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Testing Delphes -> EDM4hep

Setting up tests

The following environment variables are expected to be set for the following to work:

  • DELPHES_DIR: points to the Delphes install directory
  • EDM4HEP_DIR: points to the EDM4hep install directory
  • ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH: contains the podio, EDM4hep and Delphes include directories (e.g. via $EDM4HEP_DIR/include)
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: contains the podio, EDM4hep and Delphes libs (and dicts) (e.g. via $EDM4HEP_DIR/lib)

Setting up a test folder

To easily run some tests, a folder is set up and some of the Delphes examples are copied such that they can be easily changed without risking messing up the Delphes installation somehow (however unlikely).

mkdir test_delphes && cd test_delphes
mkdir cards inputs
cp ${DELPHES_DIR}/cards/delphes_card_{ILD,CMS}.tcl cards
cp ${DELPHES_DIR}/examples/Pythia8/configNoLHE.cmnd inputs

To retrieve comparable outputs the random seeds for the Delphes card and the Pythia8 configuration file are fixed. Additionally a restriction to 1000 event is put in place. This means that

set MaxEvents 1000
set RandomSeed 123

is added at the top of cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl (resp. cards/delphes_card_ILD.tcl) and

Random:setSeed = on
Random:seed = 12345

is added in the first section (1) Settings used in the main program) of inputs/configNoLHE.cmnd

Finally also copy the edm4hep output configuration to the cards directory (not strictly necessary but in this case makes for cleaner commands in the examples below)

cp path/to/EDM4hep/plugins/delphes/edm4hep_output_config.tcl cards

Generating Delphes output

A Delhpes output file is generated to have a baseline comparison for the edm4hep output. The output is generated using the following command

${DELPHES_DIR}/bin/DelphesPythia8 \
    cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl \
    inputs/configNoLHE.cmnd \

Generating edm4hep output

The corresponding edm4hep output is produced using the following command

${EDM4HEP_DIR}/bin/DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP \
    cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl \
    cards/edm4hep_output_config.tcl \
    inputs/configNoLHE.cmnd \

Generating comparison histograms

Two example macros that produce the same histograms once from a Delphes output file and once from a edm4hep output file are in EDM4hep/plugins/delphes/examples. Both take as input parameters the corresponding filename and produce a new .root file with some histograms that should ideally be equivalent (but are currently not).

root -q 'path/to/EDM4hep/plugins/delphes/examples/read_delphes.C("delphes_test_output.root")'
root -q 'path/to/EDM4hep/plugins/delphes/examples/read_edm4hep.C("edm4hep_test_output.root")'

After this the files histograms_delphes.root and histograms_edm4hep.root should be present and filled with some histograms that can be compared. The differences in the Jet energy and momentum are caused by a potential double counting of tracks and towers (see known issues).