This is an userscript which can be used with userscript browser addons like Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey or alike.
The script retrieves all orders which have been made on order pages.
- Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey or alike browser userscript addons
Copy the contents of the js file in a new userscript. Some userscript extensions might already detect the userscript headers and ask to paste/create a userscript.
In order to then use the addon, login to Gog and navigate to the order page after the script is installed and active:
- For example in German: (other languages should work too.)
In the console of the developer tools of the browser, usually the function key "F12)" - you will see the following message in case everything is setup fine and you are on der order page:
Log info message: gogtools-whatItsWorth: Ready.
and the usage as follows is displayed to.
The script has currently the following controls:
Shift + A
: [A]utomated order page requests - or continue if not finished.Shift + S
: [S]ummary display of gathered dataShift + J
: [J]son data output to process furtherShift + C
: [C]lear and reset order informations and statistics.
There are some settings in the userscript, from line 14 to 24 - which you can alter if you are keen to do so:
currencySymbol: '€', # Currency to display
currencyFormat: 'de-DE', # Currency format
minFractionDigits: 2, # Minimum digits after zero
maxFractionDigits: 2, # Maximum digits after zero
currencyStringFormat: '{value} {symbol}', # {value} is replaced by value, {symbol} by currency symbol
showItemStats: false, # If "true" show stats for each item
showSummary: true, # If "true", shows summary after scraping
confirmCrawl: false, # If "true", confirm each order page crawl
crawlTimeoutSeconds: 3, # Pause in between crawls
collectData: true # Should the json data be populated for further processing, for each order item