Table of Contents
The oxide
CLI is used to access Nexus' external API, which is
the public interface to Omicron.
For more detail, refer to oxide’s CLI Manual.
The oxide
CLI can be built from the repo. We are not building and releasing binaries yet.
Run oxide auth login
to authenticate with your Oxide account. Alternatively,
will respect the OXIDE_TOKEN
environment variables.
If you find bugs or have feedback, leave it on the CLI repo.
Here’s a small demo that creates a project, creates an instance, and attaches a disk to it:
$ oxide project create myproject \
--description "My project" \
✔ Created project myproject
$ oxide instance create myinstance \
--description "My instance" \
--project myproject \
--hostname "" \
--ncpus 1 \
--memory 8
✔ Created instance myinstance in myproject
$ oxide instance view myinstance \
--project myproject \
--format json
"id": "99ad2514-050c-4493-9cb9-d9ceba980a98",
"name": "myinstance",
"description": "My instance",
"timeCreated": "2021-11-17T01:45:07.606749Z",
"timeModified": "2021-11-17T01:45:07.606749Z",
"projectId": "c197b9d2-285c-4e9f-9461-1815ef093c8d",
"ncpus": 1,
"memory": 8,
"hostname": "",
"runState": "running",
"timeRunStateUpdated": "2021-11-17T01:45:09.120652Z"
$ oxide disk create nginx \
-D "The nginx disk." \
-p myproject \
--size 10
✔ Created disk nginx in myproject
$ oxide disk view nginx \
--project myproject \
--format json
"id": "551bbe67-3640-41c9-b968-249a136e5e31",
"name": "nginx",
"description": "The nginx disk.",
"timeCreated": "2021-11-17T01:47:36.524136Z",
"timeModified": "2021-11-17T01:47:36.524136Z",
"projectId": "c197b9d2-285c-4e9f-9461-1815ef093c8d",
"snapshotId": null,
"size": 1024,
"state": {
"state": "detached"
"devicePath": "/mnt/nginx"
$ oxide disk attach nginx myinstance \
-o maze-war \
-p prod-online
✔ Attached disk nginx to instance myinstance in myproject
$ oxide instance disks myinstance \
-o maze-war \
-p prod-online \
--format json
"instanceId": "99ad2514-050c-4493-9cb9-d9ceba980a98",
"diskId": "551bbe67-3640-41c9-b968-249a136e5e31",
"diskName": "nginx",
"diskState": {
"state": "attached",
"instance": "99ad2514-050c-4493-9cb9-d9ceba980a98"
Alternatively, you can use the API command to run any endpoint. This operates like a fancy, authenticated curl.
$ oxide api --help
Makes an authenticated HTTP request to the Oxide API and prints the response.
The endpoint argument should be a path of a Oxide API endpoint.
The default HTTP request method is "GET" normally and "POST" if any parameters
were added. Override the method with `--method`.
Pass one or more `-f/--raw-field` values in "key=value" format to add static string
parameters to the request payload. To add non-string or otherwise dynamic values, see
`--field` below. Note that adding request parameters will automatically switch the
request method to POST. To send the parameters as a GET query string instead, use
`--method GET`.
The `-F/--field` flag has magic type conversion based on the format of the value:
- literal values "true", "false", "null", and integer/float numbers get converted to
appropriate JSON types;
- if the value starts with "@", the rest of the value is interpreted as a
filename to read the value from. Pass "-" to read from standard input.
Raw request body may be passed from the outside via a file specified by `--input`.
Pass "-" to read from standard input. In this mode, parameters specified via
`--field` flags are serialized into URL query parameters.
In `--paginate` mode, all pages of results will sequentially be requested until
there are no more pages of results.
oxide api [OPTIONS] <endpoint>
The endpoint to request
-d, --debug
Print debug info
[env: DEBUG=]
-f, --raw-field <RAW_FIELD>
Add a string parameter in key=value format
-F, --field <FIELD>
Add a typed parameter in key=value format
-h, --help
Print help information
-H, --header <HEADER>
Add a HTTP request header in `key:value` format
-i, --include
Include HTTP response headers in the output
--input <INPUT>
The file to use as body for the HTTP request (use "-" to read from standard input)
[default: ]
Make additional HTTP requests to fetch all pages of results
-X, --method <METHOD>
The HTTP method for the request
$ oxide api /v1/me
"id": "99ad2514-050c-4493-9cb9-d9ceba980a98"