Grok is an application for monitoring IT infrastructure and notifying on anomalous behavior.
cd ~/nta/numenta-apps
NOTE: Do not use sudo with pip.
Python dependencies are documented in requirements.txt and installed automatically with grok.
./ <site-packages in $PYTHONPATH> <somewhere in $PATH>
The first directory can be any directory on your PYTHONPATH. The second directory can be any directory on your PATH.
- e.g., ./ /opt/numenta/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ /opt/numenta/anaconda/bin/
NOTE: Remember to set APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the directory where generated Grok configuration files should be stored by python init. If not set, it presently defaults to the location of Grok configuraiton template files (e.g., grok/conf/)
You'll need to install/start MySQL server and RabbitMQ server prior to running init
python init
Review your grok configuration file and make changes as necessary.
APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH: directory path where active Grok application configuration files are located
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key
GROK_API_KEY: If defined, grok's init uses its value to initialize the [security] apikey setting in grok's application.conf; if not defined, grok's init will generate the API key automatically.
GROK_HOME: the directory path of the parent directory of the grok package directory; the pipeline code relies on this environment variable being set. The application code falls back to a computed path if GROK_HOME is not in the environment.
GROK_LOG_DIR: Directory path where application logs should be stored; application code falls back to the parent directory of grok's package directory.
JOB_NAME: Name of the build job; used by build pipeline and behavioral_tests_driver;
BUILD_NUMBER: This is set automatically by Jenkins to manage the workspace. If this is not set, the current SHA will be used by the pipeline.
WORKSPACE: This is an internal use parameter that is automatically set by Jenkins and _**should not be populated manually**_. It defines where on the machine Jenkins will checkout the repository and run the pipeline.
BUILD_WORKSPACE: This is an optional parameter. If pipeline does not find BUILD_WORKSPACE it will create one for you inside WORKSPACE as follows: ${WORKSPACE}/${BUILD_NUMBER}. Setting this env var ensures you build in a specific location if needed.
JENKINS_HOME: This is automatically set by Jenkins and should not be populated manually.
PRODUCTS: directory path of the products tree; used by the build pipeline
LOG_UPLOADER_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS Access Key for uploading log files
LOG_UPLOADER_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS Secret Access Key for uploading log files
WUFOO_URL: Wufoo form URL
WUFOO_USER: User token to be able to submit data to Wufoo
NOTIFICATIONS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS Access Key for sending email notifications
NOTIFICATIONS_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS Secret Access Key for sending email notifcations
NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER_EMAIL: Email address from which to send email notifications
REMOTE: Git remote to pull from, generally
BRANCH: Git branch to checkout, generally master
COMMIT_SHA: Git commit SHA to reset to, generally master
Individual configurations may vary. Be sure to start MySQL however best works with the installation path you followed.
rabbitmq-server -detached
If you have an old copy of grok then you need to clean up RabbitMQ queues.
rabbitmqctl stop_app rabbitmqctl reset rabbitmqctl start_app
sudo nginx -p . -c conf/grok-api.conf
supervisord -c conf/supervisord.conf
- Web App:
- Initial Setup: https://localhost/grok/welcome
- Home: https://localhost/grok
- Supervisor:
- Direct: http://localhost:9001
- HTTPS: https://localhost/supervisor
AWS Credentials needs to be setup for Grok application before running integration tests. You can either use the Grok Web UI to set those up or use Grok CLI to do the same.
Set AWS credentials from a specific file using the -d, or --data CLI options.
grok credentials GROK_SERVER_URL -d PATH_TO_FILE grok credentials GROK_SERVER_URL --data=PATH_TO_FILE
For more details refer Grok CLI readme.
Run Python unit tests:
./ -l py
Run Python integration tests:
# Prepare for integration tests by restarting supervisor # and initializing. supervisorctl shutdown python init ./bin/ standard ./bin/ supervisord -c conf/supervisord.conf # Run with --num=X option to multithread. (TODO: MER-2177) ./ -l py -i
If using homebrew:
brew install node
Install node dev/test npm module dependencies:
npm install
Run Javascript tests locally on dev laptop (Mac OS X):
open tests/js/unit/*.html
Run Javascript tests on SauceLabs Browser testing cloud (logs stored in /tmp):
export SAUCE_USERNAME=<username> export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<accesskey> ./ -l js
Complete documentation can be built using Sphinx:
python build_sphinx
Once built, docs will be in build/sphinx/html
. Periodically, you should run
and commit new .rst files that it creates:
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/ grok git add docs/*.rst git commit