
  'value_name': 'value',
  'value_type': 1

The result of this function should be a list of strings that represent part of the Graphite metric name or None to drop sample entirely. For instance, if a converter returned ["foo", "bar"], the final metric name will end up as: $prefix.$$postfix.

An example builtin converter looks like such:

# This might be how you define a converter in
# your config file

class MemoryConverter(object):
    PRIORITY = 0
    def __call__(self, sample):
        return ["memory", sample["type_instance"]]

collectd_converters = {"memory": MemoryConverter()}

Converters can either be declared and/or imported in the optional config file, or they can be autodiscovered via entry points. The entry point that is searched is "bucky.collectd.converters". The entry point name should be the CollectD plugin name.

collectd_converters in config file should be a mapping of collectd plugin name to converter instance. The default catch-all converter (used when no special converter is defined for a plugin) can be overidden by specifying _default as the plugin name.

Converters also have a notion of priority in order to resolve conflicts. This is merely a property on the callable named "PRIORITY" and larger priorities are preferred. I don't imagine this will need to be used very often, but its there just in case.