Buying groups can use the FFW to setup an online shopfront, which can be stocked with items from their various suppliers. Each supplier has a corresponding profile, so as customers are shopping, they can learn about how their food was produced and where it’s come from. Different elements of the buying group’s shop can be configured, including whether it is member-only, what kind of markup is applied, how often its order cycles repeat and what shipping methods and payment terms are offered. Using the FFW within a buying group is a great way to streamline your administration tasks and to provide a more enjoyable shopping experience.
The Farmers Market set-up guide walks through the basic elements of setting up a buying group on the FFW. ‘Farmers Market’ is a broad term used at the FFW to refer to different models that aggregate and sell source identified food. The farmers market setup guide applies to many different ‘farmers market’ models, including buying groups, so be aware that some features covered will be less relevant. As well as working through the Farmers market setup guide, check out some of the Advanced Features which are relevant to buying groups:
- The group buy tool makes it easier for buying groups to make decisions about purchasing stock which comes in bulk sizes like 10 lb boxes of bananas, or 12 bottle crates of milk. Each customer can indicate their preferred order quantity at checkout, but also the maximum amount they would be happy to buy if the group needs more orders to reach the minimum bulk order size.
- A Buying Group will often have many different people who are responsible for different parts of administering the shop. You can have multiple managers of your FFW profile and shopfront.
- Make your shopfront private so new members must be approved before they can shop with you.
- Boost the transparency of your shopfront with product properties .
- Granting discounts to certain customers such as members or volunteers (COMING SOON).
- Creating standing, recurring orders (COMING SOON)
- Bulk upload of products (COMING SOON)
- Stored payment options/wallets (COMING SOON)