The "Go To" HTTP Redirect Server for sharing dynamic shortcut URLs on your network.
Trivial to install and run. Only uses Python built-in modules. Super handy 😄 ‼
create a tab-separated values file (
) with a list of HTTP redirects.
Fields are "from path", "to URL", "added by user", and "added on datetime".
For example, given a file./redirects1.csv
/bug https://bugtracker.megacorp.local/view.cgi=${query} alice 2019-08-10 00:05:10 /hr http://human-resources.megacorp.local/login bob 2018-07-11 22:15:10 /aws carl 2019-01-05 12:35:10
Install (pick one)
pip install official release from
pip install goto-http-redirect-server
pip install latest code from github
pip install ""
Download from github and run
curl "" python --version
pip-run --use-pep517 --quiet "git+" -- \ -m goto_http_redirect_server --version
Build and install using helper scripts
git clone "" goto_http_redirect_server/tools/
Build and install
git clone "" cd goto_http_redirect_server python bdist_wheel python -m pip install --user ./dist/goto_http_redirect_server-*-py3-none-any.whl
start the Go To HTTP Redirect Server
goto_http_redirect_server --redirects ./redirects1.csv
or run as a module
python -m goto_http_redirect_server --redirects ./redirects1.csv
Requires at least Python version 3.6.
See service/
From your browser, browse to a redirect path! For example, given a network host
running goto_http_redirect_server
on port 80
, and given the
example redirects file ./redirects1.csv
above, then
in your browser, type goto/hr⏎
. Your browser will end up at
Try goto/bug?456⏎
… shows bug 456 😝❗❗
Some browsers will assume a single word host, e.g.
, is a search engine query, i.e. the browser will query Google for "goto/hr
". Type in a prepended http protocol, e.g.http://goto/hr⏎
.** -
In most corporate networks, a user's workstation will DNS search the corporate domain, e.g.
. This allows users to enter browser URLgoto/hr
which will resolve to hostgoto.local
. Sometimes workstations do not search the corporate domain due to DNS Search Order setting not including.local
. In that case, the user must specify the domain, e.g. instead of typinggoto/hr⏎
, the user must typegoto.local/hr⏎
** Mileage May Vary 😔
When the tab-separated values files are modified, this program can reload them. No service downtime!
Note during startup the Process ID (or query the host System).
Send the process signal to the running
In Unix, usekill
In Windows, usewindows-kill.exe
The runninggoto_http_redirect_server
will re-read all files passed via--redirects
- On Linux, run the script
setting variables as needed. This script needs some work, but it functions.
--reload-path /reload
as a program command-line options. -
Browse to
- See
directory for systemd service files.
Add a DNS addressable host on your network named
. Rungoto_http_redirect_server
on the host.
Network users can type in their browser address bargoto/…⏎
to easily use the "Go To" HTTP Redirect Server.** -
There are many methods to secure a running process. One method is to use
to rungoto_http_redirect_server
as a low privilege process.apt install authbind touch /etc/authbind/byport/80 chown nobody /etc/authbind/byport/80 chmod 0500 /etc/authbind/byport/80 sudo -u nobody -- authbind --deep python goto_http_redirect_server …
This is an optional setting in the systemd service.
usage: goto_http_redirect_server [--redirects REDIRECTS_FILES] [--from-to from to] [--ip IP]
[--port PORT] [--status-path STATUS_PATH]
[--reload-path RELOAD_PATH] [--redirect-code REDIRECT_CODE]
[--field-delimiter FIELD_DELIMITER]
[--status-note-file STATUS_NOTE_FILE] [--no-cache]
[--shutdown SHUTDOWN] [--log LOG] [--debug] [--version] [-?]
The "Go To" HTTP Redirect Server for sharing dynamic shortcut URLs on your network.
HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect reply server. Load this server with redirects of "from path" and
"to URL" and let it run indefinitely. Reload the running server by signaling the
process or HTTP requesting the RELOAD_PATH.
One or more required. May be passed multiple times.
File of redirects. Within a file, is one redirect entry per line. A
redirect entry is four fields: "from path", "to URL", "added by user", and
"added on datetime" separated by the FIELD_DELIMITER character.
--from-to from to A single redirect entry of "from path" and "to URL" fields. For example,
--from-to "/hr" "http://human-resources.megacorp.local/login"
Network Options:
--ip IP, -i IP IP interface to listen on. Default is .
--port PORT, -p PORT IP port to listen on. Default is 80 .
Server Options:
--status-path STATUS_PATH
The status path dumps information about the process and loaded redirects.
Default status page path is "/status".
--reload-path RELOAD_PATH
Allow reloads by HTTP GET Request to passed URL Path. e.g. --reload-path
"/reload". May be a potential security or stability issue. The program will
always allow reload by process signal. Default is off.
--redirect-code REDIRECT_CODE
Set HTTP Redirect Status Code as an integer. Most often the desired
override will be 307 (Temporary Redirect). Keep in mind, Status Code
Permanent Redirect will cause most browsers to cache the redirect. Any HTTP
Status Code could be used but odd things will happen if a value like 500 is
returned. This Status Code is only returned when a loaded redirect entry is
found and returned. Default successful redirect Status Code is 307
(Temporary Redirect).
--field-delimiter FIELD_DELIMITER
Field delimiter string for --redirects files per-line redirect entries.
Default is "\t" (ordinal 9).
--status-note-file STATUS_NOTE_FILE
Status page note: Filesystem path to a file with HTML that will be embedded
within a <div> element in the status page.
--no-cache Turn off caching. Caching will store finalized 'To:' Header URLs in process
memory. If users are expected to pass secrets (e.g. a password in a URL
parameter) then turn off caching.
--shutdown SHUTDOWN Shutdown the server after passed seconds. Intended for testing.
--log LOG Log to file at path LOG. Default logging is to sys.stderr.
--debug Set logging level to DEBUG. Default logging level is INFO.
--version Print "goto_http_redirect_server 1.2.1" and exit.
-?, -h, --help Print this help message and exit.
About Redirect Entries:
Entries found in --redirects file(s) and entries passed via --from-to are
Entries passed via --from-to override any matching "from path" entry found in
redirects files.
The "from path" field corresponds to the URI Path in the originating request.
The "to URL" field corresponds to HTTP Header "Location" in the server
Redirect reply.
A redirects file entry has four fields separated by FIELD_DELIMITER character:
"from path", "to URL", "added by user", "added on datetime".
For example,
/hr http://human-resources.megacorp.local/login bob 2019-09-07 12:00:00
The last two fields, "added by user" and "added on datetime", are intended
for record-keeping within an organization.
A passed redirect should have a leading "/" as this is the URI path given for
For example, the URL "http://host/hr" is processed as URI path "/hr".
A redirect will combine the various incoming URI parts.
For example, given redirect entry:
/b http://bug-tracker.megacorp.local/view.cgi bob 2019-09-07 12:00:00
And incoming GET or HEAD request:
will result in a redirect URL:
Redirect Entry Template Syntax ("dynamic" URLs):
Special substrings with Python string.Template syntax may be set in the
redirect entry "To" field.
First, given the URL;parm?a=A&b=B#frag
the URI parts that form a urllib.urlparse ParseResult class would be:
ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='/pa/th',
params='parm', query='a=A&b=B', fragment='frag')
So then given redirect entry:
/b http://bug-tracker.megacorp.local/view.cgi?id=${query} bob 2019-09-07 12:00:00
and the incoming GET or HEAD request:
Substring '123' is the 'query' part of the ParseResult. The resultant redirect
URL would become:
Redirect Entry Required Request Modifiers:
Ending the Redirect Entry "from path" field with various URI separators allows
preferences for which Redirect Entry to use. The purpose is to allow
preferring a different Redirect Entry depending upon the users request.
Given redirect entries:
/b? http://bug-tracker.megacorp.local/view.cgi?id=${query} bob 2019-09-07 12:00:00
/b http://bug-tracker.megacorp.local/main bob 2019-09-07 12:00:00
and the incoming GET or HEAD request:
This will choose the first Redirect Entry and return 'Location' header
Whereas the incoming GET or HEAD request:
This will choose the second Redirect Entry and return 'Location' header
The example combination sends a basic request for '/b' to some static page and
a particular query request '/b?123' to a particular query path.
Failed matches will "fallback" to the basic Redirect Entry, e.g. the Entry
without any Required Request Modifiers.
A Redirect Entry with Required Request Modifier will not match a request
without such a modifier.
Given redirect entries:
/b? http://bug-tracker.megacorp.local/view.cgi?id=${query} bob 2019-09-07 12:00:00
and the incoming GET or HEAD request:
will return 404 NOT FOUND.
Required Request Modifiers must be at the end of the "from path" field string.
Required Request Modifiers strings are:
';' for user requests with a parameter.
'?' for user requests with a query.
';?' for user requests with a parameter and a query.
About Redirect Files:
A line with a leading "#" will be ignored.
About Reloads:
Sending a process signal to the running process will cause
a reload of any files passed via --redirects. This allows live updating of
redirect information without disrupting the running server process.
On Unix, the signal is SIGUSR1. On Windows, the signal is SIGBREAK.
On this system, the signal is Signals.SIGUSR1 (10).
On Unix, use program `kill`. On Windows, use program `windows-kill.exe`.
A reload of redirect files may also be requested via passed URL path
About Paths:
Options --status-path and --reload-path may be passed paths to obscure access
from unauthorized users. e.g.
--status-path '/62aa687a-c75d-47a5-b76f-4e33ea776e4b'
About this program:
Underlying caching is so HTTP Redirect responses are a little bit faster.
Modules used are available within the standard CPython distribution.
Written for Python 3.7 but hacked to run with at least Python 3.6.
This project is released under an MIT License granted by Dell Incorporated's Open Source Project program. All project contributions are entirely reflective of the respective author(s) and not of Dell Inc.
Some portions of Javascript code in this project are subject to a separate MIT License.