If moodle is installed using git, you don't have to use this plugin
upgrading Moodle site never been easy job, based on Moodle standar Upgrading guide, we can't copy new files over the old files, that mean we have to move all installed additional plugin to new moodle version directory, This plugin only aims to backup and restore for additional (contribonly) plugins installed on Moodle so we don't need to manually move plugins during the Moodle upgrade process. after we move the additional plugin to original folder then let moodle do the upgrade thing for those plugin if necessary
Make sure you on the root directory of installed moodle. this process will copy the additional plugin to --folder
alongsite with their metadata
in json format
for restore purposes
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khairu-aqsara/moodle_contribonly_plugin_backup/main/plugin_backups.php
chmod +x plugin_backups.php
sudo -u www-data php plugin_backups.php --destination=/var/www/html --folder=plugin_backup --mode=backup
Make sure you on the root directory of new version of installed moodle and before doing upgrade process. this process will copy the additional plugin from --folder
to new installed moodle folder based on plugin metadata rootdir
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khairu-aqsara/moodle_contribonly_plugin_backup/main/plugin_backups.php
chmod +x plugin_backups.php
sudo -u www-data php plugin_backups.php --destination=/var/www/html --folder=plugin_backup --mode=restore
example of plugin metadata
"displayname":"Structured feedback",
- Windows 10 64 Bit
- Mac Os X Big Sure
- Ubuntu Server 18,19,20
- Centos 7,8
Moodle 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11