If this is the first time you have heard of 'Docker', you should be excited! You get to learn something new! Take your time to explore and learn, and show us what you can do.
- If you haven’t already done so, take a git class in codeschool.
- Once complete, create a private repo called “yipl-docker-me” in bitbucket
- Solve the problem detailed below
- Push your code to the repo (make sure that you have multiple commits with proper messages)
- Invite [email protected] to that particular private repo
- Submit your application
Create a Dockerfile which can automate the following tasks:
- Use the alpine linux image
- Setup nginx server
- Clone the given repo https://github.com/younginnovations/internship-challenges
- Copy this folder from the cloned repo to the nginx document root folder
- Expose the port 9000 in the host and link with the default nginx port
- Push your Dockerfile to the repo.
When the docker is run, the html file should be accessible from the browser at http://localhost:9000/site/index.html
- Write the docker run command with the port mentioned in readme.md