The server keeps a list of the last blocks in the mainchain. Using that list, it generates data that it sends to the client to be rendered.
The list of blocks (the blockchain) is kept by lib/history.js
, a fragment:
var MAX_HISTORY = 2000;
var MAX_UNCLES = 1000;
var MAX_BINS = 40;
var History = function History(data)
this._items = [];
this._callback = null;
The callback function, if defined, is called when the data is changed, ie, a new block arrived to be processed.
A list of times to produce a new block, ordered by ascending height.
A list of block difficulty, ordered by ascending height.
A list of times (delta 0.5 seconds), counting the number of blocks that propagate in that interval. Each block has many propagation times, one per reached node.
A list of miners ids, that mined the blocks in the current history.
Count of uncles, in the current block history. Each count is the sum of uncle counts in 25 blocks.
Number of transactions in the last blocks in current history.
Gas amount spent in each executed block.
Gas limit per block in history.
The number of the best mined block added to the main chain.
Number of uncles in current block vs count of uncles in last 50 blocks.
Time elapsed from last mined block.
Sum of block times divided by number of blocks in history.
Difficulty of best block divided by average of block time (time since previous block)
Last block difficulty.
Number of active nodes vs number of total nodes.
Gas price in node with best block.
Gas limit in best block.
Latency obtaining data.
Percentage of nodes uptime.