Based on
A Docker host (such as CoreOS and RedHat Atomic Host) usually is a minimal OS without Gluster client package. If you want to mount a Gluster filesystem, it is quite hard to do it on the host.
I just worked out a solution to create a Super Privileged Container and run mount in the SPC's namespace but create the mount in host's namespace.
The idea is to inject my own mount before mount(2) is called, so we can reset the namespace, thank Colin for the mount patch idea.
But since I don't want to patch any existing util, I followed Sage Weil's suggestion and used ld.preload instead. This idea can thus be applied to gluster, nfs, cephfs, and so on, once we update the switch here
The code is at my repo. Docker image is jsafrane/glusterfs-mounter
First pull my Docker image
# docker pull jsafrane/glusterfs-mounter
Then run the image in Super Privileged Container mode
# docker run --privileged -d --net=host -v /dev:/dev -v /mnt:/mnt -v /proc:/host/proc -v /run:/run -e HOSTPROCPATH=/host jsafrane/glusterfs-mounter
Use the container to run the mount, note the /mnt/test is in host's name space
# docker exec mount -t glusterfs <your_gluster_brick>:<your_gluster_volueme> /mnt/test
Finally, you can check on your Docker host to see this gluster fs mount at /mnt/test.