Enterprise fees are most relevant to producers and hubs who are working together in sales and distribution activities. It allows costs associate with admin, packing, transport, sales and fundrasing to be allocated to different parties. For single producers, selling only their own produce, these costs are incorporated into the price of goods and shipping, so applying enterprise fees is usually not neccessary.
When an enterprise fee is applied, it will be added to the total price of the product, and customers will be able to view what percentage of the price is attributable to enterprise fees. They can do this in the store by clicking on the pie graph icon, next to each product. See below for an example.
Click **Enterprises **in the blue horizontal menu, and then click **Manage **next to your enterprise. Then, click Enterprise Fees in the menu on the left hand side.
Enterprise: In the first column, select the enterprise who will receive this fee.
**Fee Type: **Select the service that this fee applied to.
**Name:**Choose a name for this fee.
**Tax Category:**Select the appropriate tax rate.
**Calculator:**The fee can be calculated in a number of ways. Select the calculator which best applies.
Click Update, to create the enterprise fee. Once the fee has been created you can specify how the fee will be calcuated in the Calculator Values column.
**Weight (per kg) **– this fee is applied to products on a per kg basis. The fee will only be applied to products which are priced at a per kg rate, not products listed as items (e.g. A product listed as ‘1 bunch of parsley’ will not receive this fee)
**Flat Percent **– This fee is charged as a percentage of the total amount charged in the order.
**Flat Rate (per order) **– This fee is applied as standard fee to all orders, regardless of the size of the order.
Flexible Rate – This calculator is typically used for promotional discounts where you charge a reduced fee as the customer makes more purchases of that item.
- ‘First Item Cost’: The fee charged for the first item in the order.
- ‘Additional Item Cost’: The fee charged for items beyond the first item.
- ‘Max Items’: The maximum number of items on which the fee will be applied. Items purchased beyond this amount will be not be charged the fee.
For example: If the first cost is $2, Additional Item Cost is $1 and the maximum items is three. If a customer orders 5 of the item, they will be charged $2 for the first item, $1 for the second and third, and no fee for the fourht and fifth.
Flat Rate (per item) – This fee is a constant fee, applied to products listed as ‘items’. (it will not be applied to products listed as per kg, or per L)
**Price Sack **– This fee is used to charge a discount on fees for orders which exceed a certain dollar amount.
- ‘Minimum Amount’: If the order’s total is below this amount, they will be charged the ‘Normal Amount’.
- ‘Discount Amount’: Orders which are equal to or greater than the minimum amount will be charged the ‘Discount Amount’.