Whether you are a profile only user, or you intend to have an online shop, you’ll need to populate your profile. You may have already added information to your profile during the registration process, however this page will show you how to access and edit your profile at any time, and also add additional information if you have a shopfront. To access your profile information, click on Enterprises in the blue horizontal banner, and then select **Manage ** (See below).
Remember to click Update within each section to save your changes.
**Name: **This is the name of your enterprise. It will be the title of your profile and store.
**Primary Producer: **Select the producer box if your farmers market needs to add products which are ‘produced’ by your farmers market. If you do not select this option you’ll only be able to sell products that are produced by others. Farmers markets most commonly need to select this option when selling mixed boxes which they pack, that include items from multiple producers.
**Visible in Search: **If your profile is ready to go public, select visible. If you’re still making adjustments, select not visible, until you are ready.
**Permalink:**You can customize part of the web address which will host to your shop.
**Link to Shop Front: **This is the web address of your shop on the FFW. You can customize it. It will give you a preview of how the profile is looking.
**Owner: **This is the primary user responsible for this enterprise.
Notifications: This is the email address where FFW system correspondence will be directed, i.e. order confirmations etc. If this email differs from your login email, you will need to confirm the email address. Upon confirmation this email will be added as a manager (see below).
**Manager: **Other FFW users who have been granted permission to manage this account. If they don’t already have an FFW account, you can type in the new manager’s email as the notification email (see above), this will prompt them to get a confirmation email, and upon confirmation they will become a manager. If they’re already a FFW user, type their full email in the manager field.
This information will be available to the public, as your enterprise will be mapped on the FFW map.
**Contact Name: **We ask for a contact name for the FFW’s records. This name will not be displayed on your profile, but will be included in order confirmation emails.
**Email and Phone and Website: **These will be listed on your FFW profile, as a means for others to make contact with you.
**Facebook address, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter: **Links to these pages will be created on your profile.
**Short description: **This will be displayed when your profile is viewed in the list. It should be under 1-2 sentences which briefly describe what you do.
**About Us: **This is a longer description of your enterprise. It will be shown when your profile is viewed in full. It should be half to one page long.
Charge Tax?– If you wish to charge Tax for your products select ‘yes’.
**Logo image: **This will be visible when your profile is viewed in brief, as a pop up window. It will also show on your profile. This image must be square, or it will be cropped/warped.
**Promo image: **This image will run horizontally along the top of your profile page. It should be 1200 x 260 pixels in size.
* Note: The following fields are only visible to users who’ve opted to have an online shop.
Simple users can use the recommended setting. Advanced users who need greater flexibility with product management should consult the Inventory page of this guide before changing the setting.
* not visible to profile-only users
The Shipping and Payment Methods and Enterprise Fees are covered in greater detail in later chapters in this user manual.
* not visible to profile-only users
You can control the setting for customer tags by creating tag rules. For more information about this see customer accounts and tagging.
* not visible to profile-only users
Shopfront Message: This message is optional. It will be displayed at the top of your online store, above the product listings. It’s an opportunity to provide basic information to the customer about how your store works. For example, you may explain how your order cycles are structured, or any membership requirements. It could also be a friendly greeting, or a chance to promote specials. An example is below:
Shopfront Closed Message: This message will be displayed when your shopfront is closed (no active order cycle). It’s a chance to tell customers about how your ordering works, and when the shop will next be open and accepting orders.
Publicly visible shopfront?: If you select ‘public’, any shopper will be able to see your shopfront. If you select ‘visible to registered customers only’, shoppers who come to your shop will be prompted to login and only those users who are on your customers list will be given access to your shop.
Guest Orders?: If you select ‘allow guest checkout’ shoppers won’t need to login to the FFW to shop with you. If you want shoppers to login before they can place their order, select ‘require login to order’. Note the Guest Orders setting is not applicable if you have chosen ‘visible to registered customers only’ in the setting above.
Shopfront Category Ordering: The products within your store are arranged alphabetically, within their product category. You can order the product categories as you’d like them to appear, from top to bottom in your store. E.g. you may wish to have your Meat & Fish products to appear at the top, with your less important Pickles & Preserves appearing further down the shopfront.
**Sort order cycles on shopfront by: **If your shopfront will have more than one order cycle open at the same time you can select which order they appear in the shopfront. You may sorted them by closing date (closing soonest first) or by opening date (opening soonest first).